GoS EUROPE x3: Won by SHDWS (September 2022 – December 2022)


Game world information

Game world: GoS EUROPE x3
Round: I (1)
Travian Version: T4.6 Glory of Sparta
Map size: 401×401
Speed: x3
Troop speed: x2

Game world progression

Start date
12.09.2022, 15:00 UTC+1

First to settle 2nd village
Django, 13.09.2022
First artefact conqured by
End date
01.12.2022, 22:00 UTC+0

Age of the game world
80 days

Total numbers of created accounts
9.146 accounts


01_150__0002_TribeRanking_Roman.png.png 16,2%
01_150__0003_TribeRanking_Teuton.png.png 7,4%
01_150__0001_TribeRanking_Gaul.png.png 15,6%
01_150__0005_TribeRanking_Egyptian.png.png 14,9%
01_150__0004_TribeRanking_Hun.png.png 5,1%
03_150_0031_TribeRanking_Spartan.png 40,8%

The 10 most successful alliances

Victory Points
Roman_Numerals_1.png SHDWS 60 23 1.333.490
Roman_Numerals_2.png Sun 60 25 1.115.375
Roman_Numerals_3.png DAWN 60 11 535.154
Roman_Numerals_4.png HOWL 59 7 275.043
Roman_Numerals_5.png FN4F2 45 3 162.211
Roman_Numerals_6.png WOLF 60 4 155.991
Roman_Numerals_7.png ???? 45 2 100.916
Roman_Numerals_8.png 301 43 2 93.505
Roman_Numerals_9.png Тень 45 1 79.856
Roman_Numerals_10.png S&M 33 2 75.761


Regional Population
Territorial Control
Nemausus (The trainers slight talent II) DAWN 62.354 98,24%
Lilybaeum (Great diet control IV) Sun 17.482 95,01%
Eburacum (The slight titan boots I) HOWL 79.510 91,39%
Hispalis (Rivals great confusion III) Sun 58.745 91,27%
Carthago (The slight titan boots II) Sun 72.176 91,01%
Brundisium (Great storage masterplan I) DAWN 48.354 90,59%
Mogontiacum (The eagles slight eyes VI) DAWN 64.022 90,09%
Massalia (Increased victory point production) Sun 24.773 89,98%
Cyrene (The great titan boots II) 301 108.226 89,9%
Bagacum (The eagles great eyes II) DAWN 44.396 89,78%
Sparta (Increased victory point production) SHDWS 52.418 86,26%
Epidaurum (Rivals slight confusion II) S&M 36.687 85,89%
Argentorate (Slight storage masterplan II) DAWN 44.310 85,59%
Tarsus (Rivals slight confusion III) SHDWS 45.816 84,71%
Athens (Great storage masterplan III) SHDWS 15.314 84,09%
Londinium (Increased victory point production) HOWL 39.090 83,87%
Augustodunum (The great titan boots IV) DAWN 50.275 83,62%
Corinium (Slight storage masterplan V) HOWL 116.494 83,26%
Alalie (The architects’ slight secret I) Sun 13.366 83,18%
Teutones (Unique diet control) DAWN 22.671 82,83%
Rusicadae (The architects unique secret) Sun 34.486 82,75%
Saguntum (The architects’ slight secret II) Sun+ 52.805 82,34%
Apollonia (The eagles slight eyes V) WOLF 47.995 82,18%
Athribis (Great diet control II) SHDWS 13.078 82,01%
Olisipo (Increased victory point production) Sun 23.594 81,66%
Corduba (The trainers slight talent III) Sun 36.074 81,26%
Treverorum (The architects’ slight secret IV) DAWN 21.241 80,37%
Rusadir (Increased victory point production) Sun 77.667 80,27%
Petra (The eagles great eyes I) SHDWS 36.501 80,25%
Syracusae (The architects’ great secret II) Sun 21.038 79,76%
Caralis (The eagles great eyes III) Sun 52.557 79,31%
Tolosa (Slight diet control VI) Sun 44.372 78,8%
Emerita Augusta (Rivals unique confusion) Sun 78.565 78,33%
Burdigala (The trainers great talent I) Sun 31.364 78,26%
Carthago Nova (The great titan boots III) Sun 23.872 77,61%
Philippopolis (Increased victory point production) SHDWS 48.478 77,37%
Apollonia Pontica (The trainers slight talent V) SHDWS 64.117 77,27%
Durnonovaria (The trainers slight talent VI) HOWL 31.122 76,61%
Narbo (Great storage masterplan IV) Sun 22.616 75,84%
Hippo Regius (The trainers great talent IV) Sun 24.488 75,07%
Hibernia (The eagles unique eyes) HOWL 98.817 74,8%
Vandali (The slight titan boots IV) SHDWS 116.888 74,76%
Scythia (The architects’ slight secret III) FN4F2 80.627 74,56%
Delphi (The trainers great talent III) SHDWS 27.913 73,68%
Tyras (The unique titan boots) SHDWS 32.384 73,03%
Cherusci (Increased victory point production) DAWN 92.499 72,88%
Ancyra (The eagles slight eyes II) WOLF 49.374 71,39%
Caesarea (Slight storage masterplan IV) Sun 67.047 70,69%
Alexandria (Slight storage masterplan III) SHDWS 33.060 70,61%
Marcomanni (The trainers slight talent IV) HOWL1 141.860 69,75%
Theodosia (Rivals slight confusion IV) FN4F2 87.861 69,16%
Burgundi (The architects’ slight secret VI) DAWN 71.265 68,87%
Lepcis Magna (The trainers slight talent I) 301 102.590 68,34%
Samothrace (Rivals great confusion II) SHDWS 14.693 68,33%
Halicarnassos (The slight titan boots VI) WOLF 75.329 67,85%
Jerusalem (Increased victory point production) SHDWS 13.660 67,19%
Segestica (Slight diet control I) Тень 145.193 66,84%
Berzobis (The great titan boots I) ???? 85.419 66,57%
Venedae (Slight diet control III) SHDWS 131.581 66,45%
Pisae (The eagles slight eyes IV) SHDWS 47.566 65,57%
Caledonia (The architects’ great secret III) HOWL 119.171 64,49%
Bastarnae (Increased victory point production) SHDWS 115.381 63,77%
Aquileia (Rivals great confusion IV) SHDWS 39.088 63,69%
Iconium (Slight diet control V) SHDWS 60.066 63,35%
Girba (Slight diet control IV) Sun 51.013 63,32%
Salona (Increased victory point production) SHDWS 31.144 61,79%
Hyperborea (Increased victory point production) SHDWS 128.039 61,78%
Ravenna (The slight titan boots V) DAWN 111.606 61,15%
Pictavium (The eagles slight eyes I) MB 67.943 60,88%
Ulpiana (Slight storage masterplan VI) S&M 57.506 60,67%
Thebes (Great storage masterplan II) SHDWS 35.020 60,64%
Volubilis (The eagles slight eyes III) Sun 64.470 60,54%
Segovia (The slight titan boots III) Sun 102.919 59,8%
Numantia (Slight storage masterplan I) Sun 88.690 59,69%
Sarmatia (The eagles great eyes IV) FN4F2 110.104 59,57%
Cimbri (Rivals slight confusion I) HOWL 126.760 59,41%
Memphis (The architects’ slight secret V) SHDWS 12.000 59,33%
Mediolanum (Rivals slight confusion VI) Sun 27.621 59,2%
Tarraco (Rivals slight confusion V) Sun 31.704 58,95%
Paraitonion (The trainers unique talent) WOLF 34.107 58,93%
Emporiae (The architects’ great secret IV) Sun 13.478 58,34%
Byzantinum (The architects’ great secret I) SHDWS 23.033 58,34%
Gherla (Great diet control I) ???? 92.553 57,48%
Castra Regina (Great diet control III) DAWN 32.422 49,31%
Mursa (The trainers great talent II) Тень 75.189 42,47%
Lutetia (Slight diet control II) DAWN 28.959 38,88%
Ammon (Rivals great confusion I) Тень 25.564 37,25%

The 10 largest players

Roman_Numerals_1.png Stepp Brothers SHDWS 61.839 62
Roman_Numerals_2.png Vae Victis SHDWS 55.415 57
Roman_Numerals_3.png Agrippa SHDWS 52.129 53
Roman_Numerals_4.png I980808 DAWN 48.113 44
Roman_Numerals_5.png Karl&Resident SHDWS 47.850 45
Roman_Numerals_6.png Hamsters SHDWS 46.628 51
Roman_Numerals_7.png Marshmallow SHDWS 44.378 43
Roman_Numerals_8.png Umbrella SHDWS 43.898 44
Roman_Numerals_9.png Retro SHDWS 43.341 45
Roman_Numerals_10.png Hopeless DAWN 41.291 41

The 10 most successful attackers

Roman_Numerals_1.png Stepp Brothers 10.367.974
Roman_Numerals_2.png Bugs Bunny 3.392.114
Roman_Numerals_3.png Vae Victis 2.522.529
Roman_Numerals_4.png Its me 2.405.993
Roman_Numerals_5.png Gullfaks 2.152.653
Roman_Numerals_6.png Фрукты & ягодка 2.135.273
Roman_Numerals_7.png KaMYoNCu SCHoW 2.118.934
Roman_Numerals_8.png смертьнесущий 1.892.977
Roman_Numerals_9.png GoSu 1.889.010
Roman_Numerals_10.png Vinny 1.851.146

The 10 most successful defenders

Roman_Numerals_1.png Ckvora 4.281.075
Roman_Numerals_2.png Nettle 3.733.788
Roman_Numerals_3.png Pompei 2.686.658
Roman_Numerals_4.png Mirelle 1.800.950
Roman_Numerals_5.png KSV 1.320.949
Roman_Numerals_6.png Na rasslabone 1.230.144
Roman_Numerals_7.png Umbrella 1.076.681
Roman_Numerals_8.png Treavytix 1.026.050
Roman_Numerals_9.png Vae Victis 1.023.452
Roman_Numerals_10.png Jakezz 976.554

The 10 most experienced heroes

Roman_Numerals_1.png Stepp Brothers 660 10.912.648
Roman_Numerals_2.png Nettle 457 5.252.951
Roman_Numerals_3.png Ckvora 415 4.320.428
Roman_Numerals_4.png Vae Victis 363 3.304.129
Roman_Numerals_5.png Bugs Bunny 334 2.804.950
Roman_Numerals_6.png KaMYoNCu SCHoW 312 2.446.959
Roman_Numerals_7.png Gullfaks 306 2.356.613
Roman_Numerals_8.png Фрукты & ягодка 303 2.311.224
Roman_Numerals_9.png tarakan4 293 2.158.561
Roman_Numerals_10.png Its me 293 2.158.115

The 10 largest alliances

Roman_Numerals_1.png SHDWS 60 24.487 1.469.198
Roman_Numerals_2.png Sun 60 18.530 1.111.778
Roman_Numerals_3.png DAWN 60 15.685 941.114
Roman_Numerals_4.png HOWL 59 11.867 700.147
Roman_Numerals_5.png WOLF 60 9.843 590.563
Roman_Numerals_6.png Тень 45 9.859 443.667
Roman_Numerals_7.png FN4F2 45 8.272 372.255
Roman_Numerals_8.png ???? 45 7.699 346.433
Roman_Numerals_9.png HOWL1 35 8.460 296.085
Roman_Numerals_10.png Sun+ 33 8.149 268.918

The 10 best alliances (attack)

Roman_Numerals_1.png SHDWS 50.535.550
Roman_Numerals_2.png Sun 24.404.898
Roman_Numerals_3.png DAWN 18.574.849
Roman_Numerals_4.png HOWL 12.535.233
Roman_Numerals_5.png WOLF 7.884.375
Roman_Numerals_6.png DARK 6.120.560
Roman_Numerals_7.png HOWL1 4.923.473
Roman_Numerals_8.png 301 4.770.279
Roman_Numerals_9.png MB 4.506.222
Roman_Numerals_10.png S&M 3.848.863

The 10 best alliances (defense)

Roman_Numerals_1.png SHDWS 20.766.815
Roman_Numerals_2.png DAWN 20.026.211
Roman_Numerals_3.png WOLF 12.688.237
Roman_Numerals_4.png Sun 12.003.961
Roman_Numerals_5.png MB 7.559.440
Roman_Numerals_6.png HOWL 6.958.091
Roman_Numerals_7.png S&M 6.689.975
Roman_Numerals_8.png FN4F2 6.538.072
Roman_Numerals_9.png DARK 5.538.866
Roman_Numerals_10.png HOWL1 4.889.350

The 10 greatest romans

Roman_Numerals_1.png Eva 36.135 39 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_2.png Bugs Bunny 29.604 33 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_3.png BOBAC 27.305 31 Тень
Roman_Numerals_4.png lucky pluto 25.991 30 Sun
Roman_Numerals_5.png LeonFF 25.948 28 Тень
Roman_Numerals_6.png damadeferro 24.856 26 ????
Roman_Numerals_7.png БРАТ 24.506 28 Sun
Roman_Numerals_8.png nikiyaept 24.481 30 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_9.png Tork 23.015 26 Тень
Roman_Numerals_10.png TSARIST 22.000 30 Sun

The 10 greatest teutons

Roman_Numerals_1.png Svarog 35.980 42 DAWN
Roman_Numerals_2.png dyk G. 28.791 30 WOLF
Roman_Numerals_3.png Raanan 27.492 33 Sun
Roman_Numerals_4.png Stinkender Elch 25.661 25 DAWN
Roman_Numerals_5.png CMC 24.805 28 S&M
Roman_Numerals_6.png смертьнесущий 21.970 27 Sun
Roman_Numerals_7.png Фантик 20.279 24 Тень
Roman_Numerals_8.png Ghostosin 19.705 22 DAWN
Roman_Numerals_9.png erix1 19.029 19 WOLF
Roman_Numerals_10.png Loki 17.839 20 Тень

The 10 greatest gauls

Roman_Numerals_1.png Agrippa 52.129 53 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_2.png Karl&Resident 47.850 45 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_3.png Marshmallow 44.378 43 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_4.png Retro 43.341 45 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_5.png Hopeless 41.291 41 DAWN
Roman_Numerals_6.png Onsos 33.412 39 DAWN
Roman_Numerals_7.png Пивчик 31.503 37 Sun
Roman_Numerals_8.png Dream Team 29.730 27 HOWL
Roman_Numerals_9.png Nettle 28.672 35 Sun
Roman_Numerals_10.png tarakan4 26.787 35 Sun

The 10 greatest egyptians

Roman_Numerals_1.png Hamsters 46.628 51 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_2.png Umbrella 43.898 44 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_3.png VeryBigFish 35.636 42 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_4.png Gullfaks 30.931 36 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_5.png Its me 29.126 36 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_6.png Zarex 28.454 32 DAWN
Roman_Numerals_7.png I am 26.887 32 Sun
Roman_Numerals_8.png VILL 26.255 28 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_9.png Mirelle 25.656 34 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_10.png inkognito 25.277 30 SHDWS

The 10 greatest huns

Roman_Numerals_1.png Stepp Brothers 61.839 62 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_2.png Vae Victis 55.415 57 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_3.png Asterix 38.046 42 Sun
Roman_Numerals_4.png HIT 36.657 39 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_5.png Dragons 33.872 38 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_6.png Hollywood 33.060 37 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_7.png Boltushko 32.479 37 Sun
Roman_Numerals_8.png Senya_Ganjebas 28.097 35 Sun
Roman_Numerals_9.png ХубаБуба 26.246 33 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_10.png WARKSV 20.204 22 SHDWS

The 10 greatest spartans

Roman_Numerals_1.png I980808 48.113 44 DAWN
Roman_Numerals_2.png Aivengos 36.003 36 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_3.png Il_principe 34.411 37 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_4.png Insomnia 32.586 37 Sun
Roman_Numerals_5.png Edval 32.124 34 Sun
Roman_Numerals_6.png Tutaya 31.291 37 Тень
Roman_Numerals_7.png DoNotDisturb 25.969 30 SHDWS
Roman_Numerals_8.png darkmi 25.638 28 Sun
Roman_Numerals_9.png ItAgZ 24.991 29 Sun
Roman_Numerals_10.png stacho 24.262 24 HOWL1