GoS AMERICA x1: Won by HO (September 2022 – March 2023)

Game world information

Game world: GoS AMERICA x1
Round: I (1)
Travian Version: T4.6 Glory of Sparta
Map size: 401×401
Speed: x1
Troop speed: x1

Game world progression

Start date
05.09.2022, 17:00 UTC+1

First to settle 2nd village
S1mple, 10.09.2022
First artefact conqured by
End date
04.03.2023, 16:00 UTC+0

Age of the game world
180 days

Total numbers of created accounts
4.271 accounts


01_150__0002_TribeRanking_Roman.png.png 12,5%
01_150__0003_TribeRanking_Teuton.png.png 5,2%
01_150__0001_TribeRanking_Gaul.png.png 21,7%
01_150__0005_TribeRanking_Egyptian.png.png 18,3%
01_150__0004_TribeRanking_Hun.png.png 4,0%
03_150_0031_TribeRanking_Spartan.png 38,2%

The 10 most successful alliances

Victory Points
Roman_Numerals_1.png HO 52 54 5.973.148
Roman_Numerals_2.png CRL 55 20 1.671.280
Roman_Numerals_3.png HMB 18 6 583.887
Roman_Numerals_4.png ROTA 19 0 209.604
Roman_Numerals_5.png 屮TNS屮 19 0 67.041
Roman_Numerals_6.png ROTA+ 23 0 51.533
Roman_Numerals_7.png OLP 12 0 22.509
Roman_Numerals_8.png Wild 1 0 11.016
Roman_Numerals_9.png F.A 1 0 7.948
Roman_Numerals_10.png PSYOP 6 0 6.064


Regional Population
Territorial Control
Tolosa (Slight diet control VI) HO 18.163 100%
Thebes (Great storage masterplan II) HMB 15.189 100%
Marcomanni (The trainers slight talent IV) HO 12.225 100%
Theodosia (Rivals slight confusion IV) HO 10.744 100%
Burdigala (The trainers great talent I) HO 9.914 100%
Corduba (The trainers slight talent III) HO 9.203 100%
Carthago (The slight titan boots II) HO 9.174 100%
Emerita Augusta (Rivals unique confusion) HO 8.553 100%
Massalia (Increased victory point production) HO 7.665 100%
Narbo (Great storage masterplan IV) HO 7.566 100%
Hispalis (Rivals great confusion III) HO 7.501 100%
Jerusalem (Increased victory point production) HO 6.881 100%
Tarraco (Rivals slight confusion V) HO 6.774 100%
Emporiae (The architects’ great secret IV) HO 5.881 100%
Paraitonion (The trainers unique talent) CRL 5.511 100%
Durnonovaria (The trainers slight talent VI) HO 4.658 100%
Saguntum (The architects’ slight secret II) HO 4.634 100%
Alexandria (Slight storage masterplan III) CRL 2.296 100%
Castra Regina (Great diet control III) HO 15.812 99,69%
Mediolanum (Rivals slight confusion VI) HO 14.504 99,68%
Numantia (Slight storage masterplan I) HO 16.630 97,98%
Segovia (The slight titan boots III) HO 17.342 96,05%
Bastarnae (Increased victory point production) HO 15.327 95,36%
Vandali (The slight titan boots IV) HO 13.771 94,83%
Nemausus (The trainers slight talent II) HO 10.749 94,54%
Apollonia (The eagles slight eyes V) CRL 16.667 93,7%
Scythia (The architects’ slight secret III) HO 17.549 93,13%
Ancyra (The eagles slight eyes II) CRL 26.915 92,98%
Ulpiana (Slight storage masterplan VI) CRL 9.899 92,43%
Carthago Nova (The great titan boots III) HO 9.921 91,45%
Iconium (Slight diet control V) CRL 45.718 91,12%
Burgundi (The architects’ slight secret VI) HO 6.483 90,82%
Ammon (Rivals great confusion I) HMB 5.875 90,62%
Rusicadae (The architects unique secret) CRL 5.042 90,21%
Cimbri (Rivals slight confusion I) HMB 35.591 90,01%
Tyras (The unique titan boots) HO 38.680 88,73%
Syracusae (The architects’ great secret II) CRL 4.681 87,56%
Mogontiacum(The eagles slight eyes VI) HO 20.499 87,46%
Lepcis Magna (The trainers slight talent I) CRL 5.505 89,44%
Lutetia (Slight diet control II) HO 30.738 89,22%
Pictavium (The eagles slight eyes I) HO 18.321 86,63%
Ravenna (The slight titan boots V) CRL 43.352 86,08%
Hyperborea (Increased victory point production) HMB 74.369 85,55%
Olisipo (Increased victory point production) HO 8.571 84,75%
Augustodunum (The great titan boots IV) HO 23.781 84,53%
Cyrene (The great titan boots II) HO 6.957 83,22%
Aquileia (Rivals great confusion IV) HO 12.868 82,22%
Athens (Great storage masterplan III) CRL 6.115 81,39%
Bagacum (The eagles great eyes II) HO 37.526 79,78%
Cherusci (Increased victory point production) HO 45.595 79,47%
Hippo Regius (The trainers great talent IV) HO 6.536 77,32%
Byzantinum (The architects’ great secret I) CRL 17.260 77,06%
Caralis (The eagles great eyes III) HO 17.106 76,65%
Apollonia Pontica (The trainers slight talent V) CRL 21.765 76,59%
Girba (Slight diet control IV) HO 7.420 74,15%
Delphi (The trainers great talent III) CRL 15.449 73,61%
Teutones (Unique diet control) HO 4.682 73,29%
Epidaurum (Rivals slight confusion II) CRL 3.490 71,14%
Memphis (The architects’ slight secret V) HMB 23.348 69,06%
Corinium (Slight storage masterplan V) HO 5.331 67,68%
Alalie (The architects’ slight secret I) CRL 1.975 67,43%
Treverorum (The architects’ slight secret IV) HO 9.631 67,34%
Samothrace (Rivals great confusion II) CRL 10.662 67,32%
Londinium (Increased victory point production) HO 6.583 67,32%
Argentorate (Slight storage masterplan II) HO 11.385 67,18%
Petra (The eagles great eyes I) HO 3.074 66,46%
Rusadir (Increased victory point production) HO 13.282 66,13%
Segestica (Slight diet control I) HO 6.332 64,49%
Pisae (The eagles slight eyes IV) HO 8.900 62,96%
Sarmatia (The eagles great eyes IV) HO 18.475 62,45%
Tarsus (Rivals slight confusion III) CRL 6.301 61,96%
Caesarea (Slight storage masterplan IV) HO 17.729 61,9%
Philippopolis (Increased victory point production) CRL 11.921 60,88%
Sparta (Increased victory point production) HO 40.297 60,61%
Brundisium (Great storage masterplan I) HO 9.095 57,6%
Lilybaeum (Great diet control IV) CRL 3.174 56,91%
Gherla (Great diet control I) HO 24.165 53,52%
Venedae (Slight diet control III) HO 43.362 53,06%
Berzobis (The great titan boots I) HO 4.700 51,32%
Athribis (Great diet control II) HMB 12.281 50%
Volubilis (The eagles slight eyes III) CRL 13.724 49,03%
Hibernia (The eagles unique eyes) ROTA 1.843 45,36%
Halicarnassos (The slight titan boots VI) HO 11.081 43,05%
Mursa (The trainers great talent II) Wild 4.278 42,42%
Caledonia (The architects’ great secret III) HO 5.046 40,16%
Salona (Increased victory point production) CRL 2.286 34,38%
Eburacum (The slight titan boots I) CRL 5.855 22,27%

The 10 largest players

Roman_Numerals_1.png Sriracha HO 38.414 38
Roman_Numerals_2.png SickNTwisted HO 34.589 35
Roman_Numerals_3.png Frankoman HO 33.669 32
Roman_Numerals_4.png Haxxore HO 32.986 32
Roman_Numerals_5.png The Last Dab HO 29.360 31
Roman_Numerals_6.png Arminio HO 27.083 27
Roman_Numerals_7.png Infernum HO 26.893 29
Roman_Numerals_8.png Aquiles016 HO 24.488 26
Roman_Numerals_9.png Daltharin HO 24.035 29
Roman_Numerals_10.png notre HO 23.269 27

The 10 most successful attackers

Roman_Numerals_1.png Haxxore 2.094.419
Roman_Numerals_2.png The Last Dab 839.809
Roman_Numerals_3.png Potters 735.619
Roman_Numerals_4.png Zyra 639.123
Roman_Numerals_5.png Sriracha 569.656
Roman_Numerals_6.png Euro4ever 477.674
Roman_Numerals_7.png notre 444.879
Roman_Numerals_8.png Donna 426.117
Roman_Numerals_9.png bigrainbowhead 395.012
Roman_Numerals_10.png Muhannadmaq 353.353

The 10 most successful defenders

Roman_Numerals_1.png Sriracha 791.547
Roman_Numerals_2.png Bentogulla 588.730
Roman_Numerals_3.png El GUapo 579.928
Roman_Numerals_4.png Zair 455.115
Roman_Numerals_5.png Coringa 408.672
Roman_Numerals_6.png Zyra 397.633
Roman_Numerals_7.png Hefestos 354.346
Roman_Numerals_8.png SickNTwisted 304.457
Roman_Numerals_9.png Boi Zueiro 269.437
Roman_Numerals_10.png Boi cansado 262.532

The 10 most experienced heroes

Roman_Numerals_1.png Haxxore 252 1.597.722
Roman_Numerals_2.png Sriracha 212 1.139.188
Roman_Numerals_3.png The Last Dab 189 903.863
Roman_Numerals_4.png Potters 178 799.381
Roman_Numerals_5.png Zyra 156 612.736
Roman_Numerals_6.png SickNTwisted 153 590.941
Roman_Numerals_7.png Donna 147 544.843
Roman_Numerals_8.png bigrainbowhead 145 530.930
Roman_Numerals_9.png notre 141 506.002
Roman_Numerals_10.png Hefestos 140 497.634

The 10 largest alliances

Roman_Numerals_1.png HO 52 16.290 847.075
Roman_Numerals_2.png CRL 55 8.729 480.121
Roman_Numerals_3.png HMB 18 10.859 195.458
Roman_Numerals_4.png ROTA+ 23 2.149 49.418
Roman_Numerals_5.png ROTA 19 2.523 47.945
Roman_Numerals_6.png 屮TNS屮 19 2.228 42.337
Roman_Numerals_7.png OLP 12 1.282 15.386
Roman_Numerals_8.png ROTA# 5 2.237 11.186
Roman_Numerals_9.png F.A 1 8.073 8.073
Roman_Numerals_10.png Wild 1 7.031 7.031

The 10 best alliances (attack)

Roman_Numerals_1.png HO 19.693.688
Roman_Numerals_2.png CRL 2.721.753
Roman_Numerals_3.png ROTA 2.536.696
Roman_Numerals_4.png HMB 1.001.040
Roman_Numerals_5.png 屮TNS屮 754.295
Roman_Numerals_6.png ROTA+ 704.887
Roman_Numerals_7.png ROTA# 680.895
Roman_Numerals_8.png OLP 396.949
Roman_Numerals_9.png PSYOP 308.174
Roman_Numerals_10.png -TNS- 304.734

The 10 best alliances (defense)

Roman_Numerals_1.png CRL 5.540.614
Roman_Numerals_2.png HO 5.080.780
Roman_Numerals_3.png ROTA 1.690.942
Roman_Numerals_4.png HMB 727.871
Roman_Numerals_5.png 屮TNS屮 687.637
Roman_Numerals_6.png ROTA+ 663.322
Roman_Numerals_7.png OLP 409.553
Roman_Numerals_8.png CHAOS 361.305
Roman_Numerals_9.png PSYOP 175.590
Roman_Numerals_10.png ROTA# 167.495

The 10 greatest romans

Roman_Numerals_1.png Arminio 27.083 27 HO
Roman_Numerals_2.png Bow Hunter 21.222 26 HMB
Roman_Numerals_3.png dsa 18.732 21 HO
Roman_Numerals_4.png OSORIO 17.398 20 CRL
Roman_Numerals_5.png Whisper 16.296 24 HO
Roman_Numerals_6.png Boi Native 15.327 19 CRL
Roman_Numerals_7.png Haywood 13.971 20 HMB
Roman_Numerals_8.png Julius Caesar 10.419 14 HO
Roman_Numerals_9.png Kurosaki Ichigo 9.013 14 CRL
Roman_Numerals_10.png Sloth 8.402 14 HO

The 10 greatest teutons

Roman_Numerals_1.png Boi daCaraPreta 13.953 18 CRL
Roman_Numerals_2.png Koopa 11.603 13 HO
Roman_Numerals_3.png grizman31 11.477 14 HMB
Roman_Numerals_4.png Boi 11.153 18 CRL
Roman_Numerals_5.png CallmeSenpai 10.509 15 CRL
Roman_Numerals_6.png pozole_verde 10.453 12 HMB
Roman_Numerals_7.png Coringa 9.941 16 CRL
Roman_Numerals_8.png MindingoRebelde 5.413 12 CRL
Roman_Numerals_9.png Leif 2.450 4 ROTA+
Roman_Numerals_10.png Boi Garantido 2.196 5

The 10 greatest gauls

Roman_Numerals_1.png Sriracha 38.414 38 HO
Roman_Numerals_2.png SickNTwisted 34.589 35 HO
Roman_Numerals_3.png Donna 19.449 25 HO
Roman_Numerals_4.png Hobbits Hammer 19.005 24 HMB
Roman_Numerals_5.png firestarter 14.642 20 HMB
Roman_Numerals_6.png Bentogulla 14.342 18 HO
Roman_Numerals_7.png Username 12.444 14 HO
Roman_Numerals_8.png Prediocasa 12.358 17 HO
Roman_Numerals_9.png Linkiin 12.308 16 CRL
Roman_Numerals_10.png BOI RETARDADO 11.707 16 CRL

The 10 greatest egyptians

Roman_Numerals_1.png Infernum 26.893 29 HO
Roman_Numerals_2.png Daltharin 24.035 29 HO
Roman_Numerals_3.png Messalina 21.671 26 HO
Roman_Numerals_4.png Cumulonimbus 21.562 26 HO
Roman_Numerals_5.png El GUapo 20.415 23 HO
Roman_Numerals_6.png mechanic380 16.547 20 HO
Roman_Numerals_7.png Potters 14.337 17 HO
Roman_Numerals_8.png Zetlof 13.163 19 HMB
Roman_Numerals_9.png Vaca Milka 12.892 17 CRL
Roman_Numerals_10.png Boi Medalha 12.345 16 CRL

The 10 greatest huns

Roman_Numerals_1.png Haxxore 32.986 32 HO
Roman_Numerals_2.png The Last Dab 29.360 31 HO
Roman_Numerals_3.png Euro4ever 20.347 24 HO
Roman_Numerals_4.png Zyra 18.716 19 HO
Roman_Numerals_5.png ExcaliBull 15.003 20 CRL
Roman_Numerals_6.png Grimm 13.403 17 HO
Roman_Numerals_7.png FlyNorse 8.017 9 HO
Roman_Numerals_8.png Destruction 5.562 10 CRL
Roman_Numerals_9.png JOKER 4.100 7 ROTA
Roman_Numerals_10.png SPARTAKOS 2.326 7 ROTA+

The 10 greatest spartans

Roman_Numerals_1.png Frankoman 33.669 32 HO
Roman_Numerals_2.png Aquiles016 24.488 26 HO
Roman_Numerals_3.png notre 23.269 27 HO
Roman_Numerals_4.png Sosomen 22.679 24 HO
Roman_Numerals_5.png aerston 22.459 26 HO
Roman_Numerals_6.png Injustiçado 19.220 24 CRL
Roman_Numerals_7.png bigrainbowhead 18.657 24 HO
Roman_Numerals_8.png Magnum Opus 18.477 22 HO
Roman_Numerals_9.png Slammer 18.248 22 HMB
Roman_Numerals_10.png Hannibal Barca 15.896 17 HO