My First Conquest

My first Conquest

This is the remarkable story of my first server (server 2 .com; 2005/2006). All with extensive documentation and pictures. When I started my first conquest of a village, something strange happened… here you can read all about it!

Chapter 1

My first two servers

In my first article, I shared with you the story of my first server (server 5.NL; 2012/2013) and briefly told the story of my second server (server 1.NL 2005/2006). My first second village was on the NL server. However, on server, my second village was strangely enough a conquered village! This was due to a large war that raged in my local neighbourhood. Let me tell you that story and tell you about the early days of Travian…

Chapter 2

.com2 & .nl1

.com2 Started I believe around September 2005. It was still the early days of Travian and I was among the first couple of 10.000s players of the whole of Travian. This was a legendary time. For example, the practice of “raiding” was by many (even strong) players often frowned upon and thought of as unethical. On the first NL server (the Netherlands, .NL started October 2005) for example, I was in an alliance called BvB (Bond van Beschermers), which means Union of Protectors. We protected the weak everywhere on the server and beat the leading alliance VIT (who were known for their raiding) in an epic war together with PIA (Poker Info Army).

Chapter 3

Local Neighbourhood

On .com2 I started my first account (Bommel-Empire) as a Roman. As most new players during those times could recall: There was always a strong Teuton player in your neighbourhood, who caused trouble. That happened to me as well. However, I was ready to fight back. I founded an alliance (+U-E+, United Empire), but Ylv the Teuton was winning and beating us. People started deleting. Then came salvation: the Christmas Truce. We were able to rebuild our defences and a local ally /TF/ helped us as well. And when he attacked me after the truce we were ready and waiting, and killed his army. Because of all the war, I didn’t have the time to focus on my second village, and as a result, I was upping fields and investing in troops. A guy named Jack came in (I think he came from /TF/ but I’m not sure), he wanted to be paid upfront for clearing Ylv, I refused and told him I would take care of him myself. All of a sudden Ylv’s population was stuck. My eye saw his 9crop-village. I prepared a senator.

Chapter 4

The unlikely situation

I prepared my attack:

What happened next was super exciting:

Somebody was already conquering the village! I immediately rallied most of my defensive forces and send them to defend the village I was going to conquer. I got an angry response from a strong Roman in my neighbourhood. He even sent me the report:

He was a stronger player but because I took out his senator, I had time to get defences from my ally to defend the conquered village.

Departak wanted the village for himself. Because of my strong actions, he was impressed. It turned out he was Dutch as well and we became friends. He made me a proposal. He would help me conquer two other villages (palace lvl 10 and 15), and in exchange, I would give him the 9-cropper. And so we did and it worked out great. I conquered a village with 700 population and I was able to immediately build another senator. Later on, I took the second village.

Chapter 5


Departak was in an alliance called TKS (The Killers Squad), and I started diplomacy with their leader Teddyboy and ended up joining them. I now was in an incredible aggressive raiders’ alliance and continued my conquering spree. I had sold most of my +U-E+ members in the defence actions around Christmas to /TF/ and tried to maintain good diplomatic relations with them.

And so I got into TKS. It was quite peaceful and nothing showed that such thing as a world war would happen. Then, a world war came. It was truly extraordinary in this phase of the game to have a war like that, but in that server, it happened. Many alliances formed a strong partnership; Uniforce. It was formed against the destruction of the aggressors; TKS. Which I was now part of… Just before the war, Departak had deleted his account because his main villages were under attack and he didn’t want anybody to have them.

Then the war started. I was not sure what to do because it isn’t my style to harm an alliance.

I tried to conquer a village from, what I was thinking was, an inactive player but he appeared to be active and he joined AoR (part of Uniforce). Then I was attacked massively and my palace lvl20 was destroyed. I was getting sick of the attacks and TKS wasn’t helping me at all like a good alliance should do so I went out to look for my old friends in /TF/ again. However, those old friends appeared to be very suspicious, and wouldn’t allow me to join. Uniforce took out most of my army entirely one night:

What followed was that I was trying to defend myself against their massive armies. They were too strong, before deleting I went out with a bang:

Chapter 6

A Fun Start

And so the story of my play at Travian had started. Many servers followed over the span of more than a decade. Victories, defeats, intrigues, wars, the forming of bonds, friendships, I’ve seen it all. I hope you enjoyed this story of my first server. Until next time!
