ToC ASIA x2: Won by UNILC (April 2022 – August 2022)


Game world information

Game world: ToC ASIA x2
Round: II (2)
Travian Version: T4.6 Tides of Conquest
Map size: 401×401
Speed: x2
Troop speed: x2

Game world progression

Start date
06.04.2022, 09:00 UTC+1
First to settle 2nd village
暗影君王, 07.04.2022
First artefact conqured by
End date
04.08.2022, 01:00 UTC+1

Age of the game world
120 days

Total numbers of created accounts
2.132 accounts


01_150__0002_TribeRanking_Roman.png.png 26,5%
01_150__0003_TribeRanking_Teuton.png.png 8,9%
01_150__0001_TribeRanking_Gaul.png.png 23,7%
01_150__0005_TribeRanking_Egyptian.png.png 29,1%
01_150__0004_TribeRanking_Hun.png.png 11,7%

The 10 most successful alliances

Victory Points
Roman_Numerals_1.png UNILC 60 39 3.029.134
Roman_Numerals_2.png VN 59 33 2.858.064
Roman_Numerals_3.png B 46 3 272.692
Roman_Numerals_4.png ANTVN 49 2 137.372
Roman_Numerals_5.png Egg 12 0 11.725
Roman_Numerals_6.png VN2 2 0 72
Roman_Numerals_7.png GGE 5 0 24
Roman_Numerals_8.png King 1 0 20
Roman_Numerals_9.png W 3 0 0
Roman_Numerals_10.png CHUT 2 0 0


Regional Population
Territorial Control
Byzantinum (The architects’ great secret III) UNILC 18.385 100%
Alexandria (Great storage masterplan IV) UNILC 13.698 98,57%
Thebes (Rivals great confusion IV) VN 11.404 94,19%
Carthago Nova (Great storage masterplan I) VN 10.151 93,52%
Delphi (Slight diet control V) UNILC 17.030 93,12%
Cyrene (The architects unique secret) VN 16.013 92,71%
Eburacum (The architects’ slight secret I) UNILC 23.067 91%
Emporiae (The eagles slight eyes I) VN 8.201 90,48%
Bagacum (The eagles great eyes II) UNILC 19.823 89,95%
Corinium (Slight storage masterplan I) UNILC 21.502 88,78%
Jerusalem (Slight diet control VI) UNILC 11.910 88,42%
Pisae (Increased victory point production) VN 22.163 87,41%
Cherusci (Increased victory point production) UNILC 18.369 86,95%
Hispalis (The eagles great eyes I) VN 11.400 86,6%
Volubilis (Rivals slight confusion I) ANTVN 60.752 86,05%
Olisipo (The slight titan boots I) VN 16.812 85,53%
Ancyra (Rivals slight confusion VI) UNILC 8.755 83,69%
Massalia (Increased victory point production) VN 19.851 83,52%
Philippopolis (Increased victory point production) UNILC 9.335 82,49%
Samothrace (Rivals great confusion III) UNILC 12.861 82,45%
Durnonovaria (The trainers slight talent I) UNILC 13.299 81,06%
Augustodunum (The eagles slight eyes II) UNILC 29.679 80,76%
Memphis (The eagles great eyes IV) UNILC 6.184 80,31%
Segovia (Unique diet control) VN 19.927 80,28%
Berzobis (The trainers unique talent) UNILC 18.252 80,02%
Pictavium (The slight titan boots II) UNILC 28.962 80,02%
Venedae (The slight titan boots V) UNILC 18.987 79,93%
Lilybaeum (The trainers slight talent III) VN 19.212 79,38%
Tolosa (Slight storage masterplan II) UNILC 17.258 78,74%
Sarmatia (The trainers slight talent V) UNILC 12.215 78,7%
Iconium (Increased victory point production) VN 20.549 78,65%
Caledonia (The great titan boots I) UNILC 5.918 78,49%
Castra Regina (The trainers great talent IV) UNILC 9.346 77,26%
Athribis (Great diet control III) VN 13.421 76,92%
Girba (Increased victory point production) VN 14.146 76,73%
Tyras (The eagles slight eyes VI) UNILC 7.897 76,72%
Emerita Augusta (Increased victory point production) VN 9.115 76,68%
Scythia (The architects’ slight secret VI) UNILC 14.796 76,33%
Hibernia (Increased victory point production) UNILC 26.478 75,97%
Marcomanni (The eagles slight eyes IV) B 35.047 74,22%
Burgundi (The trainers slight talent IV) UNILC 14.757 73,89%
Rusicadae (Slight diet control III) VN 8.734 72,84%
Ulpiana (Slight storage masterplan V) UNILC 8.805 72,26%
Carthago (The unique titan boots) VN 13.623 71,73%
Segestica (The architects’ slight secret IV) UNILC 19.929 70,85%
Brundisium (The great titan boots IV) VN 30.251 70,78%
Aquileia (The trainers slight talent II) UNILC 37.649 69,82%
Mogontiacum (Slight storage masterplan IV) B 27.429 68,72%
Burdigala (The architects’ slight secret III) UNILC 8.455 68,24%
Lutetia (Rivals great confusion II) UNILC 19.404 66,57%
Tarraco (Slight diet control II) VN 18.343 66,49%
Syracusae (The architects’ great secret II) VN 5.563 66,01%
Saguntum (The architects’ slight secret II) VN 21.110 65,76%
Theodosia (Great diet control IV) VN 66.406 64,87%
Argentorate (Rivals slight confusion II) UNILC 32.870 63,95%
Caesarea (Slight storage masterplan III) VN 18.448 63,78%
Ravenna (Rivals slight confusion III) VN 20.683 63,47%
Bastarnae (Slight diet control IV) UNILC 22.274 63,18%
Lepcis Magna(The great titan boots III) VN 12.144 62,43%
Mursa (Rivals slight confusion IV) UNILC 13.386 61,54%
Vandali (The eagles unique eyes) UNILC 21.903 61,29%
Apollonia Pontica (Slight storage masterplan VI) UNILC 6.553 61,21%
Hippo Regius (The eagles slight eyes III) VN 6.517 59,86%
Salona (Increased victory point production) UNILC 7.446 58,58%
Ammon (Increased victory point production) VN 56.278 57,37%
Alalie (The architects’ great secret I) UNILC 8.901 57,12%
Rusadir (The slight titan boots III) ANTVN 41.886 56,2%
Treverorum (Great diet control II) VN 14.583 55,92%
Mediolanum (Great storage masterplan II) UNILC 45.343 55,49%
Cimbri (The great titan boots II) UNILC 24.588 54,87%
Apollonia (The eagles slight eyes V) B 16.248 53,6%
Numantia (Rivals great confusion I) VN 45.169 52,79%
Nemausus (Great diet control I) VN 28.997 52,54%
Gherla (The architects’ slight secret V) VN 19.635 52,47%
Narbo (The trainers great talent I) VN 17.051 51,2%
Athens (Great storage masterplan III) VN 21.928 50,91%
Sparta (Increased victory point production) VN 38.464 50,47%
Londinium (Rivals unique confusion) UNILC 9.754 49,91%
Corduba (Slight diet control I) ANTVN 5.741 48,13%
Tarsus (The slight titan boots VI) UNILC 16.017 46,1%
Hyperborea (Rivals slight confusion V) VN 37.319 45,79%
Epidaurum (The slight titan boots IV) UNILC 8.458 45,36%
Caralis (The trainers great talent II) ANTVN 9.990 44,83%
Teutones (The trainers great talent III) B 4.459 39,99%
Petra (The architects’ great secret IV) B 13.365 39,19%
Paraitonion (The trainers slight talent VI) UNILC 25.434 38,72%
Halicarnassos (The eagles great eyes III) UNILC 28.106 34,29%

The 10 largest players

Roman_Numerals_1.png tqk2811 VN 33.298 40
Roman_Numerals_2.png NhocTRUM VN 32.791 41
Roman_Numerals_3.png Place UNILC 31.595 38
Roman_Numerals_4.png ases UNILC 31.004 33
Roman_Numerals_5.png Ruby VN 30.346 38
Roman_Numerals_6.png LC-Yin&Yang UNILC 27.673 33
Roman_Numerals_7.png LC_Ksa.Cans UNILC 27.142 32
Roman_Numerals_8.png Lonelytiger UNILC 26.751 32
Roman_Numerals_9.png BenedekBácsi UNILC 26.550 32
Roman_Numerals_10.png 山頂黑毒蛇 UNILC 25.591 29

The 10 most successful attackers

Roman_Numerals_1.png thuvan2703 2.343.242
Roman_Numerals_2.png LC-Yin&Yang 2.223.604
Roman_Numerals_3.png Marcus 1.877.367
Roman_Numerals_4.png Anabelle 1.741.554
Roman_Numerals_5.png Reloading 1.740.573
Roman_Numerals_6.png 文森森 1.677.251
Roman_Numerals_7.png LC-crazialdo 1.581.182
Roman_Numerals_8.png NhocTRUM 1.559.659
Roman_Numerals_9.png LC TIC&TAC 1.510.947
Roman_Numerals_10.png RoNiN 1.463.612

The 10 most successful defenders

Roman_Numerals_1.png Loser 1.626.685
Roman_Numerals_2.png Daisy 1.589.879
Roman_Numerals_3.png Wing 1.536.628
Roman_Numerals_4.png iron 1.180.442
Roman_Numerals_5.png thanhnha618 1.112.755
Roman_Numerals_6.png tqk2811 965.190
Roman_Numerals_7.png mtp22 897.795
Roman_Numerals_8.png Tuanhqbc 866.339
Roman_Numerals_9.png King 835.919
Roman_Numerals_10.png Arsenal 814.396

The 10 most experienced heroes

Roman_Numerals_1.png Daisy 278 1.943.650
Roman_Numerals_2.png Anabelle 252 1.602.335
Roman_Numerals_3.png Erdogan 231 1.349.691
Roman_Numerals_4.png RoNiN 230 1.328.930
Roman_Numerals_5.png 文森森 226 1.283.921
Roman_Numerals_6.png Loser 223 1.249.351
Roman_Numerals_7.png LC TIC&TAC 216 1.174.910
Roman_Numerals_8.png ATENU 209 1.101.684
Roman_Numerals_9.png iron 208 1.091.224
Roman_Numerals_10.png Wing 207 .1078.155

The 10 largest alliances

Roman_Numerals_1.png UNILC 60 17.744 1.064.653
Roman_Numerals_2.png VN 59 14.966 883.006
Roman_Numerals_3.png B 46 8.953 411.842
Roman_Numerals_4.png ANTVN 49 5.177 253.681
Roman_Numerals_5.png Egg 12 914 10.968
Roman_Numerals_6.png VN2 2 3.637 7.274
Roman_Numerals_7.png A 7 772 5.404
Roman_Numerals_8.png King 1 5.048 5.048
Roman_Numerals_9.png GGE 5 453 2.266
Roman_Numerals_10.png W 3 573 1.719

The 10 best alliances (attack)

Roman_Numerals_1.png VN 23.806.967
Roman_Numerals_2.png UNILC 23.456.113
Roman_Numerals_3.png B 5.718.552
Roman_Numerals_4.png ANTVN 2.905.722
Roman_Numerals_5.png Egg 2.705.251
Roman_Numerals_6.png CHUT 248.457
Roman_Numerals_7.png GGE 239.424
Roman_Numerals_8.png VN2 203.536
Roman_Numerals_9.png A 82.701
Roman_Numerals_10.png W 60.108

The 10 best alliances (defense)

Roman_Numerals_1.png VN 16.340.659
Roman_Numerals_2.png UNILC 13.422.088
Roman_Numerals_3.png B 5.539.759
Roman_Numerals_4.png Egg 2.682.387
Roman_Numerals_5.png ANTVN 2.674.138
Roman_Numerals_6.png A 253.190
Roman_Numerals_7.png GGE 179.429
Roman_Numerals_8.png VN2 130.766
Roman_Numerals_9.png LC² 50.670
Roman_Numerals_10.png CHUT 28.862

The 10 greatest romans

Roman_Numerals_1.png NhocTRUM 32.791 41 VN
Roman_Numerals_2.png ases 31.004 33 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_3.png Ruby 30.346 38 VN
Roman_Numerals_4.png Lonelytiger 26.751 32 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_5.png 山頂黑毒蛇 25.591 29 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_6.png Lq2201 23.180 27 VN
Roman_Numerals_7.png longnhi 22.768 28 VN
Roman_Numerals_8.png king678 21.098 26 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_9.png LC-spykomage1 20.664 27 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_10.png seaka 20.530 29 VN

The 10 greatest teutons

Roman_Numerals_1.png thuvan2703 21.525 26 VN
Roman_Numerals_2.png Erdogan 19.006 25 VN
Roman_Numerals_3.png Loser 18.573 22 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_4.png Kecodon 18.542 25 VN
Roman_Numerals_5.png LC-Thorgal 15.893 20 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_6.png LC-grrrr 14.404 20 B
Roman_Numerals_7.png Marcus 14.025 18 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_8.png Caligula 12.032 19 B
Roman_Numerals_9.png LC-Lady Amazon 11.509 18 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_10.png 湖人總冠軍 10.735 15 B

The 10 greatest gauls

Roman_Numerals_1.png Place 31.595 38 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_2.png LC_Ksa.Cans 27.142 32 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_3.png BenedekBácsi 26.550 32 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_4.png Gembeng 23.002 26 VN
Roman_Numerals_5.png LC-crypt 21.944 26 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_6.png LC Johnnybigoud 21.426 24 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_7.png r2xpi 20.867 30 B
Roman_Numerals_8.png Hoakilan1 20.026 23 VN
Roman_Numerals_9.png IBI 20.022 26 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_10.png duongthienvu 19.664 24 UNILC

The 10 greatest egyptians

Roman_Numerals_1.png tqk2811 33.298 40 VN
Roman_Numerals_2.png thanhnha618 23.981 32 VN
Roman_Numerals_3.png Cesa&Peca 23.877 29 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_4.png Voshai 22.535 25 VN
Roman_Numerals_5.png iron 22.522 30 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_6.png Allice 22.215 28 VN
Roman_Numerals_7.png Wing 19.712 24 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_8.png Daisy 19.008 24 VN
Roman_Numerals_9.png Vietnamka 18.935 25 VN
Roman_Numerals_10.png yong9549 18.592 23 UNILC

The 10 greatest huns

Roman_Numerals_1.png LC-Yin&Yang 27.673 33 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_2.png Reloading 25.075 31 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_3.png LC-Vercin 23.265 29 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_4.png LC-crazialdo 23.172 28 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_5.png Anabelle 21.305 26 VN
Roman_Numerals_6.png LC-firestorm 20.995 29 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_7.png KALIXE 17.205 24 VN
Roman_Numerals_8.png R&K 16.867 18 B
Roman_Numerals_9.png ATENU 16.484 22 UNILC
Roman_Numerals_10.png 文森森 15.339 17 UNILC