Hammer Records – x3



Greatest Hammers – x3


Classification by Wheat Consumption

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Wheat Days Server Round
1.png King Baldwin IV TLK Teutons 1.589.995 76 Europe 31 9
2.png FlatEarthCult TEM Teutons 1.408.634 75 Europe 31 9
3.png BeastRiderz D-007 Teutons 1.400.667 73 Asia 30 3
4.png Buyukgoz IST Teutons 1.374.403 78 Asia 30 1
5.png Zipp TEM Teutons 1.341.425 73 Europe 31 4
6.png King Keras DC I Teutons 1.327.066 78 Asia 30 1
7.png Bastuklubben TDG Teutons 1.247.983 69 Europe 30 5
8.png Satosi Batousai C-007 Teutons 1.222.302 80 Asia 30 1
9.png Candyman Clap Teutons 1.201.541 68 Europe 30 11
Roman_Numeral_10.png iCEnTo TEM Teutons 1.189.594 70 Europe 30 9

Classification by Attack Strength

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Attack Days Server Round
1.png King Baldwin IV TLK Teutons 64.318.930 76 Europe 31 9
2.png FlatEarthCult TEM Teutons 56.714.085 75 Europe 31 9
3.png BeastRiderz D-007 Teutons 56.619.585 73 Asia 30 3
4.png BARABCINE TEM Teutons 55.063.000 76 Europe 31 9
5.png Buyukgoz IST Teutons 54.927.515 78 Asia 30 1
6.png King Keras DC I Teutons 54.848.865 78 Asia 30 1
7.png Zipp TEM Teutons 53.985.340 73 Europe 31 4
8.png Party Pooper TEM Romans 53.762.155 76 Europe 31 9
9.png Undertaker BOBR Romans 53.746.620 74 HUX 2024
Roman_Numeral_10.png Satosi Batousai C-007 Teutons 50.600.185 80 Asia 30 1

Classification by Rams

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Rams Days Server Round
1.png The-One TEM Teutons 50.646 75 Europe 31 9
2.png DrunkingBobers BOBR Teutons 50.091 74 HUX 2024
3.png Fringuellino69 ITALY Teutons 49.000 72 America 30 5
4.png Trophy Wives  TDG Teutons 48.925 70 Europe 30 2
5.png Freyr TDG Teutons 48.343 70 Europe 30 2
6.png Simba Lions Teutons 47.793 70 Inter 31 3
7.png The Goodfellas ELITE Teutons 47.140 71 Inter 30 10
8.png MenOcchio Hell Teutons 47.085 71 America 30 2
9.png Professor Oak STD Teutons 46.896 74 America 30 10
Roman_Numeral_10.png Jumala Karri T+DG Teutons 46.575 70 Europe 30 2

Classification by Catapults

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Catapults Days Server Round
1.png King Baldwin IV TLK Teutons 27.633 76 Europe 31 9
2.png TheBombastro Elite Romans 26.980 79 Inter 31 8
3.png BARABCINE TEM Teutons 26.060 76 Europe 31 9
4.png FlatEarthCult TEM Teutons 25.657 75 Europe 31 9
5.png Undertaker BOBR Romans 25.654 74 HUX 2024
6.png Party Pooper TEM Romans 25.449 76 Europe 31 9
7.png Buyukgoz IST Teutons 25.187 78 Asia 30 1
8.png Bekrije IMX Teutons 25.031 73 Inter 31 10
9.png NemFogFajni BOBR Huns 25.004 74 HUX 2024
Roman_Numeral_10.png Alesko TLK Gauls 25.000 73 Europe 31 9


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png SHITLYSAUNA IMX 956.616 64 Inter 31 9
2.png Ichlibitiche TK 513.875 73 PTR 30 4
3.png Garen NW 438.080 64 Inter 30 8
4.png SlaveDaddy TK 396.651 73 PTR 30 4
5.png Saint NW 255.584 65 PTR 39 2023
6.png 1ndramon TS 174.556 63 ID Garuda 2023
7.png Not Moon Stung 69.560 68 Inter 30 7
8.png Visdo Stung 61.660 68 Inter 30 7
9.png Rebel Stung 15.554 68 Inter 30 7

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Ichlibitiche TK 20.807.165 73 PTR 30 4
2.png Garen NW 19.279.350 64 Inter 30 8
3.png SHITLYSAUNA IMX 17.082.100 64 Inter 31 9
4.png Saint NW 10.250.905 65 PTR 39 2023
5.png 1ndramon TS 8.332.250 63 ID Garuda 2023
6.png SlaveDaddy TK 6.630.405 73 PTR 30 4
7.png Visdo Stung 2.644.120 68 Inter 30 7
8.png Not Moon Stung 2.561.150 68 Inter 30 7
9.png Rebel Stung 762.135 68 Inter 30 7

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Slave Militia SHITLYSAUNA IMX 572.853 64 Inter 31 9
Khopesh Warrior Ichlibitiche TK 177.985 73 PTR 30 4
Resheph Chariot SHITLYSAUNA IMX 92.450 64 Inter 31 4
Rams Garen NW 31.200 64 Inter 30 8
Stone Catapults Ichlibitiche TK 19.500 73 PTR 30 4

SHITLYSAUNA - International 31, round 9 (February 2024)
1ndramon - ID Garuda, 2023 (January 2024)
Ichlibitiche - PTR 30, Round 4 (September 2023)
Garen - International 30, Round 8 (August 2023)
Saint - PTR 39, 2023 (June 2023)
Slave Daddy- PTR 30, Round 4 (September 2023)
Not Moon - International 30, Round 7 (May 2023)
Not Moon - International 30, Round 7 (May 2023)
Rebel - International 30, Round 7 (May 2023)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Alesko TLK 899.006 73 Europe 31 9
2.png Sol de Sangre DG 683.711 67 Europe 30 2
3.png Haminan Mursu TDG 660.050 66 Europe 30 6
4.png Big Joker STD 650.942 58 America 30 3
5.png Jigglypuff STD 640.809 74 America 30 10
6.png The Explorer T+DG 630.232 70 Europe 30 2
7.png Sloth STD 527.983 69 America 30 6
8.png EverRed STD 517.358 72 America 30 8
9.png The Explorer T+DG 421.341 67 Europe 30 2
Roman_Numeral_10.png Bellatrix Stung 104.876 57 Inter 30 7

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Alesko TLK 44.435.000 73 Europe 31 9
2.png Big Joker STD 32.163.085 58 America 30 3
3.png Sol de Sangre DG 31.914.120 67 Europe 30 2
4.png Haminan Mursu TDG 30.739.565 66 Europe 30 6
5.png Jigglypuff STD 30.230.320 74 America 30 10
6.png The Explorer T+DG 29.185.575 70 Europe 30 2
7.png Sloth STD 24.207.350 69 America 30 6
8.png EverRed STD 22.354.795 72 America 30 8
9.png The Explorer T+DG 19.118.935 67 Europe 30 2
Roman_Numeral_10.png Bellatrix Stung 5.784.400 57 Inter 30 7

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Swordsman Alesko TLK 349.000 73 Europe 31 9
Theutates Thunder Alesko TLK 200.000 73 Europe 31 9
Haeduan Sol de Sangre DG 108.625 67 Europe 30 2
Rams The Explorer T+DG 33.593 67 Europe 30 2
Trebuchet Alesko TLK 25.000 70 Europe 31 9

Jigglypuff - America 30, round 10 (July 2024)
Alesko - Europe 31, round 9 (April 2024)
EverRed - America 30, round 8 (December 2023)
Big Joker - America 30, round 2 (March 2022)
Sol de Sangre - Europe 30, round 2 (September 2021)
Haminan Mursu - Europe 30, round 6 (December 2022)
The Explorer - Europe 30, round 2 (September 2021)
Sloth - America 30, round 6 (April 2023)
The Explorer - Europe 30, round 2 (September 2021)
Bellatrix - Inter 30, round 7 (April 2023)
Sirius - Inter 30, round 7 (April 2023)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Embassadors PDWNS 1.080.297 69 PTR 6
2.png MR INDIVIDUAL İST-B 1.001.863 68 TR Alpler 2024
3.png Wab Stonk 950.684 74 Inter 30 3
4.png holigan DM 949.578 70 HUX 2024
5.png NemFogFajni BOBR 943.570 74 HUX 2024
6.png smetkiukas TS 924.428 72 ID Garuda 2023
7.png Business Goose WRLCK 918.406 62 Inter 30 9
8.png Joker Lions 911.866 68 Inter 31 3
9.png Dionysus NW 877.456 63 Inter 30 10
Roman_Numeral_10.png Prison Break WRLCK 867.367 62 Inter 30 9

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Embassadors PDWNS 45.198.650 69 PTR 6
2.png NemFogFajni BOBR 44.955.930 74 HUX 2024
3.png smetkiukas TS 44.291.040 72 ID Garuda 2023
4.png Dionysus NW 42.853.885 63 Inter 30 10
5.png Gummibärchen CAS 42.285.200 69 NL Schild 2
6.png Prison Break WRLCK 42.135.990 62 Inter 30 9
7.png Medina NW 41.930.640 64 Inter 30 8
8.png MR INDIVIDUAL İST-B 41.172.035 68 TR Alpler 2024
9.png holigan DM 41.031.325 70 HUX 2024
Roman_Numeral_10.png The Addicts 40.042.305 67 NL Schild 2

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Mercenary holigan DM 532.800 70 HUX 2024
Bowman smetkiukas TS 403.382 72 ID Garuda 2023
Steppe Rider holigan DM 174.175 70 HUX 2024
Marksman Stark Unity 1.430 69 Inter 30 5
Marauder Embassadors PDWNS 144.218 69 PTR 6
Rams Gummibärchen CAS 44.717 69 NL Schild 2
Catapults NemFogFajni TS 25.004 74 HUX 2024

MR INDIVIDUAL - TR Alpler, 2024 (May 2024)
Embassadors- PTR, round 6 (April 2024)
holigan- HUX, 2024 (April 2024)
NemFogFajni- HUX, 2024 (April 2024)
Amateur Gang- HUX, 2024 (April 2024)
Dionysus - Inter 30, Round 10 (March 2024)
smetkiukas- ID Garuda, 2023 (January 2024)
Business Goose- International 30, round 9 (December 2023)
Business Goose- International 30, round 9 (December 2023)
Prison Break- International 30, round 9 (December 2023)
Gummibärchen - Schild, round 2 (September 2023)
Medina - International 30, round 8 (August 2023)
The Addicts - Schild, round 2 (September 2023)
SexAndTheCity - International 31, round 2 (December 2021)
Joker - International 31, round 3 (April 2022)
ΔΙΗΝΕΚΗΣ - International 30, round 4 (June 2022)
SexAndTheCity - International 31, round 2 (December 2021)
Demon Slayer - International 31, round 2 (December 2021)
Telescope - International 30, round 7 (April 2023)
Unlucky - Schild, round 2 (September 2023)
Stark - International 30, round 5 (September 2022)
ΔΙΗΝΕΚΗΣ - International 30, round 4 (June 2022)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Undertaker BOBR 1.155.855 74 HUX 2024
2.png Party Pooper TEM 1.147.805 76 Europe 31 9
3.png TheBombastro Elite 1.134.550 79 Inter 31 8
4.png IllIllI T+DG 1.065.990 70 Europe 30 2
5.png Purple Royalty TEM 986.001 70 Europe 30 9
6.png Massive Attack LF 973.045 74 Europe 30 1
7.png Cerise BC 917.766 66 Europe 30 7
8.png Frigg T+DG 895.034 70 Europe 30 2
9.png The OnePiece C-007 887.869 80 Asia 30 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png Guinevere TEM 853.605 66 Europe 30 7

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Party Pooper TEM 53.762.155 76 Europe 31 9
2.png Undertaker BOBR 53.746.620 74 HUX 2024
3.png TheBombastro Elite 51.247.830 79 Inter 31 8
4.png IllIllI T+DG 49.463.270 70 Europe 30 2
5.png Purple Royalty TEM 45.849.360 70 Europe 30 9
6.png Massive Attack LF 43.252.165 74 Europe 30 1
7.png Cerise BC 42.544.390 66 Europe 30 7
8.png Frigg T+DG 41.180.210 70 Europe 30 2
9.png The OnePiece C-007 40.521.315 80 Asia 30 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png Guinevere TEM 39.493.530 66 Europe 30 7

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Imperian Undertaker BOBR 270.499 74 HUX 2024
Equites Imperatoris Party Pooper TEM 283.560 76 Europe 31 9
Equites Caesaris Undertaker BOBR 182.430 74 HUX 2024
Rams OnlyTrans D W 18.444 64 Inter 31 3
Fire Catapults TheBombastro Elite 26.980 79 Inter 31 8

Party Pooper - Europe 31, round 9 (April 2024)
Undertaker - HUX, 2024 (April 2024)
Romaniantic - RO Români, round 1 (April 2024)
TheBombastro - International 31, round 8 (October 2023)
IllIllI - Europe 30, round 2 (September 2021)
Massive Attack - Europe 30, round 1 (June 2021)
Cerise - Europe 30, round 7 (April 2023)
Frigg - Europe 30, round 2 (September 2021)
The OnePiece - Asia 30, round 1 (July 2021)
Guinevere - Europe 30, round 7 (April 2023)
The Punisher - Europe 30, round 6 (December 2022)
Benny - America 30, round 7 (July 2023)
Makistanjac - International 31, round 8 (October 2023)
The OnePiece - Asia 30, round 1 (July 2021)
OnlyTrans - International 31, round 3 (April 2022) - Top 10 Rams
Mayrita - America 50, round 5 (December 2022) - Top 10 Catapults


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png King Baldwin IV TLK 1.589.995 76 Europe 31 9
2.png FlatEarthCult TEM 1.408.634 75 Europe 31 9
3.png BeastRiderz D-007 1.400.667 73 Asia 30 1
4.png Buyukgoz IST 1.374.403 78 Asia 30 1
5.png Zipp TEM 1.341.425 73 Europe 31 4
6.png King Keras DC I 1.327.066 78 Asia 30 1
7.png Bastuklubben TDG 1.247.983 69 Europe 30 5
8.png Satosi Batousai C-007 1.222.302 80 Asia 30 1
9.png Candyman Clap 1.201.541 68 Europe 30 11
Roman_Numeral_10.png iCEnTo TEM 1.189.594 70 Europe 30 9

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png King Baldwin IV TLK 64.318.930 76 Europe 31 9
2.png FlatEarthCult TEM 56.714.085 75 Europe 31 9
3.png BeastRiderz D-007 56.619.585 73 Asia 30 1
4.png BARABCINE TEM 55.063.000 76 Europe 31 9
5.png Buyukgoz IST 54.927.515 78 Asia 30 1
6.png King Keras DC I 54.848.865 78 Asia 30 1
7.png Zipp TEM 53.985.340 73 Europe 31 4
8.png Satosi Batousai C-007 50.600.185 80 Asia 30 1
9.png Bastuklubben TDG 49.637.510 69 Europe 30 5
Roman_Numeral_10.png xxabilio69xx TK 49.343.970 74 PTR 30 4

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Clubswinger King Baldwin IV TLK 827.179 76 Europe 31 9
Axeman BARABCINE TEM 440.800 76 Europe 31 9
Teutonic Knight King Baldwin IV TLK 199.000 76 Europe 31 9
Rams The-One TEM 50.646 75 Europe 31 9
Catapults King Baldwin IV TLK 27.633 76 Europe 31 9

Professor Oak - America 30, round 10 (July 2024)
Candyman - Europe 30, round 11 (June 2024)
Bekrije - International 31, round 10 (June 2024)
BARABCINE - Europe 31, round 9 (April 2024)
The-One - Europe 31, round 9 (April 2024)
King Baldwin IV - Europe 31, round 9 (April 2024)
FlatEarthCult - Europe 31, round 9 (April 2024)
DrunkingBobers - HUX, 2024 (April 2024)
The Goodfellas - Inter 30, round 10 (April 2024)
iCEnTo- Europe 30, round 9 (November 2023)
iCEnTo- Europe 30, round 9 (November 2023)
BeastRiderz - Asia 30, round 3 (January 2022)
Buyukgoz - Asia 30, round 1 (July 2021)
King Keras - Asia 30, round 1 (July 2021)
Zipp - Europe 31, round 4 (October 2022)
Satosi Batousai - Asia 30, round 1 (July 2021)
Bastuklubben - Europe 30, Round 5 (August 2022)
xxabilio69xx - PTR 30, Round 4 (September 2023)
FearlessSlayers - Europe 30, round 7 (April 2023)
NemFogFajni - International 30, round 7 (April 2023)
MenOcchio - America 30, round 2 (December 2021)
BeastRiderz - Asia 30, round 3 (January 2022)
Trophy Wives - Europe 30, round 2 (September 2021)
Hulk - Europe 30, round 7 (April 2023)
HHounds&Kisame - America 30, round 6 (April 2023)
Fringuellino69 -America 30, round 5 (December 2022) - Rams Top 10
Simba - Inter 31, round 3 (April 2022) - Rams Top 10
Crazy Team - America 30, round 7 (July 2023) - Rams Top 10
Killing Machine - America 30, round 7 (July 2023) - Catapults Top 10
