Hammer Records – x2



Greatest Hammers – x2


Classification by Wheat Consumption

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Aegon U-Lov Teutons 1.278.064 104 Inter 20 3
2.png Baronas&arejas P.S Teutons 1.272.882 104 America TTQ 2022
3.png Fatal Error Hit Teutons 1.262.206 101 Inter 21 1
4.png XcellenT RSI K Teutons 1.193.619 101 Asia TTQ 2022
5.png Makumba P.S Teutons 1.181.488 100 America TTQ 2022
6.png Barking Spider D&D Huns 1.168.184 103 Inter 20 2
7.png El Presidente D&D Teutons 1.158.030 103 Inter 20 2
8.png Nastybastards PKM Teutons 1.168.349 107 DE Wimpel 2024
9.png TooFastForYou PL Teutons 1.126.350 102 Europe TTQ 2023
Roman_Numeral_10.png Glumanda PKM Huns 1.128.707 107 DE Wimpel 2024

Classification by Attack Strength

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Attack Days Server Round
1.png QuiPerLePaste ITÆ Huns 54.198.690 105 Inter 20 4
2.png LaCasa R Huns 53.371.575 105 Arabics TTQ 2023
3.png Aegon U-Lov Teutons 53.069.330 104 Inter 20 3
4.png Baronas&arejas P.S Teutons 51.187.365 104 America TTQ 2022
5.png TooFastForYou SW Huns 51.104.720 103 Europe TTQ 2022
6.png Fatal Error Hit Teutons 50.915.000 101 Inter 21 1
7.png Makumba P.S Teutons 49.084.710 100 America TTQ 2022
8.png Barking Spider D&D Huns 48.466.885 103 Inter 20 2
9.png Nastybastards PKM Teutons 48.348.330 107 DE Wimpel 2024
Roman_Numeral_10.png XcellenT RSI K Teutons 48.102.265 101 Asia TTQ 2022

Classification by Rams

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Rams Days Server Round
1.png Aegon U-Lov Teutons 50.052 104 Inter 20 3
2.png Makumba P.S Teutons 46.870 100 America TTQ 2022
3.png Nastybastards PKM Teutons 46.077 107 DE Wimpel 2024
4.png Titoo INS Teutons 43.277 104 Inter 20 1
5.png ItaliUchiha RB Teutons 41.321 103 IT Eterni 1
6.png Grmani P.S Huns 33.366 104 America TTQ 2022
7.png Nimmo BG Teutons 32.609 91 Europe 21 2
8.png Pepe_Robber  IP Teutons 21.108 108 Europe 20 1
9.png HigHGrOuNd ITÆ Romans 19.450 95 Inter 20 4
Roman_Numeral_10.png Proximo VN Romans 9.233 83 Inter 21 1

Classification by Catapults

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Catapults Days Server Round
1.png QuiPerLePaste ITÆ Huns 25.123 105 Inter 20 4
2.png LaCasa R Huns 24.235 105 Arabics TTQ 2023
3.png TooFastForYou SW Huns 23.812 103 Europe TTQ 2022
4.png El Presidente D&D Teutons 23.650 103 Inter 20 2
5.png Barking Spider D&D Huns 23.518 103 Inter 20 2
6.png Emigr4tis U-Lov Huns 23.030 104 Inter 20 3
7.png Baronas&arejas P.S Teutons 22.975 104 America TTQ 2022
8.png QuiPerLePaste Gin Romans 22.882 103 IT Eterni 1
9.png Suomuhauki PSPTN Huns 22.773 103 Finals 2022
Roman_Numeral_10.png Grog D&D Egyptians 22.703 103 Inter 20 2


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Grog D&D 874.297 103 Inter 20 2
2.png Saila InS 662.267 104 Inter 20 1

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Grog D&D 37.781.130 103 Inter 20 2
2.png Saila InS 27.806.000 104 Inter 20 1

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Slave Militia
Khopesh Warrior Grog D&D 326.215 103 Inter 20 2
Resheph Chariot Grog D&D 137.286 103 Inter 20 2
Stone Catapults Grog D&D 22.703 103 Inter 20 2

Grog - International 20, Round 2 (August 2022)
Saila - International 20, Round 1 (December 2021)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Märkä Myyrä Moles 587.074 95 Europe TTQ 2022

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Märkä Myyrä Moles 28.460.295 95 Europe TTQ 2022

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Swordsman Märkä Myyrä Moles 228.753 95 Europe TTQ 2022
Theutates Thunder Märkä Myyrä Moles 122.477 95 Europe TTQ 2022
Haeduan Märkä Myyrä Moles 201 95 Europe TTQ 2022
Trebuchet Märkä Myyrä Moles 18.793 95 Europe TTQ 2022

Märkä Myyrä - Europe TTQ 2022 (September 2022)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Barking Spider D&D 1.168.184 103 Inter 20 2
2.png Glumanda PKM 1.128.707 107 DE Wimpel 2024
3.png QuiPerLePaste ITÆ 1.110.690 105 Inter 20 4
4.png LaCasa R 1.090.426 105 Arabics TTQ 2023
5.png Cousin Crew P.S 1.070.284 100 America TTQ 2022
6.png TooFastForYou SW 1.049.226 103 Europe TTQ 2022
7.png Emigr4tis U-Lov 1.045.806 104 Inter 20 3
8.png iocopocomaioco ITÆ 871.066 94 Inter 20 4
9.png Suomuhauki PSPTN 862.049 103 Finals 2022
Roman_Numeral_10.png Moonwalk D&D 706.276 103 Inter 20 2

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png QuiPerLePaste ITÆ 54.198.690 105 Inter 20 4
2.png LaCasa R 53.371.575 105 Arabics 2023
3.png TooFastForYou SW 51.104.720 103 Europe TTQ 2022
4.png Barking Spider D&D 48.466.885 103 Inter 20 2
5.png Glumanda PKM 46.859.835 107 DE Wimpel 2024
6.png Cousin Crew P.S 44.402.615 100 America TTQ 2022
7.png Emigr4tis U-Lov 42.898.900 104 Inter 20 3
8.png iocopocomaioco ITÆ 42-329-420 94 Inter 20 4
9.png Suomuhauki PSPTN 40.914.485 103 Finals 2022
Roman_Numeral_10.png Grmani P.S 35.234.765 104 America TTQ 2022

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Mercenary Barking Spider D&D 568.625 103 Inter 20 2
Bowman QuiPerLePaste ITÆ 449.831 105 Inter 20 4
Steppe Rider Taupe Huns Astr@ 33.391 101 France 20 2023
Marksman QuiPerLePaste ITÆ 782 105 Inter 20 4
Marauder QuiPerLePaste ITÆ 169.048 105 Inter 20 4
Rams Grmani P.S 33.366 104 America TTQ 2022
Catapults QuiPerLePaste ITÆ 25.123 105 Inter 20 4

QuiPerLePaste- International, Round 4 (February 2024)
Glumanda - DE Wimpel, 2024 (February 2024)
iocopocomaioco - International 20 (February 2024)
LaCasa - Arabics TTQ 2023 (September 2023)
TooFastForYou - Europe TTQ 2022 (September 2022)
Barking Spider - International 20, Round 2 (August 2022)
Cousin Crew - America TTQ 2022 (September 2022)
Emigr4tis - International 20, Round 3 (February 2023)
Suomuhauki - Finals 2022 (February 2023)
Grmani - America TTQ 2022 (September 2022)
Taupe Huns - France 20, 2023 (June 2023)
Loki - Finals 2022 (February 2023)
[spoiler title="Moonwalk - International 20, Round 2 (August 2022)"]


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png QuiPerLePaste Gin 916.351 103 IT Eterni 1
2.png Sbarasgnau U-Lov 871.744 104 Inter 20 3
3.png Poi Hype 790.580 100 Europe TTQ 2021
4.png HigHGrOuNd ITÆ 549.636 95 Inter 20 4
5.png Proximo VN 525.049 83 Inter 21 1

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png QuiPerLePaste Gin 42.050.460 103 IT Eterni 1
2.png Sbarasgnau U-Lov 40.238.085 104 Inter 20 3
3.png Poi Hype 35.987.770 100 Europe TTQ 2021
4.png Proximo VN 26.519.980 83 Inter 21 1
5.png HigHGrOuNd ITÆ 26.341.250 95 Inter 20 4

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Imperian Sbarasgnau U-Lov 214.920 104 Inter 20 3
Equites Imperatoris
Equites Caesaris QuiPerLePaste Gin 141.994 103 IT Eterni 1
Rams HigHGrOuNd ITÆ 19.450 95 Inter 20 4
Fire Catapults QuiPerLePaste Gin 22.882 103 IT Eterni 1

HigHGrOuNd - International 20, Round 4 (February 2024)
QuiPerLePaste - IT Eterni, Round 1 (February 2023)
Sbarasgnau - International 20, Round 3 (February 2023)
Poi - Europe, TTQ 2021 (September 2021)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Aegon U-Lov 1.278.064 104 Inter 20 3
2.png Baronas&arejas P.S 1.272.882 104 America TTQ 2022
3.png Fatal Error Hit 1.262.206 101 Inter 21 1
4.png XcellenT RSI K 1.193.619 101 Asia TTQ 2022
5.png Makumba P.S 1.181.488 100 America TTQ 2022
6.png Nastybastards PKM 1.168.349 107 DE Wimpel 2024
7.png El Presidente D&D 1.158.030 103 Inter 20 2
8.png TooFastForYou PL 1.126.350 102 Europe 2023
9.png Tipijo Asasate RB 1.125.236 103 IT Eterni 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png ItaliUchiha RB 1.041.413 103 IT Eterni 1

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Aegon U-Lov 53.069.330 104 Inter 20 3
2.png Baronas&arejas P.S 51.187.365 104 America TTQ 2022
3.png Fatal Error Hit 50.915.000 101 Inter 21 1
4.png Makumba P.S 49.084.710 100 America TTQ 2022
5.png Nastybastards PKM 48.348.330 107 DE Wimpel 2024
6.png XcellenT RSI K 48.102.265 101 Asia TTQ 2022
7.png El Presidente D&D 45.833.660 103 Inter 20 2
8.png TooFastForYou PL 45.292.230 102 Europe 2023
9.png Tipijo Asasate RB 44.914.900 103 IT Eterni 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png ItaliUchiha RB 42.779.255 103 IT Eterni 1

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Clubswinger Baronas&arejas P.S 666.666 104 America TTQ 2022
Axeman Titoo INS 221.765 104 Inter 20 1
Teutonic Knight Fatal Error Hit 158.000 101 Inter 21 1
Rams Aegon U-Lov 50.052 104 Inter 20 3
Catapults El Presidente D&D 23.650 103 Inter 20 2

Nastybastards - DE Wimpel, 2024 (February 2024)
Aegon - International 20, Round 3 (February 2023)
Baronas&arejas - America TTQ 2022 (September 2022)
Fatal Error - Inter 21, Round 1 (February 2022)
Makumba - America TTQ 2022 (September 2022)
XcellenT - Asia TTQ 2022 (September 2022)
El Presidente - International 20, Round 2 (August 2022)
TooFastForYou - Europe TTQ 2023 (September 2023)
Tipijo Asasate - IT Eterni, Round 1 (February 2023
ItachiUchiha - IT Eterni, Round 1 (February 2023
Djole_Walker - Europe, TTQ 2021 (September 2021)
Titoo - Inter 20, Round 1 (December 2021), Top 10 Rams
Nimmo- Europe 21, Round 2 (May 2023), Top 10 Rams
