Hammer Records – x10



Greatest Hammers – x10


Classification by Wheat Consumption

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Alz3eeM LYDA Teutons 2.517.478 35 Arabics 100 6
2.png Alz3eeM LYDA Teutons 2.498.774 35 Arabics 100 6
3.png Master Yoda GG Teutons 2.478.240 35 America 100 4
4.png R O B I N بقعآت Teutons 2.454.937 35 Arabics 100 1
5.png Master Yoda GG Teutons 2.100.001 35 America 100 4
6.png Kaizer E04 Teutons 2.097.813 31 Europe 100 6
7.png Clubman GG Teutons 2.069.272 35 America 100 4
8.png The Mask GG Teutons 2.034.431 35 America 100 4
9.png Anti-Slavery Smash Egyptians 1.980.873 27 Inter 100 5
Roman_Numeral_10.png Four Of A Kind LYDA Romans 1.973.308 35 Arabics 100 6

Classification by Attack Strength

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Attack Days Server Round
1.png Alz3eeM LYDA Teutons 103.971.925 35 Arabics 100 6
2.png Alz3eeM LYDA Teutons 102.134.830 35 Arabics 100 6
3.png Master Yoda GG Teutons 100.120.530 35 America 100 4
4.png R O B I N بقعآت Teutons 99.615.540 35 Arabics 100 1
5.png Kaizer E04 Teutons 87.596.660 31 Europe 100 6
6.png Master Yoda GG Teutons 86.745.615 35 America 100 4
7.png Clubman GG Teutons 86.069.230 35 America 100 4
8.png Four Of A Kind LYDA Romans 85.234.295 35 Arabics 100 6
9.png ightblue بقعآت Gauls 82.725.500 35 Arabics 100 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png The Mask GG Teutons 80.959.675 35 America 100 4

Classification by Rams

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Rams Days Server Round
1.png Alz3eeM LYDA Teutons 88.617 35 Arabics 100 6
2.png Master Yoda GG Teutons 85.131 35 America 100 4
3.png Kaizer E04 Teutons 80.192 31 Europe 100 6
4.png Clubman GG Teutons 76.278 35 America 100 4
5.png Megamind V Teutons 72.843 30 Inter 100 3
6.png Clubstar SWAT Teutons 60.923 27 Asia 100 3
7.png King Guidorah [MC] Teutons 60.771 26 Europe 100 4
8.png Just a Pilot B.N Teutons 60.050 25 Europe 100 4
9.png Chandler SAD Romans 58.621 32 Europe 100 6
Roman_Numeral_10.png Megamind V Teutons 58.450 30 Inter 100 3

Classification by Catapults

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Catapults Days Server Round
1.png Alz3eeM LYDA Teutons 47.300 35 Arabics 100 6
2.png Four Of A Kind LYDA Romans 45.191 35 Arabics 100 6
3.png R O B I N بقعآت Teutons 44.830 35 Arabics 100 1
4.png Master Yoda GG Teutons 44.108 35 America 100 4
5.png Gangnam Style GG Gauls 43.749 35 America 100 4
6.png Espanol GG Gauls 43.700 35 America 100 4
7.png Nightblue بقعآت Gauls 43.630 35 Arabics 100 1
8.png The Mask GG Teutons 42.008 35 America 100 4
9.png Ace Ventura GG Romans 41.069 35 America 100 4
Roman_Numeral_10.png Carbon N9 Teutons 40.868 33 Arabics 100 4


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Anti-Slavery Smash 1.980.873 27 Inter 100 5
2.png Funky Kong Smash 1.004.348 27 Inter 100 5
3.png Fantastic Four NOL 558.896 24 Inter 100 1
4.png Pompei LE 555.166 25 Inter 100 4
5.png Shredder V 445.528 32 Inter 100 3
6.png 法老王 E04 378.828 27 Inter 100 5
7.png Amorous Smash 350.475 27 Inter 100 5
8.png Haribo L9 216.106 24 Inter 100 1

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Funky Kong Smash 42.473.445 27 Inter 100 5
2.png Anti-Slavery Smash 34.500.515 27 Inter 100 5
3.png Pompei LE 22.483.140 25 Inter 100 4
4.png Fantastic Four NOL 22.029.900 24 Inter 100 1
5.png Shredder V 18.395.145 32 Inter 100 3
6.png 法老王 E04 15.159.445 27 Inter 100 5
7.png Amorous Smash 14.440.755 27 Inter 100 5
8.png Haribo L9 8.675.600 24 Inter 100 1

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Slave Militia Anti-Slavery Smash 1.233.974 27 Inter 100 5
Khopesh Warrior Funky Kong Smash 356.135 27 Inter 100 5
Resheph Chariot Funky Kong Smash 158.741 27 Inter 100 5
Rams Shredder V 20.069 32 Inter 100 3
Stone Catapults Funky Kong Smash 28.664 27 Inter 100 5

Funky Kong - International 100, round 5 (September 2023)
Anti-Slavery - International 100, round 5 (September 2023)
Pompei - International 100, round 4 (March 2023)
Fantastic Four - International 100, round 1 (April 2021)
Shredder - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
法老王 - International 100, round 5 (September 2023)
Amorous - International 100, round 5 (September 2023)
Haribo - International 100, round 1 (April 2021)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Nightblue بقعآت 1.717.366 35 Arabics 100 1
2.png Espanol GG 1.488.206 35 America 100 4
3.png Stryka N9 1.381.323 33 Arabics 100 4
4.png CrazyGaul 1.262.360 34 Arabics 100 4
5.png Godzilla LYDA 1.180.343 32 Arabics 100 6
6.png Goat N9 1.060.003 33 Arabics 100 4
7.png Gangnam Style GG 971.218 35 America 100 4
8.png Sheldon GG 927.138 35 America 100 4
9.png Nightblue بقعآت 790.205 30 Arabics 100 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png TheCrazyGaul SWAT 696.499 25 Asia 100 4

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Nightblue بقعآت 82.725.500 35 Arabics 100 1
2.png Espanol GG 73.059.000 35 America 100 4
3.png Stryka N9 64.526.855 33 Arabics 100 4
4.png CrazyGaul 62.009.340 34 Arabics 100 4
5.png Godzilla LYDA 56.785.765 32 Arabics 100 6
6.png Nightblue بقعآت 43.338.975 30 Arabics 100 1
7.png Sheldon GG 43.031.780 35 America 100 4
8.png Gangnam Style GG 41.080.470 35 America 100 4
9.png Goat N9 33.666.605 33 Arabics 100 4
Roman_Numeral_10.png TheCrazyGaul SWAT 32.418.570 25 Asia 100 4

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Swordsman Nightblue بقعآت 640.600 35 Arabics 100 1
Theutates Thunder Espanol GG 323.000 35 America 100 4
Haeduan Nightblue بقعآت 271.660 35 Arabics 100 1
Rams Nightblue بقعآت 39.879 29 Arabics 100 1
Trebuchet Gangnam Style GG 43.749 35 America 100 4

Godzilla - Arabics 100, round 6 (March 2024)
Nightblue - Arabics 100, round 1 (August 2021)
Espanol - America 100, round 4 (August 2023)
Stryka - Arabics 100, round 4 (July 2023)
CrazyGaul - Arabics 100, round 4 (July 2023)
Nightblue - Arabics 100, round 1 (August 2021)
Sheldon - America 100 , round 4 (August 2023)
Gangnam Style - America 100 , round 4 (August 2023)
Goat - Arabics 100, round 4 (July 2023)
Nightblue - Arabics 100, round 1 (August 2021)
Power - America 100, round 3 (November 2022)
Satana - Europe 100, round 3 (October 2022)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Minti V 1.594.861 30 Inter 100 3
2.png Sarah NMQ 1.441.597 25 Inter 100 2
3.png PepeEggplant V 1.409.541 30 Inter 100 3
4.png PepeEggplant V 1.264.485 30 Inter 100 3
5.png Lucas SMASH 1.182.911 27 Inter 100 5
6.png Kenyorc E04 979.465 27 Inter 100 5
7.png Wario SMASH 956.879 27 Inter 100 5
8.png Football Team GYM 920.006 20 Inter 100 6
9.png The A Team L9 865.492 24 Inter 100 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png Terence Spencer LE 843.306 25 Inter 100 4

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Minti V 65.658.050 30 Inter 100 3
2.png PepeEggplant V 61.840.260 30 Inter 100 3
3.png Sarah NMQ 60.989.490 25 Inter100 2
4.png PepeEggplant V 53.955.705 30 Inter 100 3
5.png Lucas SMASH 48.573.790 27 Inter 100 5
6.png Football Team GYM 45.100.000 20 Inter 100 6
7.png Terence Spencer LE 39.996.000 25 Inter 100 4
8.png Kenyorc E04 38.865.075 27 Inter 100 5
9.png Wario SMASH 37.959.670 27 Inter 100 5
Roman_Numeral_10.png The A Team L9 35.297.500 24 Inter 100 1

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Mercenary Minti V 803.800 30 Inter 100 3
Bowman Football Team GYM 380.000 20 Inter 100 6
Steppe Rider PepeEggplant V 235.394 30 Inter 100 3
Marksman PepeEggplant V 81.169 30 Inter 100 3
Marauder Minti V 200.585 30 Inter 100 3
Rams Cranky Kong Moon 41.920 30 Inter 100 3
Catapults PepeEggplant V 34.269 30 Inter 100 3

Football Team - International 100, round 6 (May 2024)
Minti - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
PepeEggplant - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
Sarah - International 100, round 2 (December 2021)
PepeEggplant - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
Lucas - International 100, round 5 (September 2023)
Terence Spencer - International 100, round 4 (March 2023)
Kenyorc - International 100, round 5 (September 2023)
Cranky Kong - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
Minti - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
Minti - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
Wario - International 100, round 5 (September 2023)
The A Team - International 100, round 2 (December 2021)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Four Of A Kind LYDA 1.973.308 35 Arabics 100 6
2.png Cruella de Vil SAD 1.754.301 31 Europe 100 6
3.png Ace Ventura GG 1.582.597 35 America 100 4
4.png SPQR [MC] 1.327.406 26 Europe 100 4
5.png Chandler SAD 1.166.294 29 Europe 100 6
6.png Nightmare Smash 1.106.276 27 Inter 100 5
7.png Kenyorc B&B 1.064.040 34 Arabics 100 4
8.png Anthony Elanga AP 1.037.458 24 Europe 100 2
9.png Chandler SAD 1.031.384 32 Europe 100 6
Roman_Numeral_10.png American Bully BW 914.523 25 Asia 100 4

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Four Of A Kind LYDA 85.234.295 35 Arabics 100 6
2.png Cruella de Vil SAD 76.501.305 31 Europe 100 6
3.png Ace Ventura GG 67.332.835 35 America 100 4
4.png SPQR [MC] 61.357.500 26 Europe 100 4
5.png Nightmare Smash 51.214.250 27 Inter 100 5
6.png Chandler SAD 49.176.365 29 Europe 100 6
7.png Kenyorc B&B 47.751.660 34 Arabics 100 4
8.png Anthony Elanga AP 47.346.685 24 Europe 100 2
9.png Chandler SAD 45.066.150 32 Europe 100 6
Roman_Numeral_10.png Cruella de Vil SAD 39.983.080 29 Europe 100 6

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Legionnaire SeanIsBestDad K!P+S 228.645 26 America 100 1
Imperian Four Of A Kind LYDA 461.689 35 Arabics 100 6
Equites Imperatoris Four Of A Kind LYDA 411.937 35 Arabics 100 6
Equites Caesaris SPQR [MC] 209.000 26 Europe 100 4
Rams Chandler SAD 58.621 32 Europe 100 6
Fire Catapults Four Of A Kind LYDA 45.191 35 Arabics 100 6

Chandler - Europe 100, round 6 (July 2024)
Chandler - Europe 100, round 6 (July 2024)
Chandler - Europe 100, round 6 (July 2024)
Chandler - Europe 100, round 6 (July 2024)
Cruella de Vil - Europe 100, round 6 (July 2024)
Cruella de Vil - Europe 100, round 6 (July 2024)
Four Of A Kind - Arabics 100, round 6 (March 2024)
Ace Ventura - America 100, round 4 (August 2023)
SPQR - Europe 100, round 4 (June 2023)
Nightmare - International 100, round 5 (September 2023)
Kenyorc - Arabics 100, round 4 (July 2023)
Anthony Elanga - Europe 100, round 2 (March 2022)
FloydsFeednSeed - Asia 100, round 3 (December 2022)
SeanIsBestDad - America 100, round 1 (August 2021)
Scooby Doo - America 100, round 4 (August 2023)
Enlightened - International 100, round 1 (April 2021)
BKM - International 100, round 1 (April 2021)
PlatZero - Europe 100, round 3 October 2022)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Alz3eeM LYDA 2.517.478 35 Arabics 100 6
2.png Alz3eeM LYDA 2.498.774 35 Arabics 100 6
3.png Master Yoda GG 2.478.240 35 America 100 4
4.png R O B I N بقعآت 2.454.937 35 Arabics 100 1
5.png Master Yoda GG 2.100.001 35 America 100 4
6.png Kaizer E04 2.097.813 31 Europe 100 6
7.png Clubman GG 2.069.272 35 America 100 4
8.png The Mask GG 2.034.431 35 America 100 4
9.png Carbon N9 1.913.416 33 Arabics 100 4
Roman_Numeral_10.png Megamind V 1.859.204 30 Inter 100 3

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Alz3eeM LYDA 103.971.925 35 Arabics 100 6
2.png Alz3eeM LYDA 102.134.830 35 Arabics 100 6
3.png Master Yoda GG 100.120.530 35 America 100 4
4.png R O B I N بقعآت 99.615.540 35 Arabics 100 1
5.png Kaizer E04 87.596.660 31 Europe 100 6
6.png Master Yoda GG 86.745.615 35 America 100 4
7.png Clubman GG 86.069.230 35 America 100 4
8.png The Mask GG 80.959.675 35 America 100 4
9.png Megamind V 77.782.810 30 Inter 100 3
Roman_Numeral_10.png Carbon N9 75.880.595 33 Arabics 100 4

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Clubswinger Master Yoda GG 1.264.466 35 America 100 4
Axeman Ikercan51 NOL1 776 24 Inter 100 1
Teutonic Knight Alz3eeM LYDA 347.357 35 Arabics 100 6
Rams Alz3eeM LYDA 88.617 35 Arabics 100 6
Catapults Alz3eeM LYDA 47.300 35 Arabics 100 6

Kaizer - Europe 100, round 6 (July 2024)
Alz3eeM - Arabics 100, round 6 (March 2024)
Alz3eeM - Arabics 100, round 6 (March 2024)
Master Yoda - America 100, round 4 (August 2023)
R O B I N - Arabics 100, round 1 (August 2021)
Master Yoda - America 100, Round 4 (August 2023)
Clubman - America 100, Round 4 (August 2023)
The Mask - America 100, Round 4 (August 2023)
Megamind - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
Carbon - Arabics 100, round 4 (July 2023)
Kolera&Hamido - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
KingGuidorah - Europe 100, round 4 (June 2023)
Just a Pilot - Europe 100, round 4 (June 2023)
Megamind - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
Clubstar - Asia 100, round 3 (December 2022)
Megamind - International 100, round 3 (July 2022)
Dream Team - America 100, round 1 (August 2021)
Maximus - Asia 100, round 3 (December 2022)
Hotty Toady - International 100, round 5 (September 2023)
Big Daddy - International 100, round 1 (April 2021)
