Hammer Records – x1



Greatest Hammers – x1


Classification by Wheat Consumption

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Alcoholics Anon DT Teutons 1.424.187 220 Inter 6 1
2.png Scarecrow NRH Teutons 1.295.215 204 America 1 2
3.png Pandas in Paris Panda Teutons 1.261.867 212 Europe 6 4
4.png Nekapaba -UNI- Teutons 1.222.006 207 Europe 1 3
5.png SleepyTard Whale Teutons 1.205.243 201 Inter 4 2
6.png Sanky Team RO-4 Teutons 1.180.606 205 Europe 6 4
7.png Hippocrate -UNI- Teutons 1.161.564 207 Europe 1 3
8.png Party Bus DT Teutons 1.148.260 220 Inter 6 1
9.png Toruk Makto AR Teutons 1.122.214 200 CZSK 2022
Roman_Numeral_10.png Rum & Whisky DT Teutons 1.104.711 220 Inter 6 1

Classification by Attack Strength

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Attack Days Server Round
1.png Alcoholics Anon DT Teutons 57.301.295 220 Inter 6 1
2.png Scarecrow NRH Teutons 52.295.090 204 America 1 2
3.png Pandas in Paris Panda Teutons 50.583.860 212 Europe 6 4
4.png Le3Pinte UAN Romans 50.364.400 221 America 1 3
5.png Galactus RTK4 Romans 50.357.180 218 America 3 2
6.png SleepyTard Whale Teutons 50.000.640 201 Inter 4 2
7.png Chuck Norris DT Romans 49.884.265 220 Inter 6 1
8.png Nekapaba -UNI- Teutons 49.029.000 207 Europe 1 3
9.png Negaduck ~V~ Romans 48.096.365 197 Europe 6 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png Sanky Team RO-4 Teutons 47.280.000 205 Europe 6 4

Classification by Rams

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Rams Days Server Round
1.png Rum & Whisky DT Teutons 52.494 220 Inter 6 1
2.png Vero MFA Teutons 49.065 223 Arabics 6 2
3.png Piripi N3uro Teutons 47.589 208 Asia 8 2
4.png Harlequin Demon NB4X² Teutons 47.548 203 Europe 6 2
5.png Toruk Makto AR Teutons 46.855 200 CZSK 2022
6.png Tommy Knockers N3uro Teutons 46.822 208 Asia 8 2
7.png Viena RE Teutons 45.074 206 Asia 1 4
8.png SleepyTard Whale Teutons 44.446 201 Inter 4 2
9.png Shanks 拉夫德鲁 Teutons 44.425 207 Asia 1 4
Roman_Numeral_10.png kjiugu 2.01P Teutons 43.899 207 Inter 4 4

Classification by Catapults

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Catapults Days Server Round
1.png Party Bus DT Teutons 25.629 220 Inter 6 1
2.png Alcoholics Anon DT Teutons 25.585 220 Inter 6 1
3.png Chuck Norris DT Romans 24.661 220 Inter 6 1
4.png Le3Pinte UAN Romans 24.560 221 America 1 3
5.png Galactus RTK4 Romans 24.524 218 America 3 2
6.png Pandas in Paris Panda Teutons 24.122 212 Europe 6 4
7.png OshKoshBiSlosh Boink Romans 23.873 211 America 3 4
8.png OsEstarolas One. Romans 23.820 214 Inter 9 1
9.png Golden Army ED 1 Romans 23.643 257 Asia 1 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png Party Bus DT Teutons 23.321 220 Inter 6 1


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png LittleGreenMen DIS 390.054 192 Inter 4 3
2.png Caligula GH 253.706 208 Inter 6 2

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png LittleGreenMen DIS 15.604.640 192 Inter 4 3
2.png Caligula GH 10.300.400 208 Inter 6 2

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Slave Militia
Khopesh Warrior LittleGreenMen DIS 134.628 192 Inter 4 3
Resheph Chariot LittleGreenMen DIS 52.404 192 Inter 4 3
Rams Caligula GH 1.590 208 Inter 6 2
Stone Catapults LittleGreenMen DIS 15.800 192 Inter 4 3

LittleGreenMen - Inter 4, Round 3 (June 2023)
Caligula - Inter 6, Round 2 (December 2022)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Minion UN 751.601 207 Europe 6 3
2.png Tyranitar JP 693.371 189 Europe 9 1
3.png Funfact Cure 644.425 202 Asia 2 2
4.png Arges 2ndB 602.583 195 Europe 5 3
5.png Gaul NWU 552.746 204 Inter 10 2
6.png rgrs SL 491.441 205 Inter 10 2
7.png Genghis Khan GH 467.805 185 Europe 6 4
8.png Minion RE 441.740 197 Europe 1 2
9.png TempesTatu ATS 419.110 196 Europe 3 4
Roman_Numeral_10.png Its Mines ! -TWW- 404.352 184 Inter 2 3

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Minion UN 36.029.480 207 Europe 6 3
2.png Tyranitar JP 33.466.550 189 Europe 9 1
3.png Funfact Cure 31.236.180 202 Asia 2 2
4.png Arges 2ndB 27.758.830 195 Europe 5 3
5.png Gaul NWU 26.961.075 204 Inter 10 2
6.png rgrs SL 24.064.825 205 Inter 10 2
7.png Genghis Khan GH 22.059.460 185 Europe 6 4
8.png Minion RE 20.163.430 197 Europe 1 2
9.png TempesTatu ATS 19.887.995 196 Europe 3 4
Roman_Numeral_10.png Dude EXC. 17.685.605 186 Europe 5 3

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Swordsman Minion UN 269.748 207 Europe 6 3
Theutates Thunder Gaul NWU 105.319 204 Inter 10 2
Haeduan Minion UN 112.649 207 Europe 6 3
Rams rgrs SL 30.469 205 Inter 10 2
Trebuchet Arges 2ndB 20.030 195 Europe 5 3

rgrs - Inter 10, Round 2 (July 2024)
Gaul - Inter 10, Round 2 (July 2024)
Genghis Khan- Europe 6, Round 4 (April 2024)
TempesTatu - Europe 3, Round 4 (January 2024)
Minion - Europe 1, Round 2 (July 2022)
Minion - Europe 6, Round 3 (August 2023)
Tyranitar - Europe 9, Round 1 (June 2022)
Funfact- Asia 2, Round 2 (July 2022)
Arges - Europe 5, Round 3 (July 2023)
Dude - Europe 5, Round 3 (July 2023)
Its Mines ! - International 2, Round 3 (April 2023)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Ron Swanson NBC® 990.4380 207 Inter 6 4
2.png James T Kirk NBC® 892.718 207 Inter 6 4
3.png Lemon Flame 879.925 206 Inter 3 2
4.png Underd0g NPW 809.570 207 Inter 9 3
5.png Slobodan AP 773.028 206 Inter 6 3
6.png Saruman TWW 665.225 186 Inter 2 3
7.png Khaleesi GoT 647.398 210 Inter 1 1
8.png The Addicts GoT 635.706 174 Inter 1 1
9.png Social Security NPE 618.424 207 Inter 9 3
Roman_Numeral_10.png Aphrodite TG 613.107 206 Inter 1 4

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Ron Swanson NBC® 41.927.285 207 Inter 6 4
2.png Underd0g NPW 38.422.705 207 Inter 9 3
3.png Slobodan AP 36.666.155 206 Inter 6 3
4.png James T Kirk NBC® 36.562.400 207 Inter 6 4
5.png Lemon Flame 36.487.440 206 Inter 3 2
6.png The Addicts GoT 31.924.000 174 Inter 1 1
7.png Khaleesi GoT 30.646.315 210 Inter 1 1
8.png Aphrodite TG 30.130.230 206 Inter 1 4
9.png Khoro NE-EW 29.004.870 208 Inter 9 2
Roman_Numeral_10.png Social Security NPE 27.282.830 207 Inter 9 3

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Mercenary Ron Swanson NBC® 479.163 207 Inter 6 4
Bowman Underd0g NPW 331.199 207 Inter 9 3
Steppe Rider Social Security NPE 103.968< 207 Inter 9 3
Marksman Saruman TWW 309 186 Inter 2 3
Marauder Ron Swanson NBC® 129.929 207 Inter 6 4
Rams The Addicts GoT 26.000 174 Inter 1 1
Catapults Social Security NPE 21.737 207 Inter 9 3

Ron Swanson - Inter 6, Round 4 (April 2024)
James T Kirk - Inter 6, Round 4 (April 2024)
Underd0g - International 9, Round 3 (December 2023)
Social Security - International 9, Round 3 (December 2023)
Aphrodite- International 1, Round 4 (November 2023)
Slobodan - International 6, Round 3 (August 2023)
Lemon - International 3, Round 2 (September 2022)
Khaleesi - International 1, Round 1 (October 2021)
Khoro- International 9, Round 2 (February 2022)
The Addicts - International 1, Round 1 (September 2021)
Saruman - International 2, Round 3 (April 2023)
BilboozeBaggins - International 2, Round 3 (April 2023)
Oromis-Elda - Midsummer, Round 2000 (February 2021)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Galactus RTK4 1.088.529 218 America 3 2
2.png Le3Pinte UAN 1.084.286 221 America 1 3
3.png Chuck Norris DT 1.070.948 220 Inter 6 1
4.png Negaduck ~V~ 1.033.381 197 Europe 6 1
5.png Happy Feet PA 1.009.216 206 Eternos 2023
6.png OsEstarolas One. 997.993 214 Inter 9 1
7.png OsEstarolas One. 969.077 213 Inter 9 1
8.png Van Ponten N3euro 947.845 208 Asia 8 2
9.png Velociraptaros -UNI- 944.968 207 Europe 1 3
Roman_Numeral_10.png Gaunter ODimm ~V~ 921.434 197 Europe 6 1

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Le3Pinte UAN 50.364.400 221 America 1 3
2.png Galactus RTK4 50.357.180 218 America 3 2
3.png Chuck Norris DT 49.884.265 220 Inter 6 1
4.png Negaduck ~V~ 48.096.365 197 Europe 6 1
5.png Happy Feet PA 46.888.115 206 Eternos 2023
6.png OsEstarolas One. 45.731.230 214 Inter 9 1
7.png OsEstarolas One. 44.874.720 213 Inter 9 1
8.png Van Ponten N3euro 44.100.935 208 Asia 8 2
9.png Gaunter ODimm ~V~ 42.882.185 197 Europe 6 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png Velociraptaros -UNI- 41.050.115  207 Europe 1 3

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Imperian Chuck Norris DT 261.737 220 Inter 6 1
Equites Imperatoris Velociraptaros -UNI- 191.611 207 Europe 1 3
Equites Caesaris Galactus RTK4 173.500 218 America 3 2
Rams Fumiko dAd 40.900 212 America 7 1
Fire Catapults Chuck Norris DT 24.661 220 Inter 6 1

OshKoshBiSlosh - America 3, Round 4 (April 2024)
Happy Feet - Eternos, 2023 (November 2023)
Le3Pinte - America 1, Round 3 (May 2023)
Galactus - America 3, Round 2 (October 2022)
Chuck Norris - Inter 6, Round 1 (February 2022)
Negaduck - Europe 6, Round 1 (March 2022)
OsEstarolas - International 9, Round 1 (May 2022)
OsEstarolas - International 9, Round 1 (May 2022)
Van Ponten - Asia 8, Round 2 (May 2023)
Gaunter ODimm - Europe 6, Round 1 (March 2022)
Velociraptaros - Europe 1, Round 3 (April 2023)
Fumiko - America 7, Round 1 (May 2022)
Golden Army - Asia 1, Round 1 (December 2021)
Van Ponten - America 7, Round 1 (May 2022)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Alcoholics Anon DT 1.424.187 220 Inter 6 1
2.png Scarecrow NRH 1.295.215 204 America 1 2
3.png Pandas in Paris Panda 1.261.867 212 Europe 6 4
4.png Nekapaba -UNI- 1.222.006 207 Europe 1 3
5.png SleepyTard Whale 1.205.243 201 Inter 4 2
6.png Sanky Team RO-4 1.180.606 205 Europe 6 4
7.png Hippocrate -UNI- 1.161.564 207 Europe 1 3
8.png Party Bus DT 1.148.260 220 Inter 6 1
9.png Toruk Makto AR 1.122.214 200 CZSK 2022
Roman_Numeral_10.png Rum & Whisky DT 1.104.711 220 Inter 6 1

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Alcoholics Anon DT 57.301.295 220 Inter 6 1
2.png Scarecrow NRH 52.295.090 204 America 1 2
3.png Pandas in Paris Panda 50.583.860 212 Europe 6 4
4.png SleepyTard Whale 50.000.640 201 Inter 4 2
5.png Nekapaba -UNI- 49.029.000 207 Europe 1 3
6.png Sanky Team RO-4 47.280.000 205 Europe 6 4
7.png Hippocrate -UNI- 46.364.325 207 Europe 1 3
8.png Toruk Makto AR 46.232.615 200 CZSK 2022
9.png Rum & Whisky DT 45.275.110 220 Inter 6 1
Roman_Numeral_10.png Party Bus DT 44.910.040 220 Inter 6 1

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Clubswinger Alcoholics Anon DT 747.730 220 Inter 6 1
Axeman BlackEagle N€F€S 278.222 227 TR Special 2021
Teutonic Knight Alcoholics Anon DT 173.976 220 Inter 6 1
Rams Rum & Whisky DT 52.494 220 Inter 6 1
Catapults Party Bus DT 25.629 220 Inter 6 1

Sanky Team - Europe 6, Round 4 (May 2024)
gandac - Europe 6, Round 4 (May 2024)
Pandas in Paris - Europe 6, Round 4 (May 2024)
Hannibal - Inter 6, Round 4 (April 2024)
kjiugu - Inter 4, Round 4 (February 2024)
Viena - Asia 1, Round 4 (February 2024)
Alcoholics Anon - Inter 6, Round 1 (February 2022)
Scarecrow - America 1, Round 2 (August 2022)
SleepyTard - Inter 4, Round 2 (October 2022)
Nekabapa - Europe 1, Round 3 (April 2023)
Hippocrate - Europe 1, Round 3 (April 2023)
Toruk Makto - CZSK, Round 2022 (December 2022)
Rum & Whisky - Inter 6, Round 1 (February 2022)
Party Bus - Inter 6, Round 1 (February 2022)
Gossip Girl - Europe 4, Round 1 (January 2022)
Fluke Haines - America 8, Round 2 (March 2023)
Hurricane - Europe 6, Round 2 (December 2022)
BlackEagle - Summer Special - Turkey (2021)
Vero - Arabics 6, Round 2 (February 2022)
Piripi - Asia 8, Round 2 (May 2023)
Harlequin Demon - Europe 6, Round 2 (December 2022)
Tommy Knockers - Asia 8, Round 2 - Top 10 Rams (May 2023)
Verona- Asia 5, Round 1 (April 2022)
Flli Schiantman- Asia 8, Round 2 (April 2023)
