Anglosphere 5: Won by RECKLESS (December 2018 – July 2019)


Server Information

Started 6/12/2018
Finished 20/07/2019
Duration 227
Artifacts 16/03/2019
Construction Plans 24/06/2019
Version T4.4 (3 tribes)
Players 275


Tribe Registered Percent


Romans 96 34.9


Teutons 51 18.5


Gauls 127 46.2

Wonders of the World

World_Wonder_64x65.png Player Name Alliance Level
1.png TheGreat123 WeWill,WeWillReckYou RECKLESS 100
2.png Goat Grit version 3 Wit 0
3.png Natars 0
4.png Natars 0
5.png Natars 0
6.png Natars 0
7.png Natars 0
8.png Natars 0
9.png Natars 0
10.png Natars 0
11.png Natars 0
12.png Natars 0
13.png Natars 0

Unique Artefacts

illuicons_3_lock_64x64.png Artefact Player Alliance


The architects unique secret (5×) TheGreat123 RECKLESS


The unique titan boots (2×) Jroman RECKLE55


The eagles unique eyes (10×) BoscoDM Wit


Unique diet control (1/2) aksam RECKLESS


The trainers unique talent (1/2) T-lor RECKLESS


Rivals unique confusion (500×) Euler RECKLE55


Artefact of the unique fool (500×) Notorious RECKLESS

Artefacts by Alliance

illuicons_3_lock_64x64.png Alliance Unique Large Small Total
1.png RECKLESS 4 17 26 47
2.png RECKLE55 2 6 10 18
3.png Wit 1 2 16 19
4.png 2 8 10
5.png GRID 1 4 5
6.png 420 1 1

Construction Plans

Construction_Plan_63x65.png Player Alliance
1.png Lord Durt RECKLESS
2.png BoscoDM Wit
3.png BoscoDM Wit
4.png Natars
5.png Natars
6.png Natars
7.png Natars
8.png TheGreat123 RECKLESS
9.png Lord Durt RECKLESS
10.png Rom32 RECKLESS
11.png Natars
12.png 5tel RECKLESS
13.png Natars

The Best Players

The largest players

Population_63x65.png Player Alliance Population Villages
1.png Louie Louie RECKLE55 41655 43
2.png Elysium RECKLESS 29202 27
3.png Leigh GRID 29065 30
4.png aksam RECKLESS 28033 34
5.png loman5 RECKLESS 25851 28
6.png Oscar RECKLESS 24988 30
7.png Pratoss RECKLESS 24913 29
8.png T-lor RECKLESS 24610 27
9.png SigourneyWeaver RECKLE55 23597 28
10.png Cerb RECKLESS 23424 29
11.png Dieze RECKLESS 23264 27
12.png LegGully RECKLE55 22035 26
13.png Ultragrim RECKLESS 20757 27
14.png Tyrion RECKLESS 20359 24
15.png Serpent King RECKLESS 20048 23
16.png Morfeo RECKLESS 19881 24
17.png ciorobea1 RECKLE55 19766 25
18.png Mitrandir RECKLESS 19764 26
19.png Rom32 RECKLESS 18965 28
20.png fuge007 RECKLE55 18404 24

The most successful attackers

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Population Villages[ Points
1.png aksam 28033 34 1122701
2.png Lord Durt 18088 22 839726
3.png Ríparinn 10435 16 719257
4.png Rochefort 18122 22 626888
5.png Dieze 23264 27 619150
6.png Pratoss 24913 29 399376
7.png LegGully 22035 26 382166
8.png Euler 12715 17 364876
9.png Serpent King 20048 23 349435
10.png Colossus 17542 23 345668
11.png Notorious 7773 12 337723
12.png TheGreat123 13407 17 326960
13.png SigourneyWeaver 23597 28 307107
14.png Brandolf 9516 18 301298
15.png Jroman 18389 24 300776
16.png Goat 11893 18 300406
17.png T-lor 24610 27 279219
18.png BoscoDM 9706 16 278700
19.png 420farm 13092 18 268319
20.png Aegon Targaryen 16442 22 253898

The most successful defenders

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Population Villages Points
1.png Spiker 17335 25 1299883
2.png Cerb 23424 29 600267
3.png RedSunDawn 11810 17 582568
4.png caedus 6873 12 552498
5.png Goat 11893 18 478085
6.png nonsense 7835 13 470940
7.png Vlad 7611 13 440461
8.png Louie Louie 41655 43 397075
9.png losmurderetos 12956 18 378861
10.png Sheoldred 10978 18 374462
11.png Red 13468 18 315090
12.png Noobzers 8090 12 306703
13.png liverpool Red 15833 20 298991
14.png CLINT 7536 15 290628
15.png Magatsu izanagi 6763 12 252128
16.png Killerofgiants 17177 21 247433
17.png Chinottiloves 13419 16 240019
18.png 1eyedjake 9900 16 239725
19.png Mutly532 8642 14 232649
20.png Diesel 14120 18 224427

The most experienced heroes

Hero_64x65.png Player Level Experience
1.png aksam 198 993501
2.png Spiker 197 975728
3.png Lord Durt 194 955157
4.png Dieze 179 808813
5.png Ríparinn 175 772391
6.png Rochefort 156 618396
7.png Cerb 154 602377
8.png Goat 149 559805
9.png Brandolf 141 503955
10.png caedus 139 488616
11.png Diesel 129 423549
12.png Euler 127 409196
13.png Vlad 127 407644
14.png Jroman 125 397515
15.png Serpent King 124 393379
16.png Pratoss 124 390661
17.png SigourneyWeaver 124 389108
18.png nonsense 124 387931
19.png TheGreat123 122 375878
20.png RedSunDawn 121 370824

The Best Alliances

The largest alliances

Population_63x65.png Alliance Players Ø Points
1.png RECKLESS 57 14,615 833,065
2.png RECKLE55 44 10,915 480,239
3.png Wit 48 9,384 450,440
4.png GRID 29 9,192 266,560
5.png DV 8 5,253 42,023
6.png MM 3 4,801 14,402
7.png 420 1 13,092 13,092
8.png ~BRT~ 3 1,669 5,008
9.png NATO 1 3,789 3,789
10.png Axe 1 3,473 3,473
11.png Measures 1 2,305 2,305
12.png 8 2 1,016 2,031
13.png DoP 1 1,756 1,756
14.png SMB 2 853 1,705
15.png . 1 1,139 1,139
16.png RE 1 1,055 1,055
17.png TROLL 1 956 956
18.png Idiots 1 886 886
19.png VG32 1 829 829
20.png NS 1 791 791

The best alliances (off)

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Alliance Players Ø Points
1.png RECKLESS 57 155185 8845547
2.png RECKLE55 44 95985 4223338
3.png Wit 48 87198 4185510
4.png GRID 29 52084 1510442
5.png DV 8 30265 242116
6.png ~BRT~ 3 70500 211501
7.png Trojans 1 186663 186663
8.png Survive 1 155718 155718
9.png 420 1 110703 110703
10.png Idiots 1 63771 63771
11.png NS 1 49253 49253
12.png RE 1 48978 48978
13.png ??? 1 43581 43581
14.png Axe 1 25895 25895
15.png . 1 17696 17696
16.png VG32 1 15645 15645
17.png MM 3 1872 5617
18.png 8 2 1590 3179
19.png DoP 1 2368 2368
20.png NATO 1 1731 1731

The best alliances (def)

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Alliance Players Ø Points
1.png Wit 48 166003 7968150
2.png RECKLESS 57 84004 4788208
3.png GRID 29 129381 3752036
4.png RECKLE55 44 77091 3392013
5.png DV 8 44717 357737
6.png ~BRT~ 3 65773 197320
7.png Survive 1 163502 163502
8.png MM 3 48987 146960
9.png Trojans 1 103482 103482
10.png NS 1 49536 49536
11.png RE 1 37858 37858
12.png ??? 1 32654 32654
13.png TROLL 1 26793 26793
14.png NATO 1 25410 25410
15.png #Eagle 1 13662 13662
16.png Wolfson 1 9189 9189
17.png 8 2 3680 7360
18.png 420 1 6,518 6,518
19.png Idiots 1 5967 5967
20.png DoP 1 4108 4108

The Greatest Armies

Overall: Wheat

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1.png aksam RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 586,459
2.png Dieze RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 226,312
3.png 420farm 420 Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 216,542
4.png LegGully RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 170,332
5.png TheGreat123 RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 142,600
6.png Serpent King RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 126,020
7.png Pratoss RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 124,556
8.png WdwndSpecialist WiT Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 119,935
9.png Riparinn WiT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 104,662
10.png Lord Durt RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 99,319

Overall: Attack Strength

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Attack Strength
1.png aksam RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 23,527,015
2.png 420farm 420 Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 10,088,990
3.png Dieze RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 9,595,975
4.png LegGully RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 7,357,035
5.png TheGreat123 RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 7,233,500
6.png Pratoss RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 6,224,375
7.png Serpent King RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 5,543,575
8.png WdwndSpecialist WiT Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 5,159,010
9.png Lord Durt RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 4,806,710
10.png Riparinn WiT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 4,054,340

Overall: Quantity

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1.png aksam RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 23,527,015
2.png 420farm 420 Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 10,088,990
3.png Dieze RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 9,595,975
4.png LegGully RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 7,357,035
5.png TheGreat123 RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 7,233,500
6.png Pratoss RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 6,224,375
7.png Serpent King RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 5,543,575
8.png WdwndSpecialist WiT Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 5,159,010
9.png Lord Durt RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 4,806,710
10.png Riparinn WiT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 4,054,340

Overall: Rams

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Rams
1.png aksam RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 15,953
2.png TheGreat123 RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 3,900
3.png WdwndSpecialist WiT Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 3,488
4.png Riparinn WiT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 2,794
5.png LegGully RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 2,732

Overall: Catapults

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
1.png Dieze RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 8,977
2.png aksam RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 6,260
3.png LegGully RECKLESS Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 6,233
4.png Scoli RECKLESS Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 5,390
5.png 420farm 420 Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 4,500

Army Breakdown: Gaul

Gaul_T4.png Troop Player Alliance Quantity


Swordsman sgtwolfpt GRID 20,793


Theutates Thunder sgtwolfpt GRID 1,765


Haeduan sgtwolfpt GRID 8,711


Rams sgtwolfpt GRID 786


Catapults sgtwolfpt GRID 1,096

Army Breakdown: Roman

Roman_T4.png Troop Player Alliance Quantity


Imperian Dieze RECKLESS 69,496


Equites Imperatoris Dieze RECKLESS 33,315


Equites Caesaris 420farm 420 33,627


Rams WdwndSpecialist WiT 3,488


Catapults Dieze RECKLESS 8,977

Army Breakdown: Teuton

Teuton_T4.png Troop Player Alliance Quantity




TheGreat123 RECKLESS RECKLESS 53,500





