US6 ~Hall of Fame~

US6 ~Hall of Fame~

No records of rounds 4, 5,6 and 7 available.

US6 Round 1

The sun was already rising, but still the workers of the metropolis 1.01 Athaja kept on working to finish their prodigious monument. Around 11:25 am/pm a worker finished the greatest and most formidable building in Travian history since the downfall of the Natarian Empire.

Together with their alliance, “Red Dawn”, “myyrkezaan” was the first to finish the construction using millions of resources and protecting it with hundreds of thousands of brave defenders and thus receives the title “winner of this era”.

In the end, “dmolla”, was the ruler over the greatest empire followed shortly by “Rickroll” and “iPwn”.

The mightiest and most fearsome commander was “titmouse”, and “Slugbo” was the most glorious defender who slaughtered enemy hosts at his gates staining the lands around his villages with their blood.

Ended: 2nd April 2009

US6 Round 2

US6 Round 3



US6 Round 8

[align=’center’]ROUND 8
Started: 27.06.2017
Finished: 09.02.2018
Duration: 229 days
Artifacts: 05.10.2017
Construction Plans: 13.01.2018
Version: T4.4 – 1x

[align=’center’]Wonder of The World[/align]

No Player Name of the Wonder Alliance Level
2 Natars 0
3 Natars 0
4 Natars 0
5 Natars 0
6 Natars 0
7 Natars 0
8 Natars 0
9 donato greco Nociglia TROLL 0
10 Natars 0
11 Natars 0
12 Delusion Your Mom TROLL 0
13 Natars 0

[align=’center’]Largest Players[/align]

No Player Alliance Population Village
1 Mike 1524 TROLL 37239 39
2 loman66 SOD 23680 26
3 Charlamander TROLL 22478 29
4 crazy TROLL 22227 29
5 Crowatan1 TROLL 21305 25
6 Px4scout TROLL 16597 22
7 Delusion TROLL 16155 21
8 Fwam TROLL 16118 23
9 donato greco TROLL 16038 21
10 Krep TROLL 16027 21

[align=’center’]Best offensive Players[/align]

No Player Population Village Points
1 Delusion 16155 21 1223347
2 Krepo 16027 21 785637
3 Fwam 16118 23 384074
4 whipit 12793 20 313304
5 Charlamander 22478 29 266649
6 Soda 8004 10 229546
7 uniQue 14506 21 223574
8 lankbumbum 14686 18 212948
9 StoneHeart 7776 11 212873
10 Kavus 5098 9 204215

[align=center]Best Defensive Players[/align]

No Player Population Village Points
1 whipit 12793 20 429734
2 Mike 1524 37239 39 404545
3 Putin is Bae 8252 10 364723
4 Uly 15252 22 357160
5 Soda 8004 10 280845
6 Delusion 16155 21 239977
7 Charlamander 22478 29 230366
8 SG8970 7896 14 199479
9 jhawk 5287 11 188897
10 belisarius 13003 19 187993

[align=center]The most Experienced Heroes

No Player Level Experience
1 Delusion 246 1531088
2 whipit 166 696223
3 Soda 143 515374
4 Crowatan1 141 502724
5 Fwam 138 481999
6 Krepo 131 432696
7 Putin is Bae 129 422800
8 Evolution 117 348308
9 lankbumbum 116 340986
10 donato greco 115 334273

Largest Alliances

No Alliance Players Average Points
1 TROLL 37 11492 425204
2 SOD 27 5253 141829
3 TLB 7 1558 10908
4 CK 2 4231 8461
5 FU 4 1469 5876
6 Space 1 5335 5335
7 ***M*** 1 5098 5098
8 1 4836 4836
9 AG2 4 1178 4712
10 BL 1 3959 3959

[align=center]Best offensive Alliances

No Alliance Players Average Points
1 TROLL 37 185066 6847444
2 SOD 27 54276 1465462
3 ***M*** 1 204205 204025
4 AG2 4 27132 108527
5 FU 4 26683 106731
6 BL 1 47390 47390
7 TLB 7 6321 44248
8 SWPT 1 33525 33525
9 Space 1 32792 32792
10 Spartans 1 31022 31022

Best Defensive Alliances

No Alliance Players Average Points
1 TROLL 37 126404 4676960
2 SOD 27 58269 1573274
3 AG2 4 18463 73851
4 FU 4 11404 45615
5 TLB 7 6357 44498
6 BL 1 39935 39935
7 TROLL+ 1 28447 28447
8 COT 2 13585 27169
9 SWPT 1 25068 25068
10 Sepaz 1 21448 21448
