US1 ~Hall of Fame~

US1 ~Hall of Fame~

No records of rounds 3 and 4 available due to broken images.

US1 Round 1

Dear Travian players,

The sun was already rising, but still the workers of the metropolis Baby Buffet kept on working to finish their prodigious monument. Around ??:?? am/pm a worker finished the greatest and most formidable building in Travian history since the downfall of the Natarian Empire.

Together with their alliance, “™”, “Zurrin” was the first to finish the construction using millions of resources and protecting it with hundreds of thousands of brave defenders and thus receives the title “winner of this era”.

In the end, “Six”, was the ruler over the greatest empire followed shortly by “Lakemen” and “Lord Saxman”.

The mightiest and most fearsome commander was “Gamma1848”, and “Lord Saxman” was the most glorious defender who slaughtered enemy hosts at his gates staining the lands around his villages with their blood.

We, the Travian-Team, want to thank you who stayed until the end for your overwhelming loyalty and the understanding that you showed us when something wasn’t running as smooth as it should have.

Best regards,
Your Travian-Team

US1 Round 2

Dear Travian players,

The sun was already rising, but still the workers of the metropolis 01.W.E. kept on working to finish their prodigious monument. Around 06:52 am/pm a worker finished the greatest and most formidable building in Travian history since the downfall of the Natarian Empire.

Together with their alliance, “UN”, “Keetha” was the first to finish the construction using millions of resources and protecting it with hundreds of thousands of brave defenders and thus receives the title “winner of this era”.

In the end, “Sir Challe”, was the ruler over the greatest empire followed shortly by “Rialto” and “Ruebear”.

The mightiest and most fearsome commander was “Bateman”, and “Manbearpig” was the most glorious defender who slaughtered enemy hosts at his gates staining the lands around his villages with their blood.

We, the Travian-Team, want to thank you who stayed until the end for your overwhelming loyalty and the understanding that you showed us when something wasn’t running as smooth as it should have.

Best regards,
Your Travian-Team

US1 Round 5

The vast armies of the humans strove to conquer the invading Natars and the fatality count climbed ever higher. The Natars entombed themselves within their vast walls and for the first time in recorded history began construction of their very own Wonder of the World. Dismayed, the best of the generals available to our heroic fighters swore to ally together and drive off these monsters as one. Ultimately, however, they failed. Bickering between rival groups grew heated, and one set of doughty warriors chose to serve the Natar Overlords instead of siding with their fellow fighters. This led to outrage among those who remained opposed to the Natars, but once their brethren and sisters had switched allegiance, they sadly had no chance to follow through with the violent end they envisioned for the traitors. The Natars took this rare opportunity and emerged triumphant from the haze of confusion, earning their rightful place as victorious rulers of the world known as S1.

Result: Natar victory

US1 Round 6

US1 Round 7

US1 Round 8

US1 Round 9
