Our Technology

Our Technology

We strive to be ahead of the curve.

Where other companies see challenges to work around, we see opportunities to innovate and make the industry better.

People want more privacy and control over their data. The advertising industry needs to respect that. But this means personal data is reducing and can no longer be used as the exclusive currency for media trading and measurement. This is even more true for Digital-out-of-Home, Audio, and CTV. At Blis, we see a path forward that doesn’t just repackage the problems of the past.

The Blis Platform

The world's simplest, most visual, and most compelling planning, buying, and measurement platform.

Audience Explorer helps advertisers understand, find, and reach accurate audiences at scale with omnichannel advertising that delivers amazing performance.

Use it the way you want, either as a managed or a self-service platform.

No matter your choice, you get industry-leading customer, operational, and technical service out-of-the-box and for free whenever and however you need it.

We’ve built our platform from the ground up to be unique, offering:

Deep audience insights to understand and reach audiences on all devices and channels

Advanced targeting that delivers scale and performance, without relying on cookies or IDs

Patent-pending cookieless measurement that’s omnichannel & statistically robust

Premium direct inventory & supply across display, native, audio, online video, connected TV & DOOH

Powerful reporting to understand all aspects of delivery and performance

As well as all of the setup, targeting, and execution features available in traditional DSPs

Cookieless Targeting

Dynamic Audience Targeting is our unique technology that enables personalized advertising and performance without relying on personal data.

Cookies and IDs are no longer sufficient for advertisers who want to reach their full audience. Blis’ technology learns how to precisely target audiences across every channel and device, without relying on personal data. It offers superior performance, scale, and efficiency to ID targeting alone.
Advertising has historically relied on personal data to deliver ads, but that data is now missing from over half of all ad opportunities and is only getting rarer. Large and vital cohorts of advertiser audiences are now unreachable by traditional targeting methods. New addressability technologies are coming out, but they all suffer from fragmentation and limited scale, and context targeting alone doesn’t deliver the performance advertisers expect. Blis’ Dynamic Audience Targeting takes a radically different approach. We understand what makes audiences unique, in terms of where they can be found online and in the real world and how they engage with content. This allows us to reach 100% of an advertiser’s audience in a unified way, across every device and channel, at a scale that delivers superior performance and buying efficiency, without relying on personal data.

How does Dynamic Audience Targeting work?

Dynamic Audience Targeting uses artificial intelligence on accurate first-party audience panels to learn and target the unique, anonymous, and tradable combinations of geo, content, and context that make them special.
Dynamic Audience Targeting uses artificial intelligence to understand the tradable and anonymous signals that make audiences unique. It is rooted in only the most accurate, directly sourced, and consented personal data available – either supplied by our clients or based on Blis’ first-party real-world consumer behavior data. Because this data is used as a seed or panel, it shines even when there isn’t enough data for traditional targeting. Dynamic Audience Targeting then learns the myriad combinations of approximate geography, content, and context that uniquely characterize the audience. Because these signals are anonymous and buyable across every media channel and device, Blis can find personalized audiences at scale with tremendous precision, performance, and efficiency.

Omnichannel Measurement

Smart Holdout Groups is our patent-pending, ID-free measurement technology.

An innovative solution that enables advertisers to measure the impact and incrementality of their campaigns across any combination of media channels.
Advertisers want to reach their full audience and understand how they perform across every touch point, but limitations of ID-oriented measurement have made this difficult and unreliable. Smart Holdout Groups delivers holistic campaign measurement that works everywhere, unlocking better reach and effectiveness

How does Smart Holdout Groups work?

Blis uses artificial intelligence and its first-party movement data to analyze audiences and split them into geo-based A/B measurement groups, ensuring that each group is balanced, isolated, and statistically comparable.
As the saying goes, “If you can’t measure it, you shouldn’t be targeting it” – and measurement has only become more challenging, with new channels joining the media mix and end-to-end identifiers becoming unreliable or outright missing. This has led to many campaigns only targeting a fraction of the overall audience and advertisers forced to try and integrate results from disconnected channels. Blis overcomes these challenges by taking a geo-based approach to measurement. Using artificial intelligence, we profile each targeted area of an audience against the factors that matter to the campaign, such as demographics, income, app utilization, and consumer behavior. We also look at how the audience moves between different areas being targeted. With this, Blis intelligently divides the audience into controlled and exposed (A/B) areas such that both sets are balanced, statistically comparable, and that movement is minimized across the groups. This approach works with single and multi-channel targeting across all major campaign KPIs, such as brand awareness and sentiment, online conversions, store visits, app engagement and utilization, and more and more. With a geo-based approach, Smart Holdout Groups can also be used with non-programmatic channels, such as linear TV and OOH. All measurement is done transparently and can be independently verified.

Geo Data

Audience intelligence structured on geography, not identity.

In digital advertising, “geo” refers to the use of geographical data as a foundational structure for targeting and measuring audiences. Unlike GPS, which provides exact coordinates, geo data encompasses broader, location-based insights. It’s about understanding where people are, not who they are.
Geo data reflects how marketers traditionally thought about their audiences. For instance, where someone lives can indicate whether they are more likely to need baby formula or a luxury car. Whether a person is in a bustling downtown area or a quiet suburb significantly influences their needs and preferences.

By structuring all our audience data around geo, we create a robust dataset that can be analyzed, combined, and activated across various channels. Blis leverages two decades of experience with location data to lead in this area. Our advanced tech stack, built on geo data, and partnerships with premium data providers ensure we deliver precise, actionable insights.

Blis’s first-party movement data offers real-world intelligence on where audiences go and what they do, providing a powerful foundation for building targetable audiences. Importantly, geo data does not rely on cookies or IDs. It uses geography, not identity, as the core element in advertising, making it a privacy-compliant and effective solution for today’s digital marketing landscape.

5 reasons geo is better than cookies and IDs.

Using geo as an identifier in digital advertising offers significant advantages over traditional cookies or IDs.

1. Lower costs: Cookies and IDs are highly visible and heavily relied upon by many advertisers, making them more competitive and expensive. By using geo data, we can accurately find and reach your audience outside the crowded cookie and ID space. This leads to lower CPMs, higher ROI, and better overall campaign performance, as we’re bidding where other providers don’t realize your audience exists.


2. No audience loss when combining data sets: Geo data works seamlessly across channels, devices, and screens, eliminating the need to match IDs to create multi-faceted audiences. This ensures no audience loss and allows for the combination of different data sets to build more accurate, comprehensive audience profiles without reducing scale.


3. Reach people on apple: Most cookies (~90%) are found on Google platforms due to their continued approval of their usage. Relying on cookies limits your reach to these platforms. Geo data, on the other hand, allows us to find and reach your audience on any digital platform, including Apple. We use location, context, and time as identifiers, enabling us to find your audience wherever they are, not just where their cookies are.


4. Non-personal data: Using non-personal data in advertising is essential for respecting privacy. People and governments demand it, and it’s the right thing to do. Our geo-based technology delivers superior performance compared to cookies or IDs while respecting user privacy. It’s a win-win solution.


5. Amazing performance: Geo data consistently powers high-performing campaigns. Independent tests show our geo-driven campaigns can double performance and halve costs by finding and reaching audiences outside the crowded cookie and ID space. This results in lower competition, lower CPMs, and exceptional campaign outcomes.

Geospatial AI

Geospatial AI. Interpolate and connect audience intelligence to geographical areas. 

Blis geo-mapping AI algorithms extrapolate and interpolate statistical data between different types of geographic areas. These algorithms can map data using either geographic overlap or based on population densities within each of the types of areas being translated, depending on the type of data we are ingesting.
The model can effectively translate census data captured using Census Tracts or Vodafone custom quadkeys to accurate data aggregated against postal districts for use in activation. 

Telco Data

The power of telco data.

1. Robust privacy protections: Telco data is inherently secure due to the stringent regulations governing telecommunications. Data is anonymized and aggregated, ensuring that individual user identities are protected. Blis adheres to the highest standards of data privacy and compliance, including GDPR and CCPA, to maintain consumer trust.

2. First-party data advantage: As a form of first-party data, telco data is collected directly from users through their interactions with mobile networks. This direct collection method reduces the risk of data inaccuracies and enhances the reliability of the insights derived. First-party data is also less vulnerable to the restrictions faced by third-party cookies and other traditional tracking methods.

3. Powerful behavioral insights: The power of telco data lies in its ability to provide deep behavioral insights. By analyzing patterns such as app usage, browsing behavior, and location history, we can develop a holistic view of the consumer journey. These insights enable more personalized and relevant ad experiences, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

How do we use telco data to improve campaign performance?

Using geo as an identifier in digital advertising offers significant advantages over traditional cookies or IDs.

1. Enhanced audience targeting: We leverage telco data to create highly targeted audience segments based on precise criteria such as app usage, app installs and other phone-based behavior.

2. Optimized media buying: By understanding when and where users are most likely to engage with their devices, we can schedule ad placements to maximize visibility and impact. This leads to higher click-through rates (CTR) and return on ad spend (ROAS).

3. Cross-channel integration: Telco data is not limited to a single digital channel. This cross-channel capability ensures a cohesive and unified brand message, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the campaign.

4. Real-time campaign adjustment: The real-time nature of telco data allows us to monitor campaign performance continuously. We can quickly identify what’s working and what’s not, making adjustments as needed to improve outcomes.

5. Detailed performance analytics: Post-campaign, telco data provides detailed analytics that help measure the success of the campaign. These insights inform future campaigns, making each successive effort more effective than the last.

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