The geo-powered
tech stack.
Double performance,
halve costs.
Everyone is somewhere.
data sets.

Every channel.
Delivering results.
Unified Audience.

We offer advertisers a planning, buying & measurement platform. Reach 100% of your audience across any channel, without relying on IDs.


Plan & build audiences with premium data structured on geography, not identity.


Buy audiences with smart cookieless technology that doubles performance and halves costs


Measure the audience, not just the channel, with a suite of cookieless measurement solutions

Why Blis?

Legacy platforms


Legacy platforms use multiple data sets to target multiple channels


Legacy DSPs rely on cookies and IDs, limiting reach and addressability.


Legacy DSPs measure the channel and add it together.


Blis audiences are unified.
One data set, one audience,
any channel.


Blis audiences don’t need cookies or IDs, so we can reach your audience anywhere.


Blis measures your whole audience with patent-pending proprietary technology.

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Legacy platforms


Legacy platforms use multiple data sets to target multiple channels


Legacy DSPs rely on cookies and IDs, limiting reach and addressability.


Legacy DSPs measure the channel and add it together.


Blis audiences are unified.
One data set, one audience,
any channel.


Blis audiences don’t need cookies or IDs, so we can reach your audience anywhere.


Blis measures your whole audience with patent-pending proprietary technology.

The world’s top brands
and agencies trust Blis

Blis has a great team and when it comes to client service they are top notch! Everyone in the team knows their product inside out and the end to end service is great!
Stephen Lee
Outcomes Account Director
It’s very easy to build a geo-powered audience and push it through to activation.
Candice Perkins
Comms Planning Manager
The visualization of the competitive market share is really powerful. It makes understanding both opportunity areas and where we are losing share to key competitors simple.
Phil Golding-Wood
Account Director
Learning how to build a complex audience on the platform and using the various data sets was really easy.
Milly Barrow
Planning Account Manager
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We’re always
onto something.

Home improvement audiences
The home improvement boom and the toolbox needed for best-performing campaigns
5 min read time
Blis sponsors Osservatorio Internet Media conference on measurement
Blis joins the Italian Osservatorio Internet Media conference on the evolution of measurement models
3 min read time
Blis introduces Smart Holdout Groups, a market-leading omnichannel measurement offering
3 min read time
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