he annexed my heart too


Rev // rick/roll // 25 Baddieghest Circus Director | Вully Вot © Simping GmbH | Shadowdropper | Mаnwhоrе Humiliаtоr | Whip War '24 Veteran | Aon's Knife Stand | Cheese Inspector | Never-Gonna-Let-You-Down-er | Milfromantic Shitpostsexual | Weekdays Abolitionist | Ants' Choice Awards Winner | Trash Cannibalist Hater || Top #1 Arms Dealer || Shitpostal Service Courier || Premium Octopus Vender | Annoyed a German enough To wRiTe LiKe ThiS | ★★☆☆☆ |
CDPR being CDPR: dropping information on in-lore historical events once and then never bringing it up again. Now we have a brainrot anchor for the events of December '71 a.k.a. the Burning December. Although the text keeps it rather vague, it seems plausible to assume that this particular period of time was the peak of tensions between Barghest and every other fraction involved after Kurt's My Little Pony club goes rogue in summer 2070. There is an NPC conversation that mentions Myers™ dropping bombs on the district during the same time period, but given how salty Hansen is over being dumped by his ex corps, you can easily imagine him whining about the NUSA over comms, while a regular citizen in the area probably wouldn't be bothered to distinguish between Arasaka/Militech/else missile, because whatever it is, it is flying at them right there, right that second. This event also supports the "recruitment" of Jago in 2072 rather nicely. After 2~ years of spending everything Barghest had from Militech, it would be a high-time to hire someone with a powerful trade braincell and start looking for profits. Especially so with the wall shielding the district from the rest of the world and giving the "insiders" a much closer supervision of what goes in and out of the area. Which also makes it more so impressive that Barghest somehow managed to build the wall (holding myself back from orange man jokes) after they had lost Militech's backing. One could theorize the wall was built back in 2070 when the Unification War was still going on, but everything points back to the Midnight Storm being a proceed-at-all-costs offensive op — not defensive. Building up fortifications of such scale would simply be inefficient for the task, although there surely could've been some smaller structures that were built up upon later. And last, but not least: it is quite intriguing that NCPD had the gut to poke the beast too, even with all the NC's funding (since it wasn't transferred to private ownership until 2076).

Kudos to @cyberholic77 for making me look twice at Barghest's Net page & to the entire Baddieghest team for the morning brainrot tennis on this topic. CDPR could give us one (1) more little shard to elaborate on what the Burning December was, yet they didn't.


Screeching like an eagle in my distress call right now, and it's all about... modding being modding. Would appreciate some help and hints from other Cyberpunk modders! I've been building up an NPV/NPV as V of my character and I got into a trap with the broken eye rig — the usual clipping and falling out of the socket at certain angles. Now, yes, there's an eye rig fix by xBaebsae, yet it only works with default face customization presets.

So far, I've tried to swap rigs of my mesh with that of another in-game face mesh, but it inevitably distorts the face shape too. There's a foul idea in my head to try and swap only the bones around the eye (since this area in my mesh is quite similar to default 22 eye preset/demo V mesh), but there's also a feeling I might waste a lot of time and braincells with the nitpicky data copy-pasting to achieve nothing. I'd be thankful for tips or advice. If there's a (more) sensible way to fix the issue (NPV/NPV as V or both), I'd want to try it. If there isn't, I'd want to know anyway just to put it to rest, because I'm 🤏 this close from erupting like Vesuvius and burning the local Pompeii and myself


Running by to say I love you and I love alt and can't wait to see more of her and kurt <3 <3 <3


Love you too, Bunny! You are a strong and creative soul! Always happy to see Viri, Amrin, Rasmus & all your blorbos shine too💗

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