This is siriusfox’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 20
  2. wishlist 19
  3. following 24
    by tart, MonochroMenace
    I have no idea why, but HIDE/SEEK scratches an itch I didn’t even know I had. I thoroughly enjoy it for no reason I can articulate.
  2. Songs of my land
    by Chiyomi Yamada
  3. Love Magic
    by Ujico*/Snail's House
  4. ユメの喫茶店
    by ユメガタリ(ミツキヨ , shnva)
  5. Strings at Sea
    by Ellen Tsai
  6. tharn
    by feral parrot
  7. Fable
    by Aethoro
  8. A Town Beside the Ocean
    by Aethoro
  9. Unravelling
    by Aethoro & Moon Jelly
  10. Spiritdance
    by Aethoro
  11. Autumn's Tale
    by Aethoro
  12. Winter EP
    by Aethoro
  13. sketchbook.
    by Aethoro
    Unravelling Unravelling
  14. Snowy
    by Aethoro
  15. Sanctuary
    by Aethoro
  16. 夢箱
    by ミツキヨ
  17. Blossom tea time
    by ミツキヨ
  18. Strings on Land
    by Ellen Tsai
  19. 走入有霧的森林 Hiking in the Mist
    by Cicada
  20. Music of the Gospels of the Flood
    by Chris Christodoulou