This is metroandroid’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Soundtrack
  1. collection 60
  2. wishlist 2076
  3. following 1036
  1. Animal Crossing: K.K. & Friends (Deluxe Edition)
    by Ben Briggs, ectogemia
    K.K. Cruisin' K.K. Cruisin'
  2. Crossing Worlds: Music From Chrono Cross
    by TeraCMusic
    Scars of Time ft. Legendav, Hugo Junstrand (HugoJ) Scars of Time ft. Legendav, Hugo Junstrand (HugoJ)
  3. No.3
    by Knaster
    Lisa Lisa
  4. Monarch: Heroes of a New Age Arrangements & Variations
    by Goomin "Nauts" Nam, Dale North, Joshua Morse, Norihiko Hibino, AYAKI
    Gentle Oblivion (Lake of Oblivion) Gentle Oblivion (Lake of Oblivion)
  5. Knytt Underground OST
    by Various Artists
    Scales of Zordium Scales of Zordium
  6. Tower of Heaven (Original Soundtrack)
    by flashygoodness
    Pillars of Creation Pillars of Creation
  7. Synthetic Core 88
    by Equip
    Flora Awakens (New Memory) Flora Awakens (New Memory)
  8. Infinity (GBC) - Arranged Soundtrack Medley
    by Eric E. Hache
  9. Tree Songs 2
    by dogsplusplus
    Organoids Organoids
  10. Make Music, Throw Music: A Yoshi's Island Tribute
    by Various Artists
    Daffodil Petals Daffodil Petals
  11. Strixskog
    by Strixskog
    Forgotten Emanations From the Ancient Bell Tower Forgotten Emanations From the Ancient Bell Tower
  12. Land of Cursed Spells
    by Strixskog
    A Law unto Themselves A Law unto Themselves
  13. É(v)szak
    by Braxius
  14. Crystalline Falls
    by Yuvatharia
  15. The Best Of FOTOSHOPPE CO. Vol. 4
    by Various Artists
  16. 失われた時間 (Tape Edition)
    by snowpoint lounge
  17. 予​​​想​​​外​​​の​​​メ​​​ロ​​​デ​​​ィ​​​ー Vol. 1 & 2 (Collected Edition)
    by snowpoint lounge
  18. 비윤리적 변화 !
    by snowpoint lounge
  19. 意​志​力 lp
    by snowpoint lounge
  20. 知識 ep
    by snowpoint lounge