This is lynote’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 325
  2. followers 1
  3. following 73
  1. Neoncity Delights! (7th Anniversary Compilation)
    by Neoncity Records
  2. A Million Miles Away
    by マクロスMACROSS 82-99
  3. Dark All Day
    by GUNSHIP
  4. cosevere.control
    by Noxw
  5. Desired
    by Desired
  6. Aqua
    by Xalaxia
  7. Summer Touch
    by マクロスMACROSS 82-99
  8. Shibuya Meltdown
    by Macroxx 82-99
  9. Dinner & a Show
    by Them Beats Collective
  10. Someday We'll Find It
    by Scarlett Lemieux and Serenade Systems Incorporated
  11. The Kingdom We Built
    by Yuni Wa
  12. Neo Future
    by Aexion
  13. Made of Blood
    by Flammy
  14. out of office
    by strip_silence
  15. Star Virgin III
    by サクラSAKURA-LEE
  16. Adult Swim
    by oogimix
  17. Pure Present
    by Night Tempo
  18. Showa Idol's Groove
    by Night Tempo
  19. Showa Idol's Groove ・ Finale
    by Night Tempo
  20. 夜韻 Night Tempo
    by Night Tempo