This is PocketEleri’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 137
  2. wishlist 54
  3. followers 2
  4. following 68
  1. Donut Dodo Original Soundtrack
    by Sean Bialo
  2. Frogged & Loaded
    by Pete Frogs
  3. Brand New You
    by Shirobon
  4. BAD FUTURE | Stardust Speedway Remix
    by MiatriSs
  5. Streets Of Wrath 3: Hunter Edition
    by Iceferno
    by Kohta Takahashi
  7. Elements: A VGM Tribute
    by GameGrooves
  8. Live: A Hero's Tribute to Sonic Adventure 2
    by GameGrooves
  9. Archstones: A Metal Tribute to Demon's Souls
    by GameGrooves
  10. Spiral Mountain: A Folk Tribute to Banjo-Kazooie
    by GameGrooves
  11. Barrel Roll: An Electronic Tribute to Star Fox 64
    by GameGrooves
  12. Divergent Waves: A Chrono Cross Tribute
    by GameGrooves
  13. Mauville Melodies: A Jazz Tribute to Pokémon RSE
    by GameGrooves
  14. Encuentro de Sangre: A Metal Tribute to Castlevania
    by GameGrooves
  15. Skario Kart: A Ska Tribute to Mario Kart 64
    by GameGrooves
  16. Summers: A Lo-fi Tribute to EarthBound
    by GameGrooves
  17. Select Adventure: A Celebration of Identity
    by GameGrooves
  18. Link-182: A Pop Punk Tribute to Ocarina of Time
    by GameGrooves
  19. Steal Your Heart: A Jazz Tribute to Persona 5
    by GameGrooves
  20. Learn: A Villain's Tribute to Sonic Adventure 2
    by GameGrooves