This is antirrhesis’ music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Soundtrack
  1. collection 192
  2. wishlist 47
  3. followers 3
  4. following 250
  1. Unwelcome Guests
    by Blood Lord
  2. The Bloodstained Keep
    by Blood Lord
  3. Sorgeberget
    by Trollslottet
  4. The Ghost from Sheol
    by Vikorra Doom
  5. Grayshadow Ruins
    by Mountain Realm
  6. The Holy Crag
    by DIM
  7. Parachrism
    by DIM
  8. Steeped Sky, Stained Light
    by DIM
  9. Ancient
    by Wulfsige
    by Maribeth Solomon & Brent Barkman
  11. Unnamable
    by AKLO
  12. Titan Blur
    by AKLO
  13. Beyond Madness
    by AKLO
  14. Sensitive Document
    by Tillinghast Laboratories
  15. Book of the Black Rose
    by Darkrune
  16. Nocturnes and Nightmares
    by Darkrune
  17. Veil Of Rime
    by Wulfsige
  18. Subterras
    by Wulfsige
  19. Old Blood
    by Wulfsige
  20. Cold, Dead Eyes
    by Wulfsige