Charge Rifle needs a buff.

by Joemanji

Original Post

Charge Rifle needs a buff.

★★★★ Apprentice

Does the Charge Rifle need to be a gun at this point? I just feel like it's not as effective as the other snipers and its unique but the quality of it is very poor. I understand hitting someone is supposed to be rewarding but not with the way it shoots. Respawn nerfed the Charge Rifle but what was the point if it's barely a gun? I was fine with the Charge Rifle before even though it was a lot easier to use. Just doesn't feel like it should be a floor weapon at this point. 

Message 1 of 2 (428 Views)

Re: Charge Rifle needs a buff.

Community Manager
Hi @Joemanji,

I moved your post to the feedback section to keep the forums organized.

Thanks for your feedback!


Message 2 of 2 (384 Views)