Account data loss

by qPENGjJjJ

Original Post

Account data loss

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

30/6/2024, I suddenly let me log in to my EA account when I logged in to apex on steam, but I failed to log in through EA id, but I can log in to EA app through my email, and when I enter the app, all my data is cleared, including inventory, friends, game records, purchase records, game levels, etc., and the EA id is also changed (from PENGJ to qPENGjJjJJ)
I thought I was logged into the wrong account, so I logged in to the EA app through steam, but it showed that I was not registered, so I registered a new EA account with another email address, and entered the apex in steam, and my data was still gone.
Through EA HELP, the customer service told me: unbinding the platform association will lose data, maybe rebinding can be restored.
So with the help of customer service, I unbound the newly registered account and bound steam with the original EA account, but my data still hasn't come back.
How do I retrieve my data?



[CM - Edited title for CAPS]

Message 1 of 2 (127 Views)


Community Manager

Hey @qPENGjJjJ,


Progress is stored at the EA account level, not on individual platforms like PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, etc. This means if you link your platform to a different EA account, you'll lose access to that progress.


In some cases re-linking the platform to its original EA Account will restore access to that progress, however there's always the chance it will be lost permanently whenever you unlink. Please check through this article for more details on unlinking.


In this case I'm not sure if your Steam account was properly linked back to the original EA Account. This EA Account you're posting with has never launched Apex on Steam before the past couple days. If you played Apex on Steam in the past, it would have been linked to a different EA Account.


That does mean you'll need to try locating the correct EA Account and re-link your Steam there instead. If you have any trouble re-linking, you may need to contact support again so they can try to assist.

Message 2 of 2 (77 Views)