What is up with these new stores?

by 3426e59ivcf0

Original Post

What is up with these new stores?

★★★ Novice

Recently, a new store was added called the Bureau of Restoration. I have liked playing this game for some time now and I regularly was purchasing Mayors pass. But this is just getting out of hand. The pricing to build the building was 250,000 simoleons and the prices these products sell for are ridiculous. I'm just about fed up with how EA is taking the fun out of this and making it more difficult to play. Almost as if they are pushing paying customers away so they don't have to keep supporting updates for the game. Eventually they will push everyone away. Anybody else feel the same way? 

Message 1 of 12 (525 Views)

Re: What is up with these new stores?

★★★★★ Newbie

I can't even afford to build it right now and the fact that I refreshed building plans SIX TIMES yesterday to try not to get any items from this store in the plans is ridiculous. I never was able to get it out the plans btw, had to ask my husband to build the store since he had extra simoleons and make the item for me. Already frustrating that we need more storage but then you have to buy this expensive building that makes cheap stuff that isn't even worth selling.

Message 2 of 12 (504 Views)

Re: What is up with these new stores?

★★★ Apprentice

I had the bureau of restoration from before when it was available for a limited time, but needed to spend 450k to upgrade to produce stained glass which was included free before. It is getting impossible to keep producing all these new items. I assume this store is now permanent and not limited time.

Message 3 of 12 (471 Views)

Re: What is up with these new stores?

★★★★★ Newbie
@Vernissa If EA thinks it will get them an extra penny you can count on it never going away.
Message 4 of 12 (413 Views)

Re: What is up with these new stores?

★★ Apprentice

Just an FYI.  There's a Farm Implement store that was temporary before.  We will probably see that one in the next upgrade. Stupid EA!!!!

Message 5 of 12 (369 Views)

Re: What is up with these new stores?

★ Guide

I’ve attached a short list of stores/shops for EA to add to the game in the future, since this seems to be the direction the game is going.


Message 6 of 12 (341 Views)

Re: What is up with these new stores?

★ Guide

May as well include an adult book store lol

Message 7 of 12 (329 Views)

Re: What is up with these new stores?

★★★ Apprentice

I have a CoM challenge to produce 17 carved wood. This used to require 3 planks and 1 tape measure for each one. Now it requires 5 planks, 2 tapes and 2 drills, totaling 85 planks, 34 tapes and 34 drills for a miserable 2100 points! Not even going to attempt it. Getting really fed up with this game. EA need to review the requirements and time for production for this shop.

Message 8 of 12 (292 Views)

Re: What is up with these new stores?

★★★ Novice

I agree, I have one for 16 for 2400 points. Won't even attempt it either. It's getting to be pathetic. 

Message 9 of 12 (287 Views)

Re: What is up with these new stores?

★★★★★ Apprentice

Hope they realize your being sarcastic’ lol’

Message 10 of 12 (196 Views)