suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

by Nan22fly

Original Post

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★★★ Newbie
  1. Open World Like Sims 3
  2. Add 'grandparent of ' / 'parent of ' etc. like in sims 3 when CAS
  3. When cleaning be able to vacuum &/or mop instead of just mop
  4. No washing dishes in bathroom unless that is the only sink
  5. Travel
  6. Height Slider
  7. Have more age stages to choose from (baby, toddler, child/kid, pre teen, teenager, YA, Adult & Elder)
  8. Operational Daycare(s)
  9. Elementary, Middle School, High School, & College (Trade/Tech school & 4yr)
  10. Running your own shops (food, clothing, etc.)
  11. Sims actually walk to and get into cars like sims 2--even get onto bikes instead of just appearing
  12. Parents be able to take children to school & daycare instead of always getting on the bus
  13. Have live in nanny
  14. No Rabbit Hole Jobs (Hospital, Business Office, Police Station etc)
  15. More Realistic Jobs
  16. Singing/Acting/Professional Sports/Military
  17. Facial Hair for teens
  18. Can put children babies up for adoption
  19. Risky Woohoo
  20. Teen Pregnancies
  21. Abortions
  22. Choose whether sims (Female & Male) are happy about pregnancy or not
  23. Pet Store To Buy Different Pets (Reptiles, Birds, Rodents, Cats, Dogs & Fish)
  24. Seasons (but can control the intensity/type ex. winters-south,north, mid west etc.)
Message 21 of 62 (1,326 Views)

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★ Guide

I know I have stated this many times now but the one area that has not been addressed is the intelligence of the Sims.  I want to build the house or apartment building or the college or whatever and let them make the choices: meeting people, finding a job they like, going to a movie, buying new clothes, etc.  It would be like SimCity meets the Sims.  I just want to build and let them do the rest.  People are suggesting so many things in the forum.  Some ideas are cool but others feel like they are not needed.  I just full autonomy and that is it.  Keep the game growing but add this one big feature.  Let me choose between doing everything for my Sims or just let my Sims live their lives with me just observing.  I want to start out with one Sim and eventually have a whole city of Sims living their lives without me have to take care of them.  To make the Sims that smart will take a lot of code and time.  But trust me, it will be worth it.  I did everything for my Sims in 1,2,3, and 4.  Change it up in 5.  If you add this feature, I will spend 100 dollars on Sims 5.  Maybe even more.  People can ask for religion, and opening windows and etc.  Just give me truly full autonomy.  That is all I want.  Everything else is just icing.

Message 22 of 62 (1,287 Views)

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★★★★ Guide

@SuperNTG wrote:

Sims 5 needs just amazing AI in Sims 5.  Amazing autonomy.  i build stuff and they just live and grow

Currently if you leave family members alone for 24 hours they end up starving, passed out on the floor, having soiled themselves.  Perhaps you need to temper your expectations.

Message 23 of 62 (1,215 Views)

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★ Guide
@VeronicatheCD Hey the way that technology and AI is advancing so quickly, if they truly focused on that, instead of religions, graphics, etc., it could come much closer. And with patches, they could achieve it.
Message 24 of 62 (1,201 Views)

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★★★★ Guide


@SuperNTG wrote:
@VeronicatheCDHey the way that technology and AI is advancing so quickly, if they truly focused on that, instead of religions, graphics, etc., it could come much closer. And with patches, they could achieve it.

They could, but EA decided what they wanted to do years ago when Project René started.  This is just how EA operates.  Other games they have put out by fans near unanimously demanding one thing snd them "intentionally" going in the exact opposite direction.  The rise of AI wont affect anything until TS6.

Message 25 of 62 (1,192 Views)

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★ Guide
@VeronicatheCD Maybe, but there is still time
Message 26 of 62 (1,183 Views)

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★★★ Newbie

i would love if sims 5 included options to make your sim have ADHD, autism  and many other things like so

Message 27 of 62 (1,168 Views)

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★★★★ Guide
@skinks312 I highly doubt it because they release so many things with bugs. Now if your sim turns into a demon when interacting with infants then people laugh - if they do that with something like autism and it doesn't act right, it looks like EA is demonizing autists rather than that they simply rushed a product to market to cash in and meet arbitrary deadlines to look good to investors. Good companies would have thoroughly playtested it beforehand and averted a PR nightmare - EA isn't going to do that. They know they aren't going to do that. So I don't see any chance that they will take the risk on something like that.
Message 28 of 62 (1,148 Views)

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★ Guide

So what do you think Sims 5 will look like?  If they are not going to make the Sims smarter/able to take care of themselves then what is left to add?

Message 29 of 62 (1,103 Views)

Re: suggestion/ideas that sims 5 should include in the game

★★★★ Guide

@SuperNTG wrote:

So what do you think Sims 5 will look like?  If they are not going to make the Sims smarter/able to take care of themselves then what is left to add?

All the things TS4 has, sold to you again in new packaging.  They will update graphics and give a handful of new stuff, and then you buy stuff again.  That's what they did with TS3 except they took away stuff before allowing you to purchase it again.  It's kinda disappointing when you realize that Jungle Adventure was the replacement for World Adventures.  One world, simpler tombs.

Message 30 of 62 (1,089 Views)

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