Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

by LennyOgg

Original Post

Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

[ Edited ]
★★ Pro

I was so exited for this pack since I was a goldsmith by profession 💍

This pack is so awesome and I also love the BB objects 💞

And all the tools and the workbench are really well done and look authentic.CC1


But now I won't give them the satisfaction that I bought it because of that 💢 cart button -.-

I don't even dare to log in.

For almost 25 I bought almost all Sims games and packs on release date full price, but not this one.



Will you buy it?


Message 1 of 12 (1,086 Views)

Re: Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

★★ Novice

Yes but where is the buy button because I dont even see it with the rest of the stuff packs..

Message 2 of 12 (1,057 Views)

Re: Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

★ Novice

where is it ive been trying to buy?

Message 3 of 12 (1,048 Views)

Re: Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

★ Pro

Lol, nah.

Message 4 of 12 (1,027 Views)

Re: Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

★★★★★ Expert



I was sincerely excited to purchase this stuff pack right away, but recent bugs do not allow me to update the game. Leaving aside the shopping cart button (which is another reason that won't make me purchase this SP on day one), the bug affecting the spellcaster inventory, for me personally is very serious, as I only play with occults.
So if these bugs are fixed in the future, I will definitely purchase it, now unfortunately it is not possible for me.

Message 5 of 12 (1,019 Views)

Re: Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

★★★★ Guide
@GiardiniDiMarzo I also play primarily with occults, so I know exactly what you mean.

@LennyOgg SMH, I was actually excited about this pack, it looked unique and interesting. However, I have unfortunately rethought purchasing it for the time being, due to the whole Cart Button issue. For my part, I've just modded that away, but it's the principle of the thing, on behalf of all those who can't/won't use mods (and shouldn't have to in the first place). So sadly no, at least for now, I've decided to hold off on getting this new pack.
Message 6 of 12 (1,008 Views)

Re: Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

★★ Pro

I also was going to buy this pack today, but I just have a bad taste in my mouth recently....can't imagine what THAT'S about, lol. Sigh


Maybe they will listen to us about it...eventually...

Message 7 of 12 (998 Views)

Re: Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

★★★★★ Newbie

Forget the crystal pack, I ain't buying a thing until that shopping cart is removed entirely. Why purchase anything if this makes me feel repulsed to even playing?


EA is once again testing what they can get away with and I'm SO not having it, as a patient simmer who spent a ton of money on overpriced buggy dlc, this is my last straw.

Who knows where we'll end up if we just continue to consume and buy like nothing happened after each new cashgrab EA introduces.

Message 8 of 12 (966 Views)

Re: Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

★ Guide

I was going to, like you I was actually really excited for this one which is rare for me, but after the button I won't be buying anything else for this game unless it's removed from gameplay.

Message 9 of 12 (962 Views)

Re: Will you buy Crystal Creations? 💎

★ Guide

Nope. It is one of the few packs I don't feel will positively impact my game.

Message 10 of 12 (878 Views)

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