Skate 3 30 fps lock in skateparks

by Smoke126

Original Post

Skate 3 30 fps lock in skateparks

★★★ Newbie

Hello! How do I fix the problem with locked fps in skateparks on my Xbox Series X? There are 60+ fps in the whole game, but skateparks work at 30 fps or less. It's unplayable Frown. I am very saddened that skate 3 is having problems on the nextgen consoles, because this is my favorite game.

I read that this problem does not exist on Xbox One X, but I still encounter it on Xbox Series X.


- sincerely, Kamil from Russia Standard smile 

Message 1 of 2 (1,757 Views)

Re: Skate 3 30 fps lock in skateparks

★★★ Newbie
@Smoke126 same
Message 2 of 2 (224 Views)