SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

by orlandodoom

Original Post

Re: SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

★★★★★ Newbie

I have read that update 10 back in 2014 was supposed to make this game playable offline, I am not sure if I do not have it because I just purchased the game, but can anyone confirm or deny the ability to play single player offline?


Message 71 of 159 (858 Views)

Re: SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

★★ Guide

You can play offline but you still have to log into it first, so the same thing effecting everyone else would still be a problem for you too.

Message 72 of 159 (843 Views)

Re: SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

★★ Novice

If you want to play in single mode while we wait on the fix just turn off you internet connection and restart the game.

Message 73 of 159 (814 Views)

Re: SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

★★ Apprentice

Obviously I was joking around about the suspended services of SimCity.
Had a great laugh on Twitter, where a huge online gaming magazine released a news article about it and removed it after I sent them a private message that I was just joking around.

A bit of fun around this crappy matter should be allowed Standard smile

Other than that, it's quite annoying that we cannot even get to single player anno 2023.. I also feel let down by EA as I'm one of the top players of SimCity 2013 (in terms of hours, almost 11K hours) and they're not replying to my ticket about this issue.

Message 74 of 159 (1,001 Views)

Re: SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

★★★ Novice
@TBones54 Doesn't work
Message 75 of 159 (969 Views)

Re: Incorrect Login Information

★★★ Apprentice

After much troubleshooting to no avail, I opened case #142851221.



Message 76 of 159 (687 Views)

Re: SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

★★★ Newbie

Day 2 - 7:30pm EST, server's still down.

Can we get ANY updates whatsoever? This is ridiculous.

Message 77 of 159 (863 Views)

Re: SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

★★★★ Novice

Agreed. Hopefully, we won't wait much longer.

Message 78 of 159 (853 Views)

Re: SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

★★ Novice
@ImHappyIlya_ Hmmmmm.... I've been playing single player mode all afternoon
Message 79 of 159 (852 Views)

Re: SimCity (2013) 'Incorrect Login Information' Error message..

★★ Novice
@TBones54 Same here. I went offline and played single-player. Now the app allows only single-player mode even though I went online again.
Message 80 of 159 (826 Views)