Stucked at 99% game completion.

by rodannsw

Original Post

Stucked at 99% game completion.

★★ Novice

Hello there!


 I am lost. I have stuck at 99 % game progress after finishing it and am not able to find anything else to discover. I do have all the collectibles from chests, all the secrets found, all the areas explored, all database entries filled, even all the plants for terrarium gathered…

 Could anybody help me? Is it a bug or did I miss something?

 Thanks for any advice in advance.



Message 1 of 12 (4,988 Views)

Re: Stucked at 99% game completion.

★★★ Guide

i got 100% ONCE months ago, but i've also been stuck at 99% on all my games. I really tried this last time, but I know there's at least one pair of bounty hunters I haven't won against yet. I think it's the bounty hunters...

Message 2 of 12 (4,944 Views)

Re: Stucked at 99% game completion.

★★ Novice

I am not sure about it. There are only 3 types of bounty hunters and after they are defeated they only vary in different names.

Message 3 of 12 (4,900 Views)

Re: Stucked at 99% game completion.

★★★★ Apprentice

Hm.  I was able to 100% the game without having all the terrarium seeds, so I'm not sure what it could be.  Is there any area on any planet (using the holomap) that you haven't totally explored yet?  Even the smallest room could be what's causing it.

Message 4 of 12 (4,888 Views)

Re: Stucked at 99% game completion.

★★ Novice

That is the strangest - all the worlds are 100 % explored w/ all the chests and secrets found and yet the overall completion is at 99 %...

Message 5 of 12 (4,860 Views)

Re: Stucked at 99% game completion.

★★★★ Apprentice
@rodannsw The only thing I can think of offhand that you could try is to talk with each of the members of the Mantis crew on each planet and exhaust their dialogue.
Message 6 of 12 (4,841 Views)

Re: Stucked at 99% game completion.

★★ Novice

Unfortunately, it did not work. I have tried at every planet have conversations with the crew out but it is still the same...

Message 7 of 12 (4,790 Views)

Re: Stucked at 99% game completion.

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Had same problem with multiple playthroughs.  The ANSWER is go back into game, and kill enough enemies to gain points and FILL the SKILL TREE.  My game went from 98% on one game to 100%.  On next game, went from 99% to 100 %.  Both cases, I had found ALL chests, echoes, BD scans, and secrets, as well as every map on every planet EXPLORED.  The trigger to get 100 % game completion was FILLING the skill tree.  Good luck!

Message 8 of 12 (4,697 Views)

Re: Stucked at 99% game completion.

★★★ Guide
@hoffee83 Interesting. I always skip the Switch Attack skill b/c it messes me up while i'm fighting. In fact, the one time i got 100% was the time I learned that Switch Attack screws me up b/c I filled my skill tree. Thanks Standard smile
Message 9 of 12 (4,668 Views)

Re: Stucked at 99% game completion.

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Problem was after I messed around and patiently completed all of the achievements, I stopped worrying about them, and "ran" through the game, often avoiding fights.  It was then that I stopped worrying about filling the skill tree, which IS an achievement.  I played about 6 games, being super careful not to miss any collectibles, and each time I finished at either 98 or 99 %.  Yesterday, I was looking at the skill tree, and was missing three spots.  I decided to jump into the game.  I found a spot with lots of enemies, and kept killing then re-spawning them until enough points were gained.  I filled the skill tree  then saved and exited.  Going back in, the game finally showed 100%.  During story,  Cal says he has to re-establish his connection to the force, to "get back to where he was" , meaning part of the JOURNEY is to become a jedi knight, with ALL skills.  Anyway  this worked for me, now get 100% game completion.  Enjoy!

Message 10 of 12 (4,599 Views)