Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

by tefull

Original Post

Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★★★ Newbie

Star Wars battlefront companion (base command) is no longer’s really handy for checking progress towards my last few bits of diorama

Message 1 of 239 (20,097 Views)

Re: Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★★★★ Novice
@tefull I have seen this before over the years that the app has been available and I think it takes someone at EA to review and remediate. I am trying to hit 1 million credits earned playing it and am only about 60k away from that...
Message 2 of 239 (20,051 Views)

Re: Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★ Apprentice

I've been having this issue the last 4 days as well.  I've also received confirmation from 6 friends that it isn't working for them either.  All of us get the following message:  "Sorry an error occurred.  Please try again later."

Message 3 of 239 (20,036 Views)

Re: Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★★★★ Novice

I am wondering why the mods are responding to pretty much every other complaint besides this one?  Is the site down? Can someone investigate?

Message 4 of 239 (20,005 Views)

Re: Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★ Apprentice

I find it curious as well.  I've now heard from a dozen different people across a couple of discord servers, all of them encountering the same error message when attempting to login.  

Message 5 of 239 (19,994 Views)

Re: Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★ Novice

Yes it is happening to me too.

Message 6 of 239 (19,969 Views)

Re: Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★★★★ Novice
@tefull This happened to me at first, so I tried logging in on an iphone and it worked. Then somehow it worked on my android after that.
Message 7 of 239 (19,949 Views)

Re: Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★★★ Newbie
@JWayn596 Thanks...tried that..and reinstalling...and joy...
Message 8 of 239 (19,931 Views)

Re: Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★★★★ Novice

Same here. Tried uninstall and reinstall as well as attempting on IOS and Android. I feel that someone on the hosting end over at EA needs to reboot an authentication server.

Message 9 of 239 (19,913 Views)

Re: Base Command (SWBF companion) broken

★ Apprentice

I tried that last week with IPhone, Android Phone, & Android tablet...cleared the cache, uninstalled, & reinstalled on all 3 with no luck.  Have tried logging in on both phones each day just to check, and still getting the same error.

Message 10 of 239 (19,895 Views)