Unable to Connect to Giddy Park

by Ashleymb123456

Original Post

Unable to Connect to Giddy Park

[ Edited ]
★ Novice

Ok I have been having trouble getting to play online multiplayer Gidy park for a 1 month! I can log into my EA online servers but I only go to a public server's with only AI every time. I don't understand why I can't join public server's with other people anymore 😭😭😭😭

Message 1 of 6 (231 Views)

Re: Unable to Connect to Giddy Park

Community Manager

@Ashleymb123456 Do you know what servers you are connecting to? 


For example are they Asisa, NA, NA West/East, Australia etc?


We would need more information on this one. There isn't a way to tell why someone isn't connecting when others can. That typically indicates a local network issue or part of a larger issue such as those who cannot connect to Asia servers at the moment.


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Message 2 of 6 (196 Views)

Re: Unable to Connect to Giddy Park

★ Novice

I should be connecting to the United States servers....if I go to the portal machine I can play with others but that's it. It shows me that I'm in a portal all by myself and if my friends are online I can join them, but that's not how I like to play sometimes. I un-installed then re-installed the game still I have issues. It shows at the beginning of the game that I'm connecting to ea servers but when I spawn in I'm all by myself.... 

Message 3 of 6 (191 Views)

Re: Unable to Connect to Giddy Park

Community Manager

@Ashleymb123456 I am downloading it now to test it. Do all other modes and places within the game work as normal? Is it just Giddy Park?


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Message 4 of 6 (166 Views)

Re: Unable to Connect to Giddy Park

★ Novice

Yes everything else is normal, it's just Giddy park! This like one of my favorite games so I was sad when it started to do that to me.

Message 5 of 6 (140 Views)

Re: Unable to Connect to Giddy Park

★ Novice

I don't know what you did but you fixed it!!! Yay 

Message 6 of 6 (136 Views)