[PC] Plants vz Zombies - "We could not activate on this computer"

by 7u677

Original Post

Re: Plants vs zombies broken

★★★★ Apprentice

@Flooffffy  thanks! happy to help. have fun

Message 31 of 138 (2,565 Views)

Re: Plants vs zombies broken

★★★★★ Newbie
@ExLo05 It works, thanks pal!
Message 32 of 138 (2,485 Views)

Re: Plants vs zombies broken

★★★★ Apprentice

better than  EA assistance. and i'm not paid 

Message 33 of 138 (2,357 Views)

Re: Plants vs zombies broken

★★★ Newbie

I have the English version of this game and am sitting with exactly the same problem. Uninstalling and re-installing doesn't help at all, And installing another language and then reverting back to English also doesn't work.


How can EA not have a game-breaking bug like this fixed after more than 3 months?!

Message 34 of 138 (2,282 Views)

Re: Plants vs. Zombies Could Not Activate

★★★ Novice
@henrychou0618 i dont think it will be i have tryed every thing i uninstalled the EA app ive deleted origen ive logged out and log in and lots more im only 11 i got my dad to help he didnt know anything either but it works on his pc
Message 35 of 138 (1,671 Views)

Re: Plants vs. Zombies Could Not Activate

★★★ Novice
@QueSithElement same here but instead it sais coul not connect to the internet even though i am
Message 36 of 138 (1,669 Views)

Re: Plants vs zombies broken

★ Apprentice

We have had the exact same problem here, and literally nothing works. The so-called customer service is nothing but a merry-go-round where nothing is solved in any sense of the word whatsoever. They just send you in circles, often asking for the exact same information repeatedly, such as "verifying your account," and each reply has nothing to do with whatever you had emailed before. Some people told me the game has been "sunset" and will not work, others said that isn't true...the right hand has no idea what the left is doing. It's a complete joke, and the BBB is full of similar complaints.


I finally gave up and purchased a disk. Only problem for us is that we can only install it on an older laptop, which runs slowly and the game freezes. So essentially, we can't play at all anymore. Which is a huge bummer. It has been 4 entire months and absolutely nothing has been resolved. 


I haven't even purchased any more items for my Sims because I am afraid of losing my purchases and never being able to recover them again. 

Message 37 of 138 (2,344 Views)

Re: Plants vs zombies broken

★★★★★ Newbie
@ExLo05 Grazie di cuore.
Message 38 of 138 (2,808 Views)

Re: Plants Vs. Zombies demanding product key for wrong edition of game

★★★ Newbie

At the Moment? Right now we have october and this Bug still persists... my 5 year old wanted to play and can't... we didn't have this bug in Origin...

Message 39 of 138 (2,672 Views)

Re: Plants Vs. Zombies demanding product key for wrong edition of game

★★★★ Apprentice

@Gorgha @CptnButtscar @HecticBru @Darmaniwolf @QTGRRL  Hi guys, are you all from England or America?
if not and you have the game installed in your native language, try to unisitall and before reinstalling change game language to ENGLISH ONLY GAME LANGUAGE not EA APP.
it worked for me i had game in italian asking me Activation code, putting it in english it worked fine. hope this can help you

Message 40 of 138 (2,606 Views)