Game sliders wont save in be a pro

by willshere685

Original Post

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

Community Manager



No problem. If it continues, or if you have any other issues, let us know. Have fun!

Message 11 of 62 (3,016 Views)

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

★★ Novice



Im sorry to inform that we need to look into

this issue once again.


Your recommendations seemed to work but between games it seems to revoke back again. Also after done playing and turning off the ps4 the game play sliders will be revoked for next time you start the game.


Could you please once again look into it. It really driving both me but also many others in the community crazy.


Thank you in advance. 

Message 12 of 62 (2,926 Views)

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

★★★ Newbie

I am having this issue as well... it doesn’t matter where you adjust it... in game, in the be a pro menu, from the main menu.. each time it reverts back to default... this is driving us nuts EA.. Please for the love of God fix this.. I’ve read threads from 3 years ago of people complaining of this and it’s still an issue. Going through all the sliders each time takes forever, and I play each individual game in the season. 

Message 13 of 62 (2,918 Views)

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Aljo I am having this same issue when I set my sliders they don’t save I tried your steps and still don’t save the sliders
Message 14 of 62 (2,819 Views)

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

Community Manager



Unfortunately, if that's not helping, we'll need to wait and see if this is resolved in a future update. 

Message 15 of 62 (2,816 Views)

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

★★★ Novice

@EA_Aljo Your fix worked perfectly. I adjusted everything the way I wanted, saved it, then exited out and saved it. Then when coming back in, it worked. But there is a trick to getting your specific settings to load into your game each time, first, don't chose your next game from the calendar, chose it from the top of the menu, and when it asks you what length do you want to play, don't select one of the ones with an actual time or all your sliders will be reset to default again. You HAVE to choose "custom" and when you look at the custom choice, it says right there that by choosing this, it allows you to use your pre-saved settings. I played a couple of games and the sliders stayed like I set them, then I exited out and closed the game completely and came back in and it still worked fine, just remember guys, once you sliders are set, SAVE them and make sure to chose custom match from the list and NOT a certain times game and you will be golden :+)

Message 16 of 62 (2,731 Views)

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

Community Manager



Thanks for the additional details! If you have any other issues, please let us know. Have fun!

Message 17 of 62 (2,699 Views)

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Aljo This is not working for me. Still requires adjustment for every game. This is aggravating.
Message 18 of 62 (2,675 Views)

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

★★★★★ Novice

still not working. why can't there be a load preset sliders if i make a preset. this is just frustrating. I'm on xbox and there is not a button to save when you change anything. the sliders are where i set them until i load into game. then they all reset

Message 19 of 62 (2,491 Views)

Re: Gameplay sliders revert in Be a pro

Community Manager

Hi there, @XboxMayor 


Did you follow the steps @Guarddog32 mentioned?

Message 20 of 62 (2,469 Views)