Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

by masterjohnson98

Original Post

Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★★ Apprentice

So it could be either a fight after a hit, a fight right from the face off, or anything...


Basically just a regular fight, one on one.


Then after the fight only the user teams fighter gets the 5 minute major for fighting, the CPU fighter does not get a penalty at all.

That player could go on that 5 minute power play and score a goal.

(this has actually happend a many times, once Thornton got 2 goals on me after he fought)


It's been happening on my "be a gm mode" and "playoff mode" very often and seems like it's only in the 3rd period.

(sound like it's happening to many people now)


Hopefully this helps,


(it better, I signed up for crappy instagram for this, ha) 


Thanks Francis.

Message 1 of 22 (977 Views)

Re: Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★★★★★ Novice

I have seen it they do not announce it well in the game so it can be confusing...You are not going shorthanded for the fight but rather the penality that you committed before the fight or to cause the fight...This is always the reason even in faceoff fights but the announcer always just says 5 min major for fighting so its easy to assume that is why your shorthanded but you actually get 2 penalitys

Message 2 of 22 (967 Views)

Re: Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★★ Apprentice

No it's a 5 minute major power play, check the images.


There is an actual fight.


In the stats the user team player gets a 5 minute major for fighting and the CPU player does not.


Then the CPU goes on a 5 minute major power play.


This has happend even after a fight started just after a faceoff. 


(I'm not an idiot) 

Message 3 of 22 (961 Views)

Re: Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★★ Apprentice


I think the last image didn't work for some reason.


Hopefully this one works.

Message 4 of 22 (960 Views)

Re: Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★ Guide

No stomp is right...the only error is the description/reason for your shorthand...It may say 5 min major for fighting but thats not the penality your shorthanded for...I have had this happen and its always unsportsman like conduct or some other penalty that I did before the fight it just doesn't say that

Message 5 of 22 (934 Views)

Re: Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★★ Apprentice

That would make no sense then.


It's always a 5 minute major power play and my player does return to action after the power play expires (usually if someone gets a 5 minute major, they also get a game misconduct, also I've never seen differently in the game)


I've have had this happen numerous times, and they have even been from fights right after a draw.

So there is no way another penalty has occured then.

Message 6 of 22 (925 Views)

Re: Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★★ Apprentice

Also why would the guy who I fought not be in the penalty box and actually playing on the power play, and at times scoring not 1 but 2 goals. hahaha

Message 7 of 22 (924 Views)

Re: Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★★ Novice

If there is a major penalty before the fight u will be shorthanded.

Message 8 of 22 (918 Views)

Re: Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★★ Apprentice
Hahaha, great comment. Some fights are right after the draw. As I've said before.

Please read everything before commenting.
Thank you.
Message 9 of 22 (914 Views)

Re: Fighting error - 5 minute power play for the CPU

★ Guide

Hmm sorry to imply you were wrong I was going to say go to penalty summary but i see you have done that...The only other solution I can offer other than wait for a tuner update is to clear the game from your HD if it is installed that fixes alot of issues for people and also clear your system cache as that seems to make the game run smoother and has fixed many problems like yours

Message 10 of 22 (899 Views)