by mxflys

Original Post


★★ Guide

I see allot of people who buy packs complaining about how there too expensive and there is never enough good cards in them and I agree one thing EA should try and do for 20 is depending how much extra money you spend and how many packs you buy you automatically get a high rated card say like after 20 or 50 packs or something? no matter what! make it so they can pick say 1 to 5 players of there choosing or something like that, that way at least they get something for all the extra money they spend or if EA doesn't want to do that make it so the people who spend so much extra money get something extra for Next year game coming out? I personally don't buy packs I think its a waste of money when there is a new game coming out every year and you then have to buy packs all over again maybe if they would skip a year or something then maybe I would but you know EA will never do that! I get and understand this what mostly all games do now with extra DLC and packs for sports games so not just blaming EA I know its a business but make it so you give something back to the players at least, with eatra DLC for action games you  get extra content so at least that is worth it but with just sports packs its usually just allot of junk you will never use again so to me EA needs to change that!

Message 1 of 5 (1,003 Views)


[ Edited ]

I think people would end up just buying a whole bunch of super cheap packs and sell the good players for major profit if that was the case. People absolutely freak out in the FIFA forums when it comes to their FUT packs but I keep telling them - PACKS ARE GAMBLING; the odds are supposed to be super low and there is no such thing as pack luck. It's a fantastic way to earn money and EA has totally hit that sweet spot so I don't see them changing their formula any time soon Frown

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Don't be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes
Message 2 of 5 (971 Views)


★★★ Novice

I hear ya brother 

Message 3 of 5 (960 Views)


★★★★ Novice

I think it’s fair if your going to cheat and buy packs to get over rated players then it serves you right to get garbage like the rest of us would if we bought packs. But why buy packs to get good players and then consider yourself a good player when in reality your not, your guys are. If you have players over 94 you realize how much less you have to chase the puck and how much less you have to play defense. Is that fair to some of us who actually grind the game to get players that are earned. I’ve seen way to many ppl with 99 overall guys to say they’re a good player. It makes the game aweful and not worth playing when you have no chance at all playing against someone that spends thousands on packs. If they wanna spend thousands and get garbage I guess they will learn the hard way and play like the rest of us have to. If you could buy world 8 in super Mario bros then the game wouldn’t be fun would it? Same with EA NHL19. Ppl buy the players and get full teams of 99 overall players deserve to spend thousands on those players if they wanna buy em. There’s enough players out there buying packs and ruining the game as it is they don’t need better players in every pack. Easy solution. Grind the game and earn your guys and if you get garbage when you buy packs then serves you right. Quit cheating to consider yourself good when your not. Your thousands spent in packs makes you good and you deserve to spend all that hard earned money to get players that are unstoppable no matter what. You for one know exactly what I mean if your guys are all bought and not at all earned. Spend your money and get garbage because I won’t spend a dime and won’t complain about the guys I get. They’re free and honestly it’s cheating to purchase your way through the game 

Message 4 of 5 (906 Views)


★★★ Newbie

Sometimes pffttt. I’ve bought using coin packs where it’s 50% or higher to get an 86 at least and get dealt nothing but 81-82’s. 

like if EA wants people to actually buy the packs and keep buying then at least adjust where people have a 50-50 chance making their money back. But someone using 220k in coins to pull trash tends to make them defer from buying more. I know that’s what kept me from doing it. It’s like, sure I’ll get some where at least I think I’ll pull a few but the first time I picked the most expensive pack where odds were decent where an 83+ was 99% and still didn’t get at least an 83. I was done lol 

Message 5 of 5 (100 Views)