Feedback, Opinions, & Suggestions

by Ko8eIv3rson

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Feedback, Opinions, & Suggestions

★★★ Newbie

This is my very first message just to give feedback on NBA Live 14. Hopefully this is the right place to post this. Before I get into the details, I want to say that I'm glad to FINALLY see the NBA Live Franchise back in the game! I've been a fan of the series since the beginning.



When I first saw the presentation and  the trailer with Kyrie Irving and the BounceTek feature to make the dribbling look more realistic, I was excited. I was definitely looking forward to play it when it released. It looked amazing from what was presented at the time. At the release though, it was disappointing. But your gradual patch updates helped improve the visuals. The game overall does look better than from the 1st day of release.


Presentation / Commentary:

From what I've experienced and watched, It's good. You have an advantage on certain things over your competition with subtle things like cheerleaders and mascots. The commentary does get repetitive over time. And at times the commentary doesn't mesh and match with the gameplay happening.



Love the Big Moments Mode! Rising star is good, but could be better. Ultimate Team is cool, but I don't play this mode to often. Disappointed on the Legends/Classic Players that DIDN'T make it into the game... Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Charles Barkley, Afro Kobe, etc.



Pre-patches... Was disappointed. Post-patches however... Did improve the gameplay, movement, and flow of the game! I definitely like the improvement as these patches keep coming.


NBA Live 15 and the Future / Suggestions:

I saw thescreenshots of NBA Live 15... They look GREAT! Glad to see the visuals stepped up DRAMATICALLY from NBA Live 14! But, I'm hoping not only the visuals stack up and compete with NBA2K15... I'm hoping thegameplay will flow, possibly match, or even exceed what2K15 is going to release. Modes like Rising Star, but for an NBA Superstar of your choice to use... Like an EA version of 2K's Create-A-Legend Mode. All the modes you currently have playableonline and offline. Oncemultiplayer isn't available anymoreonline, you'll still be able to gain Coins and NBA Points. More realistic presentation and better commentary. I know for Madden NFL 15, EA hired an NFL cinematographer so that game will give more of an NFL feel... Maybe you could also get an NBA cinematographer so the next  NBA Live game will have more of a LIVE NBA feel.

Message 1 of 5 (1,913 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Feedback, Opinions, & Suggestions

Community Manager

Thank you for your feedback, we do appreciate it.


We do have a specific website for feedback on EA Sports titles, can I ask that you log in and post your input there?


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Message 2 of 5 (1,981 Views)

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Re: Feedback, Opinions, & Suggestions

Community Manager

Thank you for your feedback, we do appreciate it.


We do have a specific website for feedback on EA Sports titles, can I ask that you log in and post your input there?

Message 2 of 5 (1,982 Views)

Re: Feedback, Opinions, & Suggestions

★★★ Newbie

Of course! I'm glad I was able to get it to the right area! Thanks.

Message 3 of 5 (1,898 Views)

Re: Feedback, Opinions, & Suggestions

Community Manager

You are welcome, thanks again Standard smile

Message 4 of 5 (1,894 Views)

Re: Feedback, Opinions, & Suggestions

★★★ Newbie

Sir please give me some tips how to pulloff size up and signature moves it will help me in the game i have been playing this game long time but I can do only spin move i see many times that computer can do that moves but I can't please give me some tips how to do that moves 

Message 5 of 5 (950 Views)