[PC] Unable to Launch Mass Effect 1

by mikewoo6425235

Original Post

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1

Community Manager

@mikewoo6425235 I appreciate it. I can send them the file itself!


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Message 91 of 122 (460 Views)

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1

★★★★ Apprentice


It's been eleven days since I last heard anything.

Is there any indication of progress?

Message 92 of 122 (380 Views)

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1

★★★★ Apprentice

@EA_Shepard, @holger1405 

Today is March 27, which means it's been 23 days since anyone tried to contact me.

Is there any word on progress? Anything at all? I really hope so.

Message 93 of 122 (320 Views)

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1

Community Manager

@mikewoo6425235 I had not seen any updates here or from the account being escalated, so honestly I thought it was fixed. I am going to look at the account and see what I can do.


Can you please try to run the game again, and then attach a new DxDiag for me? I'm going to ping someone to see if the account end can be reviewed and that will be the first thing they ask for.


I need to play catch-up really on this one. Can you also answer the following for me?


Can you launch the game as admin?

Does the game launch in cleanboot?

Does the game launch in safe mode with networking?
Have any and all antiviruses been disabled?
Have you added an exception to the Windows firewall or security?

Does the game work on an entirely different machine?

Have you created (recently) a new Admin account on the PC you play on?


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Message 94 of 122 (317 Views)

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1

★★★★ Apprentice


Okay, here goes.


No, me1 will not run in normal mode

No, me1 will not run in admin

No, me1 will not run in clean boot.

No, me1 will not run in Safe Mode, either with or without networking

Yes, I have tried with antivirus disabled

Yes, I have added exceptions to windows firewall

I do not have a separate machine to attempt me1 on

No, I have not created a new admin account


I know this doesn't look good, but I hope it helps. I have attached a dxdiag from today to this email.

Message 95 of 122 (307 Views)

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1

Community Manager

@mikewoo6425235 I appreciate it. I will look at the account here in a bit. Gotta run to some meetings first but I have everything pulled up. 


I will let you know what I find!


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Message 96 of 122 (288 Views)

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

@mikewoo6425235 I took a look at the file you attached and I can see quite a few things happening. No errors that I see relating to the game itself but I do see errors with the EA app and other programs. There is something on the PC that does not want to launch it. 


I took a look at the account, and the account itself is in good standing. The game itself was replaced, so it's not an entitlement issue with the game. The EA app is faulting due to Windows DLL errors. Below is everything I found that may be contributing to this.


1. **WindowsServicingFailureInfo:** This is related to a LxssManager.dll file error within Windows.

2. **APPCRASH with EADesktop.exe:** This error is happening due to "ntdll.dll", a critical system file.

3. **MoAppHang with Microsoft.Windows.Search:** This error indicates that the Microsoft Windows Search app has stopped responding.

4. **AppHangB1 with firefox.exe:** I would wipe out Firefox and do a fresh install


Your GPU drivers show that they are a couple of months out of date from the DxDiag as well. 


I think these have been performed previously, but I would first wipe the game completely. Delete all files and folders relating to Mass Effect and the EA app itself. Then move on to these steps.

Everything relates to Windows or Windows files. Something does not like the Masseffect.exe file. I cannot officially suggest a Windows reinstall, but I would look towards repairing the HDD, and Windows, get as much updated or uninstalled as possible, and then reinstall the EA app and the game to the default locations.


I would also suggest a registry cleaner as well. Often reinstalling a game won't work due to the registry location or files being corrupted.


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Message 97 of 122 (282 Views)

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1

★★★★ Apprentice


Wow. Okay, I've done the following

Uninstalled EA App and ME1
Ran system file checker
Ran Windows Update
Updated video drivers to today.
Reinstalled visual C redistributables. There were 12 of them.
Ran ccleaner's registry cleaner 4 times (kept running until it stopped throwing errors)
Removed and reinstalled Firefox


Finally, reinstalled EA App and ME1
After all this, I'm hesitant to try launching me1, but that was the whole point, no?

So: launching me1... and I'm still getting 'failed to launch game' errors. Sigh.


Boy, in spite of the fact I've already reinstalled Windows, I'm almost ready to wipe Windows <again>, just because this is so frustrating.

Message 98 of 122 (261 Views)

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1



Does the game run in a clean boot?


If not:

Create a new Windows user account  (Administrator) don't use local special characters, use only  Characters from the ASCII table

  • Reboot > Log in to the new user account.
  • Test.
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Death closes all: but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done, Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.
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Isaac Asimov
Message 99 of 122 (239 Views)

Re: Unable to launch Mass Effect 1

★★★★ Apprentice


Game did not work in clean boot, so I created a new user, made it admin, and restarted on that account.

On that account, me1 silently fails. I've tried launching three times, and me1 just will not start.

I don't know if it's Windows or the computer itself, but it's no good. Thanks for trying anyway.

Message 100 of 122 (224 Views)