Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no loss)

by hspilla

Original Post

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie

I feel you guys either don't read the whole story or don't want to deal with the actual glitch and try to fix it! We are saying there is a loophole in the online match and whoever wants is using that in the game. So, it is not a matter of who is cheating, its a matter of who is going to fix the glitch then no one is doing it again! This case is no longer about who is cheating, it is a case of a crash in the game!

Message 61 of 115 (2,640 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★ Novice

Happened twice to me today in Division 4 , playing on PC. Very frustrating how after hard games in last minute these losers cheat and escapte. 

Message 62 of 115 (2,558 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie



In the last couple of weeks every second game I play that I am about to win is left by the opponent in game. As soon as this happens the game does not count. Just in  the last two games it happened twice while leading 5-1 in the 92’ and 4-0 after less than 30’.

The game is unplayable like this. With not fixing this glitch u do encourage all the cheaters to continue this poor behaviour .

I don’t mind players leaving game when loosing badly, but the result must count.

I admit leaving games occasionally too, but by pausing the game and exiting it in a normal way.


While I am a solid Div 2 and sometimes Div 1 player, this glitch helps poor players to reach higher divisions as they obviously do not loose thanks to this incompetence. Mostly the players that do that are not competitive opponents. 
As a paying customers for years I request an answer and an immediate fix.

Message 63 of 115 (2,493 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★ Novice

Just started happening to me now that I'm playing in Div 3. These scumbags who leave the game in the 90th minute and then it does not count. Super frustrated ...............

Message 64 of 115 (2,427 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie

I’m fuming 😤 right now, this just happened to me in Division 2, after struggling to beat my opponent 5-3, 89th minute he tackles my player with his last defender, quits the game and there is no record of the match, no win no loss, I’m so pissed. This has been happening but I always thought it was some kind of glitch until I found this thread and I’m getting the idea, these opponents do this intentionally 🤦🏾‍♂️

Message 65 of 115 (2,161 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Well, we all are frustrated from this. But, we shouldn't forget the main reason of this is the glitch which someone mentioned here in the thread! It's when you have two screens on and when you are loosing you press the other screen and game freezes and then this happens. I can now approve it! Fifa, maybe you don't hear our frustration or you don't care, but fix this glitch!

Message 66 of 115 (2,124 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie

Hello Fifa Team,


Why isn't there any response from you? Why don't you care? You permamently fix bugs, why can't you fix this one?

Why are you able to do such a big hullabaloo with anticheat, secure boot and lots of trouble with all that at the beginning of fifa23 and there is still such a stupid simple way to cheat anyway. You got it reported for years and you still don't react. Why?


Cheers, Ion

Message 67 of 115 (2,059 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★★★ Newbie

this has happened to me many times too. yesterday in league 1 in 3 of 3 games. this is super frustrating.

Will never buy fifa again.

Message 68 of 115 (1,885 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie

It just happened to me again, this so sh…t.

I was winning 7-3 the guys disconnected and no result. I don’t think it’s fair to spend so mush money in game and some peoples take advantage on it.


Message 69 of 115 (1,477 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie

It's happening in FIFA 23 too, just had this problem and it's revolting how EA simply stopped giving a f***.

Message 70 of 115 (1,348 Views)