Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no loss)

by hspilla

Original Post

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★★★ Newbie

It is funny that you mentioned this issue in Jan. and they haven't fixed it yet.

I have PS5 Digital Edition, and my device is LAN connected, I have 1 GBPS, and still, have the same issue with EA Fifa 22, and it happened in my last 3 games.

Message 31 of 115 (3,250 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★★ Novice

Just got this * after 15:0

FIFA 22 7_31_2022 1_44_35 AM.jpgFIFA 22 7_31_2022 1_44_44 AM.png

Message 32 of 115 (3,244 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie
Admin are you normal ??? 
Message 33 of 115 (3,213 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★★★ Novice

I've been playing seasons on PC for last two years in Division 1, every few opponents seem to know how to glitch it to leave without giving me the win...I have never had the game disconnect while losing. If it is a connection issue on their end its very convenient they are disconnecting while down 4-0. In one case I went up 3-0 against an opponent who left without giving me the win, I then matched against this same player 6 times in a row while going up 1-0 and him leaving instantly after I score over and over. Overall I am probably currently missing about 50-100 wins of opponents using this in the world is this not fixed when its the last few months of the edition.

Message 34 of 115 (3,150 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★ Apprentice
@Dvolpi I'm having the same problem too, opponents quit the game after 1 or 3 goals, and the win doesn't count on the historical... This is so so so frustrating, all those players deserve to be banned instantly. EA apparently doesn't give a * about Online Seasons
Message 35 of 115 (3,023 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I've logged on to this to report the same thing. It's frustrating. 

And it's being done by skilled players who can't take a loss. 

I came here after an intense game against a skilled player who goes and does that quit without a loss glitch 80% into the game. (I play on a PC with an controller)

Message 36 of 115 (3,004 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie

hey dude this is a real problem dont ignore it ffs....

Message 37 of 115 (2,954 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie

I totally agree with this. It's annoying, I just played one too now, winning 5 : 0 half-time and quit the game. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Message 38 of 115 (2,906 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie

Will try this but has this worked for you tho ?? 

Message 39 of 115 (2,890 Views)

Re: Seasons - opponent quits losing game but match doesn’t count (no win, no los

★★★ Newbie

I totally agree with you. I would like to have matches with you tho. You can add me 

Message 40 of 115 (3,265 Views)