I deleted my fifa 19 game and now I cant download it again.

by snakeshafeeq02

Original Post

I deleted my fifa 19 game and now I cant download it again.

★★★★★ Newbie

I did some initialising thing with my PS4 cos it didnt work and I deleted all my games but the only one I couldnt get back was my fifa 19. Can I know why is it Because it is a discountinued game. But If I payed for it does that not mean I should be able to play it as long as I like?


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Re: I deleted my fifa 19 game and now I cant download it again.

Community Manager

Hey @snakeshafeeq02,


If you own the game digitally all you need to do is login with your PSN Account that you used to purchase the game to download it again. When the online services for a game are sunset, you should still be able to download the game to play it offline. 


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