Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) and Scripting.

by EA_Cade

Original Post

Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) and Scripting.

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

As many of you are aware, posts pertaining to Scripting, DDA or Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment are not allowed on Answers HQ as they don't pertain to the FIFA series in any way. 


Additionally, we in fact did allow these conversations on Answers HQ in the past and they never lead to anything productive/ devolved to name calling and account actions.


In light of this, I would like to call your attention to this post made by @EA_Andy last year as our stance has not changed in the time since it was posted. 

@EA_Andy wrote:

We’ve heard your concerns around the Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment patent family (here and here), and wanted to confirm it’s not used in EA SPORTS FIFA. We would never use it to advantage or disadvantage any group of players against another in any of our games. The technology was designed to explore how we might help players that are having difficulty in a certain area of a game have an opportunity to advance.

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