Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

by fikrettie

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Accepted Solution

Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

★ Novice

I have only played 25 of 40 matches and have been on elite 1 for a is allowing me to play the games and showing me the points I'm gaining from winning those games yet it will not rank up.....doesn't even move!!! I'm stuck on elite 1 and haven't been progressing for the last 4 matches despite it showing me points I am gaining from winning matches....please help!

Message 1 of 16 (59,454 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

Hey @fikrettie 


The bar is no longer progressing because you've reached the maximum rank on Squad Battles. The next rank is top 200 which is competitive. You're gonna have to reach the minimum rating to reach the Top 200 Leaderboard, which can be found on the leaderboard tab in Squad Battles.

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Message 3 of 16 (59,414 Views)

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Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

★ Novice

UPDATE*** I have just played another game to double check... I have again gained points but bar is not progressing at all! Rank is not improving and bar is not moving at all, almost as though its stuck and the points I'm gaining are having no impact.  Very disappointing and a waste of my timeFrown

Message 2 of 16 (59,439 Views)

Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

Hey @fikrettie 


The bar is no longer progressing because you've reached the maximum rank on Squad Battles. The next rank is top 200 which is competitive. You're gonna have to reach the minimum rating to reach the Top 200 Leaderboard, which can be found on the leaderboard tab in Squad Battles.

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Message 3 of 16 (59,415 Views)

Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

★★★ Newbie

What do you mean by minimum rating? Do you mean if the guy at 200th has 40,000points i have to beat that amount to get in?

Message 4 of 16 (59,265 Views)

Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

★ Pro

Yes.  The problem is there is too much of a gap between Elite 1 and the top 200.  They need to change it and add another level between the two for better rewards.  Elite is many times only around 50,000 points and to get into top 200 you need around 100,000 points.  Elite 1 is top 3%.  They should add another level for top 1%.  

Message 5 of 16 (59,258 Views)

Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

★★★ Newbie

Dont worry i have the same issue (stuck at elite 1) bu i  got 92 Casillas Tradable that gave me around 500k from squad battle. Keep going

Message 6 of 16 (56,487 Views)

Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

★★ Novice

My problem is am stuck in elite 2 although am am earning enough points to take me in elite 1 and it's been a day now am just playing but nothing had changed

Message 7 of 16 (55,766 Views)

Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

★★★ Newbie

Whats the minimum rating 

Message 8 of 16 (50,620 Views)

Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

@DOWNR619 Minimum ratings can vary depending on time and day. You can find the up-to-date ratings in the squad battles ranks and rewards tab.

Black Champion chinsrus.png

Message 9 of 16 (50,565 Views)

Re: Cannot go higher than elite 1 on squad battles!!!

★★★ Newbie

How do you get rewards ? I’m also all the way to Elite 1 and haven’t gotten any packs 

Message 10 of 16 (49,326 Views)