Persisting runtime error

by DarthVadress30

Original Post

Persisting runtime error

★★★ Newbie

When loading my most recent save for Dragon Age 2, which I played yesterday without issues, it would not load. It gave me the Runtime Windows C++ error.

I have trawled through forums for hours and tried every possible solution:

  1. Downloading the most recent 86 AND 64 x redist files.
  2. Adding a new txt file called systeminformation.xml in the folder.
  3. Allowlisting the game in my Norton security provider (this was already on the allowlist).
  4. Checking text files are not read-only.
  5. Downloading the latest Windows update.

Nothing is working. This is incredibly frustrating. Does your game no longer work with Windows?

Message 1 of 2 (176 Views)

Re: Persisting runtime error

Community Manager

Hi @DarthVadress30 Would it be possible to get a DxDiag file?


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