Red Alert 2 - Error unable to set video mode - need help

by nikolai1984carls

Original Post

Re: Red Alert 2 - Error unable to set video mode - need help

★★★ Novice

Is this different with the EA app? I was able to fix it once, but now it doesn't let me save the notepad config. files because it says I don't have permission. Can anyone help?

Message 21 of 28 (2,040 Views)

Re: Red Alert 2 - Error unable to set video mode - need help

★★★ Novice
@FunkyFr3shCnCNet Thanks for these. Now with the new EA app, it doesn't seem to allow me to save these .ini files when I edit them. I have used the video resolution =0 to fix the lagging problem before by editing here, but now after reloading the game it is lagging again and it won't let me save these files in the folder since I operate it out of the EA app. What to do?
Message 22 of 28 (2,036 Views)

Re: Red Alert 2 - Error unable to set video mode - need help

★★★ Novice
@Prayayom I kept searching and was able to fix it. Here were my steps:
Also, with the new EA app it was not allowing me to save the notepad file -- it said I didn't have permission to edit the files.

I right-clicked on the RAII main folder>properties>security tab, then for ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES, ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES, SYSTEM, and then I also did for the users, clicked the Allow button under "full control".

I applied the changes, then okay, then opened the configuration file, added the 'VideoBackBuffer=no' and then clicked File>Save and it didn't bring up the same alert saying I didn't have permission. Now, the game runs fast again running it through the EA App.
Message 23 of 28 (2,025 Views)

Re: Red Alert 2 - Error unable to set video mode - need help

★★★ Newbie

thankx man

Message 24 of 28 (1,425 Views)

Re: Red Alert 2 - Error unable to set video mode - need help

★★★ Newbie
@FunkyFr3shCnCNet thanks man
Message 25 of 28 (1,429 Views)

Re: Red Alert 2 - Error unable to set video mode - need help

★★★ Newbie

After the update video is screwed.

Editting ini files does not help.

Install CCnet (google for it)

You can set all kinds of video settings. I use mine on 1920x1200 full screen.


After that you can use CCnet with seperate launcher or the EA version with correct set video.

Message 26 of 28 (432 Views)

Re: Red Alert 2 - Error unable to set video mode - need help

[ Edited ]

@gewoonmeneer wrote:

Editting ini files does not help.

It does, actually, but there's a new DDrawCompat.ini that also needs to be edited. You can just add the option "native" to the end of the supported resolutions line to make it support all your natively available resolutions.


@Prayayom You can get around that in two ways:

  • Look up Notepad in the start menu, and launch it as Administrator. Then go to File -> Open and open the file from there. (drag & drop from Windows Explorer won't work though, since you can't drag stuff between windows with different user rights)
  • Move your games library to a different location where it's not under the write-protected "Program Files" folder.

Like a lot of people helping out around this place, I am a volunteer, not an EA employee. I'm just here to help. If my answer helped you, please give XP. And if an answer solved your problem, be sure to accept it as solution.
I will not help with game questions sent as private messages; those questions belong on the boards where everyone can see my answers.
Message 27 of 28 (379 Views)

Re: Red Alert 2 - Error unable to set video mode - need help

★★★★★ Newbie

Thank you FunkyFreshCNCNET, the 32 bit color depth fix really fixed my problem. Thank you from the bottom of my heart man!

Message 28 of 28 (152 Views)