Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

by EA_Alexander

Original Post

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

★★★ Newbie

The GDI MLRS and the NOD Rockworm are to OP. One Rock worm could take out 3 tile and there's is really no way to counter unless you have air units, that's if you were lucky to unlock early. 

Message 61 of 895 (6,193 Views)

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

★★★★★ Novice

It does seem like air is one's only chance.

Message 62 of 895 (6,189 Views)

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

ok! so i got a rare crate for delivery, and it will cost gems to rush it. the same rare crate type is available at the shop for less gems. I will not ever rush a crate delivery again at that price. i have and I'm kicking my self now. Maybe it should be the same price to rush the crate or raise the shops price.

Message 63 of 895 (6,173 Views)

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

★ Guide
The crate price in the shop rises based on something (possibly number of crates purchased? I think I've gotten two rare crates out of the shop already), for me rare crates currently cost 170 while epic crates are 820. Though also if you are going to rush a crate, spend fuel first, then rush, you'll save a lot of gems that way.
Message 64 of 895 (6,169 Views)

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

★ Novice

Currently I'm still getting matched with players 200+ xp  higher than me with 2 harvesters and titans. Titans are too powerful vs lower players. I have nothing that can counter esp if someone has 2 harvesters and can bring 2 titans early in the game. I had 3 level 6 sandstorms and a level 6 tank against 1 titan and the titan leveled everything!!! Once lootboxed rng titans come out I can't counter with anything as anything higher is via crate or from level 8. It's no good getting something from level 8 if I can't get past level 4. Titans should not have same build cost as sandstorms as they are far stronger.  I'm also getting matched with the same players 2x in a row. Ie level 635 vs me 428 with 2 harvesters and titan load out. I get blown out the water and matched again to him the very next match. Im also getting pitted against my own clan members. I'm never going to get to level up at this rate. I was 5 points away from level 5, now I'm over 96 away because of dual harvesters and titans. Also if you type Titans in a sentience in clan chat it bleeps it out. Please make titans have higher build cost or not have 5500 base health with 320 dps when a level 6 sandstorm only has 4887 health and 57 dps. and same build cost. Even a level 5 Wolverine gets melted by Titans.

Message 65 of 895 (6,163 Views)

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

★ Guide
Sandstorms and titans are fine at the same cost not because they are the same strength, but because, while the titan will definitely beat the sandstorm on the ground, the sandstorm is a whole lot more versatile. Titans utterly die to infantry and air units, I admit you might have some trouble at early levels and its possible it becomes available too soon like the rockworm does, I honestly don't know for sure, nobody had titans when I was at those levels and you're the first person I've heard complain about them, but nerfing the titan is not the answer there, possibly delaying its unlock or ensuring players get at least one decent counter early on might be.

As to your matchmaking problems, that is almost entirely due to the low number of players in the alpha. Honestly 200 points off isn't that bad right now, I occasionally fight people 1000 points off from me, and if only myself and one other person in the top 10 are on, we fight each other repeatedly, just ask Snipes, they're in my alliance and we fought like 5 times over an hour or so last night while I worked my way back up to level 14 :P. Long term, this will solve itself, temporarily, there is likely no good solution here unless you want to get long delays on matches. Best solution you can probably do right now is to figure out when people in your level range are active and try to play around the same time so that you can get matched up with them.

As I've said elsewhere and you'll find a lot around these forums, the two harvester thing is an odd problem to solve because more players matchmaking will eventually solve it without any changes, but right now it is a big pain to level 5 players who don't play aggressively enough to really punish it, no clue if they'll change that or not. My only suggestion to you at this point is to be sure to pressure your opponent, keep them defensive and reacting, keep what counters you do have in mind and slowly unlock stuff as you can. The best way to make up for a lack of income compared to your 2 harvester opponent is to destroy their harvesters and get yourself a tidy resource boost in the process, and you know, those titans are expensive, the more resources you deny them the more counters you can field and the more questionable the choice of making a titan gets.
Message 66 of 895 (6,152 Views)

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

One thing I'd suggests that a losing streak not be penalized after a certain amount of loses. A user could just get stuck in an vicious random matching job, that would be terrible, but it does happen to me and not losing any points with Nod is just helpful, but silly. I've never had an advantage in a match where ALL my units, points, and faction are better than the other user. maybe just one unit of mine would be at a higher level, but it's most often a unit that I use as a filler.


The matching of users just feels like it's a battles played number in matching the users. points early in the game obviously not a good indicator of strength. Some help here would be nice in the loading of establishing battlefield control. Something I would use that will tell me something of the other player, and a chance to win. The rewards could be set greater for a worse chance of winning (5 to 1 odds) than a bigger chance (1 to 1)

Message 67 of 895 (6,120 Views)

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

★★★ Newbie

You can also limit the amount of the tech lab unit since there all OP.

Message 68 of 895 (6,110 Views)

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

★ Guide
I wish I could ask you to share a replay, but since that's tough to do, why do you think they're op? Have you not managed to unlock counters for some number of them? Is your opponent getting them out in vast quantity? The former is relatively known and fixed by adjusting when stuff unlocks + becomes less of an issue as you level, the latter would be that you aren't putting enough pressure on your opponent early on, tech lab/temple units are expensive and can be very risky to build if your opponent is applying pressure to you throughout the game.
Message 69 of 895 (6,095 Views)

Re: Game Balance and Matchmaking - We want your feedback!

★★★★★ Novice

Why do scarabs hit the air? I don't understand. People rush this and snipe a harvester for free (It should take two units to snipe ONE harvester because if you don't have a wall prepared before hand you CANNOT stop them.


EVERYBODY OPEN WITH THIS AS NOD and you can get an insurmountable head start. Abuse it before it's patched!


Now if I only had the damn unit...

Message 70 of 895 (6,073 Views)