C&C generals zero hour resolution issue.

by 89629393322dc383

Original Post

C&C generals zero hour resolution issue.

★★★ Newbie

So i have a really strange issue that i cannot find a fix for or even a mention, ive searched high and low all over every forum known to the internet...

So i change my resolution to 4096-2160 in the options.ini as eveyone says... game starts up fine, no issues... looks fantastic! But.... BUT....

all of the battle honours completely dissapear everytime i change the resolution and its driving me insane! I cannot figure out what this could be? Soon as i change the resolution down again to half that... the battle honours come back? Anyone have any information as to why this happens and if its fixable? thanks.

Message 1 of 3 (207 Views)

Re: C&C generals zero hour resolution issue.

★ Pro
The Game was never designed for that Resolution.
I found that to prevent this issue, either using a Widescreen MOD or setting a 4:3 Ratio usually gets around the issue. Not 100% of the time though, Windows 11 is funny like that.
Message 2 of 3 (187 Views)

Re: C&C generals zero hour resolution issue.

★★★★★ Novice
@89629393322dc383 Download and install GenTool, then select 4096x2160 in the game resolutions list in the game options.
Message 3 of 3 (159 Views)