How can anyone like Storm Point?

by jokool_aid

Original Post

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

★ Guide

the typical black or withe troll answer.

Message 21 of 31 (2,253 Views)

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

★★★★ Expert

Don't know if that was specifically directed at me, but I'll answer by saying that I sort of assumed the original poster was putting out a troll question.


Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, I'll put it a different way:


If the consistent criticism within this thread is that Storm Point is too big, then I would like to know "too big for what?" My assumption, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that we're dealing with a few players who have, as I said, arena-shooter attention spans. I've landed on this map plenty of times, and if you're looking for action then land in Antenna, Checkpoint, Storm Watch, or anywhere in between. Plenty of gun fights to be found. After the initial scrums are over you may or may not find back-to-back fights. If you don't this is precisely because some players, such as myself, don't like endless, non-stop action and appreciate a bigger map that allows for a slower pace of play. Is Apex such a small and insular world that we can't accomodate more than one meta and more than one play style? Is your attention span really that short?

Message 22 of 31 (2,241 Views)

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

★★ Guide

i god  damn hate this map with a passion. i hate fragment but at least the rest of WE is fun to play.


SP is just 90% walking around doing nothing and then 10% getting attacked by 4 teams at once some how.  It needs to be like 25% smaller or add more gravity guns or jump towers to make it less boring AF.

Message 23 of 31 (2,151 Views)

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

★★★★ Expert

If you're getting attacked by four squads at once, on any map, then you have something to learn about this game, and that something includes the ability to understand when map size has nothing whatsoever to do with the problem.

25% smaller would make SP the smallest in the game by a wide margin. If you want to play arena-style then go play in the arena.

Add more grav cannons and jump towers? This map has 20 pairs of gravity cannons, one jump tower, and at least 10 tridents. If you can't figure out ways to use some of those tools to make this map as small as you need it to be then you're not trying very hard.
Message 24 of 31 (1,970 Views)

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

★★★★★ Pro
@reconzero This is truth. I'm still working on my situational awareness to avoid putting myself in positions where I'll be 3rd partied. The lack of audio doesn't help sometimes, but it is either my fault or just unavoidable most of the time.

The tools to get around on SP are risk/reward decisions. If you always choose to walk/run because of the risks, then you have a higher chance of spending more of your game doing that than fighting. Your choice either way. You just have to change how you play the map compared to other maps.
Message 25 of 31 (1,825 Views)

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

★★ Novice

As a map stormpoint is fairly decent for ranked matches go for longer lots more spread out but for pubs I agree why play stormpoint as a pubs match when you want games to go quickly.

Message 26 of 31 (1,780 Views)

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

★★★ Newbie

This map sucks, only people that like are the little wait and hide so they can 3rd party. All I run into anymore is people camping and running. This game as become pathetic with all the camp characters and defense. 

Message 27 of 31 (1,762 Views)

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

★★★ Newbie

hope they remove it soon, getting tired of that map

Message 28 of 31 (1,071 Views)

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

What I like about Storm Point...


It is one of the best segmented maps in Apex. In contrast, Kings Canyon and Olympus are wide open and this makes traversing many areas uninviting. (If you love sniping, then wide open is your thing, but there can be plenty of balance that makes sniping just as fun and not so open.)


It is natural looking, not artificial. (Broken Moon is good on this count also, but Kings Canyon is washed out.) In contrast, Olympus looks like artificial turf (not bad, just not ideal, a matter of preference and taste).


It has vehicle travel mode so no need to hump the long hauls if you plan well.


It has plenty of items all through out and it doesn't seem to me that you have to go very far to come across more loot.





Message 29 of 31 (894 Views)

Re: How can anyone like Storm Point?

★ Guide

It's interesting to see how people think, "Why isn't this playing like CoD? Why? Why?  What is the problem?"




Message 30 of 31 (879 Views)