Fix map rotation BM is dump

by RC3351

Original Post

Fix map rotation BM is dump

★★ Novice

So my crew of three all hate broken moon. If we see it's up as well as in Ranked for an hour of the hour and a half we are looking to play in an evening - we often opt to just not play Apex.


All the other maps have their great qualities and are fun, but BM is just unbearable. It's too spread out. You spend half the game trying to find another squad to fight unless you go straight to Promonade and have half the lobby fighting.


There are no fun places to land. On other maps it's a tuff choice between fun places to land but I can't find one I like on BM.


However, I know some lunatic out there actually likes BM and feels the same about another map. So my suggested fix is simple: rotate the maps in a way that regular and ranked are never the same. That way nobody faces the choice of playing the map they hate or logging off. It's easy and satisfies most reasonable players.


While I'm here, please consider adding something to the main lobby page of the game advising of an upcoming update so people know before they set up to log on with their friends.

Message 1 of 5 (1,159 Views)

Re: Fix map rotation BM is dump

★★★★ Expert

"You spend half the game trying to find another squad to fight unless you go straight to Promonade and have half the lobby fighting."

And you're not having this exact same problem on each and every one of the other maps? Estates, The Cage, The Antenna (or whatever it's called now), and of course everyone's favorite: Fragments?
Message 2 of 5 (900 Views)

Re: Fix map rotation BM is dump

★★ Novice

Not nearly to the same degree. All other maps have fun landing spots and interesting areas except for Broken Moon. So I find finding squads to fight earlier easier on every other map. I think the need for the zip lines shows that the map is too big. But I'll also add that the size of the map isn't the entire issue, its that the map is very bland.

Message 3 of 5 (883 Views)

Re: Fix map rotation BM is dump

★★★★ Expert

Is the map bland visually or from a gameplay standpoint? Personally I prefer the two newer, bigger maps. And the zip rails are no different than KC/WE jump towers or Olympus tridents, at least not to me.

If I have any criticism of BM it's the incredible number of choke points that make a center-of-map rotation into a living hell. Although the zip rails help.

At any rate, my experience of this map is identical to my experience of all the others. In my lobbies, regardless of map, two thirds of the lobby land in the same two or three center-of-map POIs. Which, as an edge dropper, is just fine with me. I'm perfectly willing to go 17 minutes without an engagement if I think it's bringing me closer to a win. Which it often is.

That said, I've often told my short-attention-span squadmates that if they're desperate for a gun fight then I can find them one (on any map) in less than a minute. You just have to play enough to know where people drop, and then where and when they'll move to get to the next circle. They really are that predictable. At least in my lobbies.
Message 4 of 5 (868 Views)

Re: Fix map rotation BM is dump

★★ Novice

I find the map to be visually bland. I'd disagree about the zip rails being the same because with jump towers and tridents you have flexibility of movement.


My crew has yet to find favourite landing spots and rotations like we do on other maps. Nothing to compare to Caustic's place on KC, Towers, hospital on Olympus.


I'd say my crew plays just as much for the fun of winning fire fights than we do winning games, so a 17min stretch without combat isn't what we are looking for. An ideal game for us is dropping with one or two other squads, making it out alive, taking down at least one more squad to up shields and get good loot (best loot is in enemy death boxes) then position for the final ring to try and snag the W.


I'll go back to my suggestion too, acknowledging that it's likely that many of us have different map preferences, that the ranked map and reg maps rotate in a way that they are never the same so players always have choice.

Message 5 of 5 (859 Views)