
by Max1mix

Original Post


★ Novice

Season after season I'm waiting to bring back the arenas , but nothing happens. All Your "Mixtape" are just bad, every time I join some of the "Mixtape" games someone leave, I just don't like non of the "Mixtape" games. And now this "Rumble" mod witch is actually the worst of all mods, 3 strike it is just not enjoyable at all. Can you please bring back "Arenas" not as a Mixtape mod because I don't want to play 1 game and wait 30 min. to play next. I just can not see what is the problem why did you remove them, you can add as many mods you want, but why did you remove "Arenas". The most enjoyable moment with my friends are on "Arenas" I hope you add them again some day!

Message 1 of 2 (273 Views)

Re: Arenas

★★★★★ Newbie
@Max1mix I agree Arenas was balanced and fun more than other game modes. I also found it easier having fun and socializing with people in arenas too. I thought they were crazy for removing it also, but I remembered that Coca Cola also did this. They removed their original “best” recipe so customers bought out their inventory and crave it even more until they brought it back. Apex might be doing the same unless they’re completely clueless.
Message 2 of 2 (186 Views)