My list of Legend Concepts. Not details. Ok, few details.

by Zulkiers

Original Post

My list of Legend Concepts. Not details. Ok, few details.

★ Guide


  • Pulse Blade (Titanfall 2 type)
  • Sniper (unlike Vantage)
    • Passive is enhanced zoom capabilities. Not tracking.
    • Or that is the ability, with no cooldown or duration. Sort of like drone view.
    • Another Passive, slotting a sniper scope on your equipment bar for use in unarmed aim, so you can recon an area before taking aim. Kind of like Vantage's but no tracking and longer range.
    • Ultimate is a Sniper slot with full loadout capability. Without slotting a sniper there, you get a 1 bullet sniper with controllable bullet that deals 100+ damage and 3x+ headshot multiplier. Most people probably can't hit with that since the bullet is so small, and even though slowed still very fast. In most cases, the enemy will have line of sight, and can counter snipe while the bullet flies.
  • Sniper Mk2 - redesign of sniper made just now
    • Passive: Snipers have no muzzle flash and have reduced sound and reduced tracers. You become semi-transparent when aiming down a sniper scope. You can boost the range of long range scopes with the passive activation button while ADS a long scope. While boosted, you can release ADS or retoggle to cease the boost. You have an energy meter.
    • Tactical: Allows you to crawl, making your profile very small, but easy to hit from above, and increasing your accuracy greatly. Movement is slow and causes a great accuracy penalty, and you cannot aim while moving this way.
    • Ultimate: Guaranteed Sniper.
    • Should this be assault?


  • Arsenal - literally nothing but weapon slots. Passive is sidearm slot, tactical is unmodded slot, ultimate is fully moddable. Then of course you have primary and secondary weapons.
  • The Turret - Dual wield and cannot aim. Big hitbox. A little tanky. Like a Sentry bot from Fallout games by Bethesda.
  • Pyromancer/Pyromantic - takes reduced thermite damage if any and carries extra thermite. Tac is pool of thermite. Ult is either giant thermite pool or a flamethrower that works like shiela.
  • Ion - Vortex Shield tactical
  • Scorch - Thermite stuff and Thermite Shield tactical
  • Dueler - another dual wield idea. Wasn't really thought out though.


  • Backpack Guy - can carry an ally deathbox to the respawn beacon they respawn them at. Can carry extra loot, slowing their speed while overloaded. 
  • Brickshield - Carries a solid shield that intercepts bullets and melee, and can intercept frag blasts if positioned right, and regenerates while not under fire. Shield expands to cover 50% while reviving. Can make a tiny pillbox as his Ult. Half the width of Castle Wall, but fully defensive instead of one sided or cornered.
  • Flasher/Spotlight - passive is toggleable. While active, fires once every 3 seconds while firing, blinding anyone within short range who is looking at him. Occurs from his helm. Tactical is an energy based spotlight on his shoulder, blinding those who look at it. While active it can be shot to be disabled, kind of like Crypto's drone. Ult is placeable spotlights with similar effect. Ult has many charges. At max charges, can instead be used to summon a dropship that has four spotlights mounted to it, spotting nearby enemies. The dropship will also respawn allies whose banner cards you have. It is a channeled cast time for the dropship, similar to using a respawn beacon. Can even be used inside a building. The dropship stays for 30-60 seconds. Same pathing as a normal dropship. When he respawns, he is in a spotlight dropship that remains for a few seconds. If he had full ultimate when he died, then this dropship will last ultimate duration.


  • Phantom - cloaks for a longer duration than mirage when downed. Emits a decoy if an ally mirage is near. Cloaks when reviving, being revived, using respawn beacons, or falling from dropships. While near an ally crypto, can allow him to cloak in drone view. Green head glow may still give him away though. Tactical is Cloak from Titanfall 2. Ultimate may be a cloaked cloak drone. Yes the drone can be destroyed, but it's very difficult to do because it's cloaked. Literally everything with his kit is cloaking.


  • Camera Man - Tactical allows him to setup cameras. Ultimate is a workstation that sets up a bunch of cameras in random places, without destroying any he placed himself if it reaches limit. Can even setup secret cams that are very difficult to spot. He receives feed from cameras within 200 meters and can look through them using his workstation. The workstation relays feed from cameras within 200 meters of it. He and the workstation can relay feed to each other and allies within 200 meters of either radius if they are within each other's radius. This can allow for a large area to setup a network. BTW, allies can use the workstation to view footage as well. This means enemies can probably use it too, so be careful. When eliminated, the workstation and cameras stay. Enemies can use that for themselves after eliminating you. Enemies might not be able to access your secret cams though.

Unknown Class

  • Chainsaw Guy - eh, probably gonna scrap that one.
  • Hitman/Imposter - too many ways this would be broken, seen through, or otherwise OP/Useless. Also probably too difficult to make. Based off Agent 47, being able to disguise as the enemy and become one amongst them. As well as assassin pistol.
  • Warper - difficult for brief explanation.
  • (skipped)
  • (skipped)
  • Spotter/Ex-Cop/Dunno - Warlord's Ire but pistols instead of shotguns. 6 variants for effect of passive related to such. Tactical: Spotting Goggles, like Vantage passive but reveal to group. Ult had a few variants: Goggle based targeting for bombardment, a taser, or tear gas.

Hmm, I'm missing a few on my webpage there... Gotta update that.


I also had this one:

  • Another character like revenant, probably another rev shell, whose tactical is to teleport behind a target. This requires line of sight, sight through window, or hit them in the last 3 seconds, or put a tracker on them.
    • Passive is Rev's old climb, before he was modded. This shell didn't get that modification.
    • Ult is a tracker that he can place on allies and enemies. He can have 4 trackers out at a time. On allies it allows teleporting from 200 meters away. On enemies it reveals them within 75 meters, allowing you to teleport, and also teleport when line of sight/hit requirement met up to 200 meter distance. On enemies it lasts for no longer than 30-60 seconds. They might be able to remove it or get it removed by their allies. When they are eliminated, that tracker dies. When they are downed, it remains.
    • Activating tactical on a downed target auto activated execution. You can cancel execution like normal though. This execute always starts you behind the target.
    • Activating flank teleport on an enemy deals double melee damage to them. And if they are downed, only if you swiftly cancel the execute.
    • This idea was based off Revenant's teleport execute. Same color scheme.
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