How To Fix Ash

by llAnxiety2Kll

Original Post

How To Fix Ash

★ Apprentice

If no is going to say it I'm going to Ash doesn't feel good as a Assault Legend or doesn't fit that class or role. I said before Ash felt like Skirmisher and Recon, but sadly I was wrong. Ash feels more as a Recon than Skirmisher and Assault.


Recon: Ash as in the Recon class can be very valuable and viable. Ash can literally play as a team's personal UAV if set up right and correctly. Her passive is good as reliable information and the one minute to live Evo upgrade makes it even more good. So let's set this up. Changes I would give Ash would be having the Murder Machine Evo Passive a buff to her Passive Ability Marked For Death, keep the One Minute To Live Evo Upgrade as it is, give her a new Level 3 Evo Upgrade know as the Eye Of Death (When Using The Survey Beacon or Ring Console all enemies are marked for 30 seconds or 45 seconds give or take revealing their position even when they are being mobile or not) and then keep her snare traps Evo Upgrade ability for level 2 and 3. 


On paper I know it sounds good and I know it's going to cause problems for the community, but the reason I said this is because of two reasons:


1) Ash isn't a good fit in the Assault Class because if the Assault is abouts Initiating the fights and Combat Utility than she's now offering enough as Bangalore who is very well round versatile legend, Fuse and Maggie can be very aggressive and Ballistic a question mark to me if I'm being honest. All I'm saying she lacks in that aggressive playstyle.


2) I'm getting tired of the sound audio being messed up with the legends and the sound queue for certain information that our gaming senses rely on.

Message 1 of 4 (304 Views)

Re: How To Fix Ash

★★★★ Guide

@llAnxiety2Kll You could argue that before her recent buff but now I strongly disagree. She does have so-so recon abilities but she's fairly good as an assault legend now. Her tactical can be used quickly and doesn't require you to drop her gun to use it. She can also Ult directly onto players who are broken, reloading, separated, or in a situation where your squad scores a knock. She's a fairly quick and aggressive legend now.

Message 2 of 4 (278 Views)

Re: How To Fix Ash

★ Novice

With the addition of this legend, i think ash is more outdated than ever. I think Ash should have her ult and her tactical swapped with the alteration that the throwing star now have unlimited uses for a 6 second duration. The portal remains a one way trip, and cant go through surfaces as normal, but has a 25 second cool down. The new throwing star ult has a half second delay after throwing a star before a new one can be thrown. The snare of the stars takes double the amount of time to break, and if you hold your ult during activation Ash slows her speed by 40% and brings out 6 throwing stars in her hands and takes 1.5 seconds to lock onto any enemies within 15 meters that are in front of her (even behind cover) and only visible enemies within 35 meters. When this charged ult is released the stars are thrown in random directions in wide arcs and seek out their targets. When the stars can't be evenly distributed, the extras go for the closest target.

Message 3 of 4 (274 Views)

Re: How To Fix Ash

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

@llAnxiety2KllAsh has the best ult to follow-up on a lot of dmg, that’s why she is in the assault category and that’s why she belongs there. Her tactical is very strong for her and makes her an exceptional duelist on its own now pair that with her small hitbox and she becomes one of the best duelists outshined only by ballistic

Message 4 of 4 (216 Views)