Falta itens do passe apex

por Higher_Kes

Publicação original

Falta itens do passe apex

★★★ Newbie

Comprei o passe antecipado da season 19 para 20 e não recebi os níveis.

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Re: Falta itens do passe apex

Community Manager

Hi @Higher_Kes,


Thanks for posting! Your post was on an English-speaking board. I've moved it to a Portuguese-speaking board. Readers will be able to read and understand it better here.

Please use this guide to discover the best board for your future posts: Getting started on Answers HQ! 


*Accept as Solution button- If a post answers your question please let us and other players know by hitting this button.
*Me Too button - 'Me Too' helps us track how many players are also experiencing that issue. Definitely make use of this button.
*XP button - Say Kudos and help players 'Level Up' by giving them XP for helpful posts.

Please only DM me if I've asked you to, or in the case of highly sensitive content. General questions/issues/topics are best shared on the forum where others can take part/benefit from the responses/solutions/workarounds

Mensagem 2 de 5 (210 Exibições)
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Re: Falta itens do passe apex

Community Manager
@Higher_Kes qual plataforma você joga?


Mensagem 3 de 5 (193 Exibições)
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Re: Falta itens do passe apex

Community Manager
Ola @Higher_Kes não recebemos retorno,passando para verificar se ainda precisa de ajuda.


Mensagem 4 de 5 (180 Exibições)
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Re: Falta itens do passe apex

Community Manager

[tópico encerrado pela administração pois não houve retorno do jogador]


Mensagem 5 de 5 (135 Exibições)
0 Kudos


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